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About Me

You are the Rival of Awesome in the Land of Oil and Fire.

Your chumHandle is hotbloodedNotation

Your interests include LITERATURE and VIDEO GAMES.

Your wield the wandKind specibus and have combined your SHITTY WAND with your THE ALCHEMIST and METROID PRIME to create your awesome weapon.

The consorts of your land are mysterious pink turtles who like philosophy.


You are the Queen of Pulchritude in the Land of Cotton and Falsehood.

Your chumHandle is informativeArisen

Your interests include SCIENCE and IMMATURITY.

Your wield the screwdriverKind specibus and have combined your FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER with your NEWTON'S CRADLE and TEDDY BEAR to create your awesome weapon.

The consorts of your land are joyful cerulean pandas who like gemstones.


You are the Noble of Order in the Land of Dance and Ambiance.

Your chumHandle is adiosEternity

Your interests include LITERATURE and VIDEO GAMES.

Your wield the 2*3dentKind specibus and have combined your PITCHFORK with your CHINESE HAIKUS OF LITTLER HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE and THE YOU TESTAMENT to create your awesome weapon.

The consorts of your land are violent cyan moose who like swimming.

I'm sorry but OR

You are the Queen of Mind in the Land of Sketch and Oasis.

Your chumHandle is darkMagician

Your interests include COOKING and VIDEO GAMES.

Your wield the bladeKind specibus and have combined your KATANA with your ICE CREAM and SONIC PLUSHTOY to create your awesome weapon.

The consorts of your land are weird cyan walruses who like magic.