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Posts posted by ButterflyBabyBlue

  1. ((Hey, sorry, just a little note for future reference: Lorcan's selective mutism isn't just a case of avoiding talking where possible, it's a psychological inability to talk unless there's extrenuating circumstances. If that explanation makes sense?))

    Lorcan watched Cheval leave, leaning back against his wall and humming quietly to himself for a while, looking about him in bemusement. Keeping himself occupied was always more than a little difficult. He tried tapping his feet, humming half-heartedly, anything at all.

    His thoughts soon turned to the thief girl he'd caught on the job earlier. Endel was supposed to be interrogating her, but it had been some time now and no word had gotten back to Lorcan on the situation.

    With a hmph, he signalled another guard to take his place and made his way to where captives were held for questioning, expecting to find Endel with this newcomer.

    But there was nothing to be found at all. All of the small rooms were empty, not a sound to be heard. Had she escaped somehow? Surely Endel was more wary than this! 

    Irritated beyond belief, Lorcan felt his hand going to his sword as he turned away, storming down the corridor with a fierce frown in place.

  2. ((Hey! I'd really love to join in on the fun here, this looks like a really exciting RP!))

    Name: Lorcan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Species: Hylian
    Appearance: Appears boyish despite his age, being shorter, wiry and agile rather than muscular and brawny. His skin is notably pale in comparison to other Hylians. He has curly, dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. Lorcan chooses to wear lighter armour as opposed to heavy chainmail and the like, to facilitate his agility.
    Character Description: Lorcan is a guard for the Scoundrels Of Virtue who is primarily in charge of looking after the weapons store of the group. He loves his job but his mind tends to wander a little when he's bored. Lorcan has selective mutism and will only speak to those he deems it absolutely necessary to. However he remains largely mute and as a result, receives a lot of teasing from older guards and members of the group. 

    Lorcan straightened himself, shaking his head to keep himself awake. With no other guards posted at the weapons store today -in fact, there rarely were any but himself stationed here- it was difficult not to slouch and look around for something else to focus on.
    And find it he did. A quick flash of silver dashing past, almost unnoticeable. But Lorcan saw it, and he darted from his spot without a second to lose, chasing the intruder down the corridors of the hold.
    The thief, masked and short in stature but light on their feet, was just a few feet away, and Lorcan had to marvel at how well-planned their route was - they never took a wrong turn, never had to check twice to make sure they were headed in the right direction. 
    It was when they came to one of the exits, daylight filtering in, that Lorcan caught up, reaching out to grab the thief with one hand and reaching for his sword with another. 
    The thief didn't stop at the door, choosing to throw themselves at the door in the hopes of breaking through. However, their weight wasn't enough and they slammed into the door roughly, grunting in pain.
    They turned abruptly, the stolen sword drawn and ready to use, but it was too late. Lorcan's sword was an inch away from their throat, their arm pinned to the door by Lorcan's other hand.

  3. ((I've had such fun with this RP, for my first time it was very enjoyable! I had a great time with all of you, and I'm really excited for Knuckle's new RP!

    -Laura xo))

  4. Fintan relays his plans to move the Sheikah camp to us, somewhere that we can both help and protect the Hylians as Shadow Guardians.

    The plan is one that makes sense to all of us and benefits both parties. Fintan seems excited at the opportunity to finally have the chance to really prove himself as a leader, and it seems he and Melaina have worked out the problems they were having. They stand hand in hand as Fintan gives us the news, Melaina beaming with pride for him.

    As for me, I'm happy to go wherever the Sheikah are going. The Sheikah are family, are home to me. Half-demon or not, I am a Sheikah in my heart, and Fintan can do with all the man force he needs, I'm sure.

    And so I look toward the future with a surprising amount of optimism, for once not looking on the bad side of things. Sault is with me, somewhere, and I've finally come to terms with myself and my abilities.

    And for the first time in a long, long while, I'm content.

  5. This time, when Sault leaves, it doesn't result in my feeling cold or empty. His warm presence lingers a little longer, and I'm reassured at the comfort it brings to me. I exhale, leaning back against the tree I sit under. 

    After the wave of emotions had passed through me, I'm left with a strange sort of contentment that I didn't expect. I feel more alive at hearing Sault's words, at knowing it's okay for me to stop crying, to stop becoming lost the way I had been. 

    Fintan passes by me, looking dead ahead, and I stand up, taking him by the arm out of habit. 

    "Caoilainn?" he asks. "Are you okay?"

    "I heard him one last time," I explain. I relay Sault's word to Fintan, who listens with a small smile on his face.

    "I'm glad you're feeling better," he says. "And that Sault is alright with passing on."

    He gives me a hug, but I pull away from him with a little frown. "Fintan... I think it's about time you talked to Melaina. It's not exactly a secret that she's feeling a little less than chipper as of late."

    "I suppose you're right," Fintan agrees. "You'll be okay?"

    "I'm fine," I tell him. "I'll be good. I'm Caoilainn; I'm strong!"

    For the first time in a while, the two of us break out in genuine smiles, before Fintan takes off in search of Melaina and I decide to take a look around Skyloft, thinking about Sault and our brief time together. Brief, but magical. 


    ((I'm sorry to see Sault go, but he was absolutely excellent from start to finish!!  :n_n: ))

  6. I cling to Fintan as if for life, muffling my sobs and trying to hold onto the remnants of Sault's warm presence, leaving a cold emptiness in his place. 

    "No, no, no," I repeat, over and over. "Fintan, p-please..."

    He hugs me a little tighter, and I dissolve; the only thing keeping me upright is his arms, but it's not enough. My heart has sunk to a whole new low, and it bears down on me like deadweight.

    I don't open my eyes, I don't dare to. Because it's one thing to imagine Sault in my head, imagining him standing nearby. But when I open my eyes again, he won't be there. He's gone this time, and he's gone for good. And I'll never hear his voice again, or see his smile, and it's all I can do not to scream.

    I don't know just how long Fintan holds me in place for, but after a while I'm reduced to dry sobs that rack my body, nearing convulsions. 

    "I-I'm sorry," I say softly. "Sorry, Fintan, I'm s-so sorry..."

    "It's alright," he says in return. "It's alright..."

    I shake my head at that, and finally step back, and I open my eyes and look at this new world. A world without Sault in it.

  7. Leoni and I walk for a while in relative silence, the only sounds being our footsteps pattering along, our my thanking him for pointing out cracks or roots of trees. After a few moments I hear voices that don't belong to our group, and I hear Sault's voice.

    "Ah, I see what he has in mind," Sault says. His voice is a little fainter than before, and I have to really focus in order to hear it. "He's going to bring you all to the Hylians you've helped. There's bound to be gratitude crystals as a result of all your efforts."

    "That makes sense," I say in response, as the voices grow a little louder. 

    "What?" Leoni asks, and I shake my head. 

    "It's Sault," I remind him, tapping the side of my head. 

    "Oh, Leoni!" a woman's voice calls. "And Zelda, and Link and...! You're all safe, thank goodness."

    Our group comes to a stop where the Hylians are gathered, and I offer them a brief smile. 

    "These are the Sheikah who helped us," Leoni says, introducing us in turn. "We're just glad all of you are safe!"

    "Oh no, no," the woman says, "we're just so indebted to you!"

    It's at the word 'indebted' that a strange sound fills the air and I hear tiny little clinks as something falls to the ground. 

    "What's that?" I ask hesitantly.

    "Gratitude Crystals!" one of the other strangers says. "And a lot of them, too!"

    A smile breaks out across my face at that. With all of these people feeling this grateful, then there's probably enough to help my sight! 

  8. I let out a deep sigh, leaning back against the wall of the cave. A fine layer of sweat coats my body, but I pay it no mind as a satisfied smile breaks out across my face.

    "Well done," Sault says, and I fold my hands around my waist, laughing a little though I'm exhausted. 

    "Thank you..." I reply. "Without you, I probably wouldn't have managed..."

    Sault continues to thank everyone and I pass the message on as we make our way back onto the island's surface. Once we're standing in the fresh air, we all let out a sigh simultaneously, dropping to the ground in unison, laughing breathlessly.

    "We did it," Fintan repeats, ecstatic. "I can't believe we pulled it off!"

    I shake my head in wonder, unable to believe it either. 

    "Most of the homes are still intact, too," Melaina says. "Thank goodness!"

    "That certainly was tiring," Zelda says, sounding completely worn out. "But we've saved Skyloft, and your Sheikah too!"

    I enjoy our group's moment of triumph, but now, more than ever, I want to see those expressions of joy. The need to be healed is almost desperate for me, and I gently tap Fintan on the shoulder.

    "Is everything okay?" he asks. 

    "I really need to see again," I say. "I don't mean to interrupt any of this, but I have to be healed as soon as it's possible. I have to see those smiles again."

  9. We arrive in a whirl of black and red on the peaceful island. It seems like it should be nearly impossible for anyone to be worried when they're here, though the situation at hand calls for a little haste. 

    "Zelda and the rest are probably in the Knight Academy," I say. "Let's get going."

    For a moment, neither Fintan nor Melaina says anything, and the tension in the air is almost tangible. Then, after a moment, there's an "Alright."

    "One of you point me in the right-" 

    I stop short when Sault interrupts me. "Caoilainn, I want to try something. Now that we're essentially sharing everything, there's something I might be able to share with you."

    I frown, not sure what he's referring to, exactly. "Sault, what are you talking about?"

    "Take off your blindfold."

    I do as he asks, and cringe at the way it feels, being so exposed all of a sudden. If Fintan and Melaina are uncomfortable, they don't let me hear it. I wait for what Sault has planned, a little wary.

    And then it happens. 

    I can see them. I can see everything. I can see Fintan, Melaina, I can see Skyloft. My hand flies to my mouth as I gasp. Melaina lifts an eyebrow, Fintan's head tilts to the side a little, and it's enough to make me almost giddy. 

    "I-I can see you!" I say delightedly. "Melaina, I can see your braid, I... I can see the little spot of dirt on your cheek and- and Fintan, your hair is getting longer and your clothes are different..."

    Their confused expressions are replaced with shock, before a smile breaks out on their faces and I can see their smiles, exactly as I remembered them. 

    All too soon, though, it's ripped away, and the world is black again. 

    "I'm sorry," Sault says. "It seems it's only a temporary thing after all."

    "Sault," I say, before he can speak again. "Fintan, Melaina. I want to see again. I really, really need to."

  10. "I think I'll go and grab Fintan," Melaina says. I nod, and let her jog back into the communal tent. 
    "Alone at last," Sault says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. 
    "Is this really the time for that?" I reply. "You're in my head, anyways."
    "And I can see into all of your thoughts, too!"
    "What?!" I snap. 
    "Kidding," Sault replies. "Count yourself lucky, though!"
    I scowl, but it's quickly replaced with a smile, a genuine, warm smile. I lean against one of the tent poles, sliding down with a contented sigh.
    "Even if you are just a voice, I'm still glad to have you here," I say.
    "I can tell," Sault says, his voice taking on a more concerned tone. "I saw you while I was disconnected, with Majora. I'm so sorry."
    "It's not your fault," I say, shaking my head. "Don't say things like that."
    It's then that I hear Melaina's little laugh, and I gasp, blushing scarlet. Sault laughs too, making me fume.
    "Melaina!" I say. "Don't listen in! Did you bring Fintan?"
    "I'm here," Fintan replies. "Caoilainn... are you doing what I think it is you're doing?"
    "I'm not as insane as I thought," I say. "Trust me."
    "What's happened?" Fintan asks. 
    "Sault, he's... he's here in my head, Fintan. And he has a plan for the falling of Skyloft."

  11. After the ceremony of passing, celebrations are in order for Fintan's election as chief. The whole tribe gathers in the communal tent where music is being played and food of all varieties is being served.
    Our group is sitting at the end of the main table, with Fintan at the head.
    "Alright, everyone, you all remember when we were warned that Skyloft was going to fall down and-"
    "Fintan, congratulations to you!" a Sheikah says, seemingly approaching Fintan from behind with what sounds like a pat on the back.
    "Thank you," he says, "but if you don't mind, I-"
    "Oh, you must come and speak with the rest of us for a moment," the other replies. "We'll only be a minute!"
    With a sigh, Fintan pushes himself up. "Sorry, but I'll be back as soon as I can."
    Melaina sighs, seeming somewhat despondent. "We'll never get much time with him if this keeps happening."
    I nod. "It's inevitable, though, especially right now when he's only just been-"
    "Caoilainn, can you hear me?"
    The voice is instantly recognisable; Sault's, calm and clear, seemingly coming from all directions at once. I jump, grabbing Melaina's hand.
    "Melaina, where is he?"
    Melaina takes a moment to respond, before simply asking "Who, exactly, Caoilainn?"
    "She can't hear me," Sault says. "This is a link I have with you, it's my only way of helping you all."
    If I could cry, I'm sure I would have been gushing by now. Instead my lip shakes, unable to believe this.
    "But how?" I ask him. "How are you doing this?"
    "Through a mental link that Majora allowed me to create. So you don't have to keep worrying about yourself going insane. I can communicate effectively like this. If you don't mind me taking up too much space, that is."
    His laugh is such a relief to hear, and I take a second to relish in it. I shake my head. "Not at all. What do you need to tell us?"
    "It's about the situation regarding Skyloft," Sault says. "I think I know a way to stop this. Where's Fintan?"
    "He could be a while," I say. "But in the meantime, I should probably explain to the others. I'm getting some weird looks here."

  12. I'm wandering aimlessly around the camp, my mind on a number of things all at once. Fintan's election as chief, the reaction of the tribe, how our friends feel about it, how Sault would have reacted.

    I walk along the outskirts of the forest, stepping slowly and precisely in an even rhythm. I allow myself to become entranced with my simple movements, walking for what could have been minutes or hours. Either way, I keep going until I'm stopped by someone's hands on my shoulders. I recognise the touch as Fintan's.

    "What do you want me for?" I ask. "Melaina is in her tent, if you-"

    "I felt Sault," he interrupts me. "I felt his aura and I heard him speaking."

    The relief that washes over me is almost overwhelming, and I let out a sigh, scrubbing a hand through my hair. I'm not insane. Almost, but it came to a grinding halt with Fintan's words. I wasn't the only one!

    "But Caoilainn, it's not good news," he says. "You remember we heard that Skyloft was going to fall to the surface?"

    Realisation sinks in, and I take hold of Fintan's arms to keep myself in balance. "Oh, goddesses..."

    "It's going to happen," Fintan says. "And very quickly."

  13. I get up after another while,  hoping I won't have missed too much in my absence. The announcement of the new tribe leader will be made today, and I want to be there when it happens. 

    I head back the way I came, tripping occasionally on the way. After a moment I hear a crowd, presumably gathered in the communal tent. I count the steps over and arrive at the doors, slipping in unnoticed. 

    One of the elders is speaking, a female; presumably Avis. I find a seat next to some of the younger Sheikah and listen in.

    "... Though there are many of you here who would -and perhaps, will- make excellent leaders some day, today we are to elect a tribe leader to follow Sheik. The elders have spoken for quite some time, and we have arrived at a conclusion we believe will benefit us all in the near future. The leader we have chosen is Fintan."

    Immediately, there is clapping and cheers, some of the younger Sheikah stomping their little feet against the ground. I sit patiently while Fintan steps onto the small stand that has been set up, just as Sheik did before him. 

    I know the ritual, have seen it done before. Fintan accepts a garland of flowers collected from all over the woods of Faron, bows before each elder, thanking them in turn. He then moves to the edge of the stand and makes his brief speech.

    "As a dedicated Sheikah, I swear to all of you to do everything in my power to see our tribe is safe and well-maintained. I hope I can prove to all of you that I can be a worthy leader and successor to Sheik, who was a friend and role model for me. Thank you, all of you, for the support that you have given, and that I hope to receive again in the future."

    His words are met with even more applause, and this time I clap along, a small smile on my face. Fintan deserves this, it's what he'd always aspired to be. I'm sure Sheik would have wanted this for him too. 

    "There will be celebrations later tonight," one of the older Sheikah calls out amid the noise. "Food and drinks will be served after the passage of our fallen."

    At that, I stop clapping, deciding to leave Fintan and the others to it while I train for a while. I don't feel up for celebrating, despite the joyful laughter of the Sheikah surrounding me. 

  14. ((Nice one, Nayru!))

    I look up abruptly when I hear Fintan, getting up so quickly I almost fall over again.

    "Fintan! What are you doing?" I ask, trying my best to sound irritated.

    "I was just about to meditate; we have a long day ahead of us," he says. "But, Caoilainn, why are you out here?"

    "I... I had a dream," I start, hating the frailty of my voice. "Sault was there, speaking right to me."

    I hear Fintan sigh, and I make a noise of frustration.

    "Caoilainn," he says, "this really-"

    "I'm serious, Fintan!" I tell him. "Do you think I'd lie about something like this?"

    "Caoilainn," he says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "This is going to drive you insane, sooner or later. I hate saying it, but Sault is not going to come back for you."

    I fumble around, balancing myself against the tree trunk for support. I don't want to hear it, don't want to acknowledge it, even though I know Fintan has a point.

    "Go and meditate, Fintan," I tell him. I move aside to let him pass, and after a moment he passes me, his footsteps soon fading. I turn and enter the forest from a different angle, sitting down and crossing my legs, folding my arms neatly.

    I sit for a while, revelling in the tranquility of the forest. The only sound is that of wind travelling in and out throughout the trees around me. I lie back, arms behind my head, and curse the clone that killed Sault, over and over again.

    After a while, I curl into a litte ball, wishing he was here, feeling colder than ever.

  15. I wake with a jolt, breathing heavily. No, no, NO, this was all wrong!

    Running a hand through my hair, a dry sob escapes me. I press my fist to my mouth to stop the pathetic sounds that escape me.

    What did Sault do to deserve this? Cheerful, optimistic Sault who always had everyone's best interests in mind, who looked after everyone when they needed it? And now... gone. In the blink of an eye.

    I reflected on what he said. Turning into a mask.... becoming the bad guy... what on earth did it mean?

    I stand up, clenching my fists. Stepping outside, I bask in the cool night air, and count the steps to the forest. Finding a nearby tree, uncaring of size or sturdiness, I start bashing away at it, taking my frustration, confusion and misery out on it until I hear a distinct snapping sound, and something fall to the ground near my feet. One last kick, and then I sit at the base of the tree, mulling over Sault's words until the birds signal that its morning.

    Fintan and the others were going to think I was insane. So far it seemed no one but me had heard Sault's voice. Pressing my fingers to the sides of my head, I took some deep breaths.

    "You are not insane, Caoilainn, you are not insane..."

    I repeat my little mantra over and over until I hear footsteps approaching.

    "Caoilainn?" Fintan asks. "What are you saying?"

  16. I stand up, pulling away from Leoni. I appreciate his gesture, but I'm beyond the point of wanting comfort.

    Sault and Sheik, gone so quickly, with no warning at all. Two of the most important people in my life... gone.

    I walk away from Leoni, needing a few minutes alone to myself. I exit the chamber and begin to pace, back and forth like a madwoman, trying to recall Sault's message. Just those last few words, I want to remember them exactly as I'd heard.

    A sudden thought stopped me in my tracks. What if I WAS going mad? With grief, possibly, with wishing and wishing for Sault to sneak up on me and jump up on me with his laugh.

    Maybe I'd imagined it. What if Fintan was right, and I was letting it get to my head?

    "Oh, goddesses," I whisper, shaking myself. "You need some fresh air, Caoilainn."

    I resolve to help everyone get out safely, be it through teleportation or simply helping the wounded along, carrying the dead.

    Sault's body, though, has shattered into tiny pieces, and trying to pick all of them up would be futile and impractical. Reluctantly, I decide to find some other way to honour his absence.

    And to find a way to try and calm myself down, too. This could become detrimental after a time.

  17. Majora howls as the sword comes into contact, and I thank myself that I can't see what follows. Something whizzes past me, and hits something -or someone- behind us.

    I freeze up, then, when I hear a very familiar voice echoing in my head.

    '... just wanted to speak to you, one last time, because I love you..'

    "Sault," I whisper, ignoring the other noises around me and focusing on that voice. "How are you doing this...?"

    I press my hands to the side of my head, letting go of the sword. I concentrate on finding what Fintan calls the Palace of Balance. I don't quite achieve it, but I find a distinct aura and identify it as Sault.

    'Sault, Sault, it's Caoilainn! What's happening to you?'

    My thoughts are interrupted when someone -presumably Melaina or Zelda, based on the body type. I step away from them, trying to smile.

    Another person taps my shoulder, and Fintan speaks urgently.

    "Sheik has been hurt," he says, and I let him guide me away from what remains of Majora.

    "Fintan," I say on the way. "I heard Sault."

    "Caoilainn," he says softly, "I know you're upset, but you have to keep on top of this. It'll get to you."


    "Trust me, Caoilainn," he replies, gently but firmly. "Getting caught up in this won't help you."

    Reluctantly, I nod, though I'm not entirely convinced.

  18. I freeze at what sounds like glass shattering into a million pieces next to me. The feeling of Sault next to me vanishes, and my stomach lurches. 

    "What happened?" I call out, ready in a fighting stance. I hear heavy breathing in front of me, and feel a hand on my arm.

    "Sault," Fintan says weakly. He doesn't need to finish before I understand what has happened.

    "No..." I whisper. "NO!"


    I launch forward, knife pointed forward, and find my target. I have no idea who it is, no clue who the person was that guided Sault and Leoni to this chamber. But it doesn't matter; they're a target. 

    I reach him, or her, or it, in a matter of seconds, and my knife jabs at it. No reaction. It's then that I realise what it must be, why Sault seemed to shatter.

    Ducking under the swing of its blade, I grab the hilt, kicking the clone over and pulling the blade from its grasp. Breathing hard, I lift the blade over my head and, without another word, plunge downwards.

    I hit the clone's flesh, and at first, it's tough, the blade almost recoiling back. But I twist with a savage snarl, and feel the body give way, splintering like wood until the blade rests against the floor. I spring up, yanking the blade free, fists clenched tightly around the hilt, sweating and exhausted. I don't feel a bit of it, thanks to the adrenaline pumping through me. 

    "Caoilainn..." Fintan says softly. "I'm so sorry..."

  19. I know already that it's Fintan, and I hate myself for it, but I swing a punch and it lands solidly on his jaw, knocking him to the side.

    I wait, and half a second later I hear his foot coming upwards for a kick. I block it, if just barely, countering with a knee to the abdomen that leaves him winded.

    Fintan may be possessed, but his body was Fintan's and I knew his weaknesses.

    I try to devise a way around doing what I know I will have to, but either Fintan is going to kill me, or I'm going to help him out of this the tough way.

    I reach forward, taking Fintan's tunic and pulling it apart with my small knife, which thankfully was tucked into my sash. Holding him as best as I can, I feel about and find what I'm looking for.

    I take my knife, and with one quick motion, I reopen his stab wound.

  20. I breathe a shaky sigh of relief upon hearing Sault's voice, ringing out across the room. I hear the Demon Lords snarl upon seeing him, low guttural noises in the backs of their throats.

    "Oh, what's this now?" Majora asks, its voice interrupting my brief moment of relief. "A girlfriend...?"

    Someone nearby whispers something briefly in another language, and then Majora laughs. It's a horrible, rasping noise, like knives scraping against each other, and it stops us all on the spot.

    "So, you've found it in yourself to love this... this halfling? Born of impurity, disloyal, and disobedient. And you still stand by her side?"

    "That's right," Sault says firmly. "And I'm not going to let you hurt her!"

    "Are you listening to this, Caoilainn?" Majora asks. "Your partner is still fighting for you, despite all your misgivings. Maybe he'll join you in death?"

  21. My stomach churns at the sound of Majora's voice. Melaina whimpers beside me, and I cringe at every noise she makes.

    "I see you have a demon in your midst," Majora continues. "So lovely to have you with us again, Caoilainn. I see you've been completely blinded."

    I shift uncomfortably, turning in the general direction of Majora. I speak up a little, trying to hide how nervous I am.

    "I suppose I have you to thank, Majora."

    A few of the Demon Lords hiss, muttering some curses.

    "Do you wish to die first, Caoilainn?" Majora asks, and I take a deep breath. "I had such plans for you, you know. But then you betrayed us, and left."

    "With good reason," I say, and that earns me a slap from Fintan.

    "Tell me," Majora asks, "how does it feel, wearing Ardaia's blindfold like that? As if you deserve to. He took you in and you left him for these Sheikah."

    I shake all over, stopping myself from casting my fake shackles aside. "Stop it..."

    Another slap.

    "You don't give the orders around here, child!" Majora shouts, its voice piercing our ears. "I think a lesson needs to be learned."

  22. There is a small commotion amongst our group, but Sheik silences the frantic whispers.

    "What just happened?" I hiss.

    "Fintan, he's... he's been taken," Melaina replies, her voice shaky. "What if they brought him to Majora?"

    "Caoilainn," Sheik says, his hands on my shoulders. "You know this place better than we would. What do you propose we do?"

    "I... I think I have an idea," I whisper. "Fall back a little, we ccan't be seen. Anyone who has a belt, strips of fabrics, anything, we need them."

    There seems to be some confusion, but we retreat, and I hear belts slipping from the waists of those around us.

    "We need eighteen of you to be tied up. To look like prisoners. Sheik, you should stay out, the demons don't know your face. If they think Melaina and I have been captured, they'll let you bring us to Majora."

    Sheik and another volunteer remain free, covering their hair with hoods and showing as little of themselves as they can. The rest of us assemble into rows of two, using the belts to 'imprison' ourselves.

    We take off, and I try to remember the paths, guiding us to Majora. Eventually, we come to the doors. My stomach flips as I feel Majora's power, bearing down with enormous strength.

    "Who are you?" a guard asks. "And these people?"

    Sheik scoffs. "Never you mind who I am. I've captured the rest of the Sheikah, they need to be brought to Majora."

    There's a moment of tense silence, but Sheik is admitted.

    The doors swing open.

  23. "Sheik," I say softly, "I can teleport us a little closer."

    "Could you manage?" he whispers. "There are twenty of us."

    I nod. "I can get us further in."

    Sheik appears to be contemplating, exchanging a few words with Fintan.

    "Alright, Caoilainn," he says. "Just tell us what to do."

    "Everybody needs to have a hand on me," I say quietly. I feel hands on my arms and waist, one or two on my hair.

    "Do I have everyone?" I whisper.

    "Let me see... You've got us," Sheik says.

    I concentrate, focusing on everyone who has a grip on me. In a whirl of black and red, we vanish, and instantly reappear elsewhere. I can tell already that we're deeper in, but where?

    "Where... are we?" I ask hesitantly, breathing a little heavily. "Is everyone... here?"

    "You got everyone," Fintan says. "We're in a cell which, thankfully is unoccupied."

    "A... a cell?" I echo him, trying to steady my breathing.

    "Caoilainn," Melaina speaks up, "your old clothes are here..."

    At that, my breaths become evermore shallow, and I keel over as memories of this room resurface, the scars on my back seeming to throb.

    "We need to move,I breathe. "Now."

  24. "Leoni left the camp," Fintan says, and I grimace at Zelda's gasp.

    "What?!" she asks. "Where did he go?"

    "Presumably to the sky. He packed up all of his things. Sault is gone to look for him, though."

    "I can't believe he actually left," Melaina says with a sigh.

    I don't say anything as I walk, unsure of what I should say. I hate admitting it, but I nearly wish Sault was here so that he could say something in my place. All I can do is feel guilty.

  25. We walk at a steady pace that I can keep up with easily enough, though I stumble a little sometimes on roots and whatnot.

    Fintan is in a much better mood than usual, and though it seems to rub off on everybody else, I don't quite share his optimism. The thought of returning to demon territory puts me a little on edge, and it's an effort to keep my head held high.

    I jump when Sheik places a hand on my arm, giving it a gentle squeeze.

    "How are you doing?" he asks. "You seem a little uptight... even for you."

    "I'm okay," I tell him, but I can feel his disbelief without needing to see his expression. "Just a little bit nervous."

    "Caoilainn, nervous?" Sheik repeats with a laugh. "Don't be; you have the rest of us at your side, and your own abilities, don't you?"

    I nod at that. "Yeah... There is something else though..."


    "I can't remember what any of you look like anymore. I can't remember little details like I used to."