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About Chimetals

  • Rank
    Well, /i/ thought it was a good idea.
  • Birthday April 05

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  • Chat Nick Chimetals
  • Gender Male

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  • Location Assiah

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  1. Chimetals

    having serious dragon nest withdrawal right now. i miss my paly so much ;A;
    1. Knuckle

      Aw jeez now I miss my priest too :(

    2. PrimaGaga

      i miss my level 40 Acrobat :<

  2. Chimetals

    ive really gotta make that manga reccommendation thread :/
    1. Michael

      Do it.

    2. emsomniac

      Dooooo iiiiiiit

  3. Chimetals

    whats CoE again?
    1. PrimaGaga

      Child of Eggs

    2. Michael

      Chickens of Earth

  4. Chimetals

    anac oyn n ere tda ih s?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sayubie

      I give you exactly one frown, friend.

    3. Chimetals

      i swear, theres something about typing it that makes it magically understandable.

    4. Sayubie

      probably the spacing.

  5. Chimetals

    Happy Wriggling Day, t1g and pheo :3
  6. Chimetals

    pretty sure i just broke something in my head by thinking too hard. oh right, my sanity. ive been meaning to get that checked for a while now :< too late, i guess.
    1. Chimetals

      engineering SUCKS.

  7. Chimetals

    pheo what have i told you about sleeping on the floor, jeegus
    1. pheonix561


  8. Chimetals

    dammit, catnip, when i plant three(ish) seeds in a spot, its because i expect ONE to grow. so why are you all growing oh my gawd
  9. Chimetals

    just had the sudden urge to roll healer/support in games for a while. still miss DN, though :<
  10. Chimetals

    i really need to get into the mood for drawing again :<
  11. Chimetals

    just talked to my japanese friend that i havent heard from in forever <3
  12. Chimetals

    Ann arbor, MI- illegal to open a can of beans with a pistol in a bar.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cascade



      It is illegal to fish for whales on a sunday.

      In Ohio.

  13. Chimetals

    apparently i have an insane handspan (22cm)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chimetals

      i was using an online ruler in class, tbh. just remeasured and got 23, and my wrist-tip is 18, relaxed width is 9. are you guys keeping your palms completely flat? like, put em on a table and try it.

    3. Teto

      Yeah, completely flat. Not sure how relaxed works though. Not sure how relaxed you want my hand to be tbh.

    4. Chimetals

      i just put my fingers all together and measured the width across my palm, including my thumb.

  14. Chimetals

    i shouldnt be awake from 1-3 am. thats when i do dumb things, like post on fb or straighten my hair when i should be doing hw.
  15. Chimetals

    3am, i have homework to do. what do i do? straighten my hair. now im all fluffy and slightly stylish-looking.
  16. Chimetals

    finally finished that picture! now time to finish that transformation sequence ;>
  17. Chimetals

    emsomniacs avatar is sleeping. oh the ironyyy
    1. emsomniac

      I didn't consider the irony until about an hour after I changed it. Gonna keep this one for a while now.

  18. Chimetals

    dont sweat the petty things, dont pet the sweaty things.
    1. Chase

      I pet the sweaty things.

  19. Chimetals

    Sayuri: I get a whole thread made by pheo? I feel special.
  20. Chimetals

    i go a whole break without really drawing anything, but the moment i come back to school, im doing cool things again. in class. jksdbkjs y i do dis
  21. Chimetals

    most of the paint job on my headphones is done now, just gotta touch up and clean them up, then ill take pictures.
    1. emsomniac

      painting party woo

  22. Chimetals

    happy wriggling day!
    1. Cascade


  23. Chimetals

    probably getting some bluetooth headphones. probably painting them like an anime characters again.
  24. Chimetals

    we have a member named cockwaffle. welp.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cirt

      I saw this earlier lol

    3. Otis McNutt

      Never met him, but his sister Pussypancake is a good friend.

    4. True Gamer

      I remember Cockwaffle. Decent fellow. Always let me borrow lotion and syrup.