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As mentioned in an earlier thread today (, I knew there was a few people here who streamed and I wanted to help them hopefully get some new viewers.

You'll now find that there is a new widget in the sidebar that shows current live streamers, the game they are playing and their channel status.


Clicking their picture or name will take you immediately to their twitch channel page. The little bubble on the right is the current viewer count. You then have the game they are playing as well as their channel status.

If you are a frequent contributor to this community and you stream, feel free to post your twitch channel in and I will add you.

Sweet Sixteen

By Michael,

Sixteen years ago, today, came to life and sixteen years later is still around. While people have come and gone has been a big part of a lot of our lives for the better or the worst, however in the end it has created a tight knit community who some may call their second family.



Happy Birthday!

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