Captain Jack Sparrow

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Posts posted by Captain Jack Sparrow

  1. Lesse here...

    1337- Sydney, Ganondorf333, True Gamer~

    10- Relean, friedgreenmushrooms, Gingerlink, dustin~

    9- Django, Wolflink22, gametap, Vivi Orunitia, GoronMerchant, Artemis_The_Huntress, HeroFlame~

    8- eyeoftruth, mikel~

    7- ERROR~

    And.... that's all I can think of at the moment. =P

    May the awesomeness be with you,

    Doctor Tiko

  2. I once had a dream where I came into my room, and there were spider webs everywhere, and they all had spiders in them, and then they all jumped towards me, then I fell to the ground, and that's where it ended... it was rather short, but I'm afraid of spiders, so.. =P I also had one where I had only four stars.. FOUR. That one was extremely horrible, luckily it was very short... I think that one was scarier than the spider one. D=

  3. Answer:Destruction!

    There are nine thousand people living in my country. Am I telling the truth, or am I lying? Remember, only choose one, Ok? Goodies!

  4. Answer: Po op, Possibly "Poe op", got no idea what the "op" means... possibly, uhh... maybe he meant "eop", so it's like "Poe eoP", backwards an' all that.... or maybe it means "poe poe", as in, maybe, two poes, cuz maybe, I dunno, one time there were two poes that killed him one time... I dunno... Or maybe "Po Op", The P's could be something such as ( and ), So it's like (o_O), like a face, in between, erm.. that doesn't make much sense, so maybe the P's stand for @( and )@, so it's like @(o_O)@ like a monkey, maybe he likes that face, I dunno... I got no other ideas... or possibly "Poop", I have no idea why it would be that, though... I'd think that the other ones'd be more likely than that. Think I said all the possible answers... might be missing a few, though... almost positive I got it, though.. yeah... Yeah, I got it right. One o' those. Reason I got more than 1 is cuz maybe you made a typo, or something.@(o_O)@

    You are driving a school bus, and half the children have green eyes, while the other half has blue eyes. What color eyes does the bus driver have?

  5. Don't forget to tell me happy birthday on the 16th too!! ^_^

    EDIT:Wait, was that supposed to be "the 17th"? Which day is it? 16th or 17th? O_o I can never remember... if today is the 16th, then "the 16th" is correct.. if it's the 17th.... then "the 17th" is correct.... O_o

  6. Yeah, I agree, they should have tortured him, not kill him... death isn't all that painful.. and even when it is, it's only for a few seconds. Torture on the other hand, is much more painful and it lasts for a bit more than a few seconds. And about the question, I don't think he got a fair trial, and I don't think he got what he deserved. As I said before, he should have been tortured. And I totally agree with BoomByeBye. No-one has the right to kill anyone else. However, BBB failed to mention that no-one has the right to TORTURE anyone else. ^_^

  7. Um... well, I hate it when people use bad grammar and spelling Purposely... if they do it accidentally, it's fine, but purposely... I can't stand it, really. Although, some bad grammar I don't mind. And... that's all I can think of at the moment.

  8. I agree, the PS3 is stupid, I hate it, it's real ugly too, it doesn't have anything good about it unless you're a graphics freak or something like that. The Wii is much more better, I think.

  9. Umm... a minoblin(or is it miniblin? Or moniblin? Or miniblon? I can never remember...) from WW! That's all I can think of...

  10. I got a question. In the left-corner of posts, there's a "TOP" and a "! REPORT" button. What happens when I click the "! REPORT" button? Just wondering. :mask:

    EDIT:"The '! Report' button is used for Reporting posts. If someone, for example, is posting inappropriate images, you hit that button and a moderator, Such as Zuzu and myself, or any other moderator, mod for short, will take care of it when we recieve a PM saying 'So and So reported a post click this link to go there' ... Something like that."

    What happens when I report myself? Does anything happen? Does anything bad happen?

    EDIT#2:How do I make the text in my signature bigger? I can't figure out how to make it bigger than Size 7...

  11. When I think of link, I think of a backstabbing fool that's just in it for the treasure, someone that make alliances and then turns on them and takes all the Rupees for himself.^_^:tingle:

  12. Well, I kinda got my name from gamefaqs. The dude's name was "link_the_lll" I think. the three l's were roman numerals... So I made Link_lll_2, because I was the second link_the_lll, but link_the_lll_2 was too long, so I shortened it to Link_lll_2.>_>

    EDIT:Well, since I changed my name to Cap'n Jack Sparrow, I guess my name came from the pirates of the Caribbean movies. >_>

  13. Umm... well, I'm really afraid of spiders... I don't fear death though. I don't really fear dying, either. I don't like falling.... whenever I play "star wars:jedi outcast" on my gamecube, whenever I fall off the edge and I'm falling, I feel as if I'm really falling, and sometimes i hafta cover my eyes. I don't fear darkness, unless i see glowing red eyes in it...>_> Oh yeah, I'm afraid of machines. Mad machines. Like when you can't control them, they have a mind of their own, and the hard, loud, blowing noise that they make, like computers, etc., also when you push the power button then they don't turn off... then you unplug 'em.. they don't turn off... then you smash 'em to bits.. then they still don't turn off.... okay.. I'm scaring myself now.>_> It's 5:23 A.M., so I still gotta go to me room and sleep... I don't wanna give meslef nightmares.^_^ I think I'll just go and look at a more peaceful topic.>_>

  14. I don't really remember my childhood much, but I do remember that I would get a glass bottle from the kitchen, fill it with water, then get a bunch of plants, flowers, etc. and grind 'em, then then pour 'em into the bottle, then add some food die to make it look like a potion. ^_^ I also Remember digging holes in the yard and filling 'em with water then put some toys in it, and pretend that they were drowning. >_> Also, sometimes I'd get my lego boat and put it in the water, then throw balls of mud at it, pretending that someone was shooting cannonballs at it.. then it would sink, then blow up, then all the people on it would drown... >_> Apparently I like drowning people.>_> Oh yes, I also like making things with my legos, then have a war between the different lego things, and pretend that they were being blown up, and I'd sink 'em, and blow up their guns, and stuff... yeah, I like destruction... >_> I'm not sure why though... I loved destroying things, and making "potions", and drowning my toys... I didn't do it in anger, though, I had fun doing it... I also made a "blow up gun" out of legos, I'd pretend to blow everything up with it. >_> I also like making forts for my toys using leaves. Oh yes, and I'd pretend that the crunchy leaves were ships, I loved having them battle each other, being destroyed.>_> I always was careful, though, sometimes they had little spiders in them.. I'm afraid of spiders, so I didn't play with the leaves all that much... I mostly just stayed with my potions and legos. :) Well, I guess I kinda do remember my childhood a bit. ^_^ Oh yeah, I also liked to play my NES, I loved playing Mario games... and uhh... that's all I can remember.

    Please Excuse any grammatical and\or spelling errors in this post. Thank you.

  15. For Xmas I want.... A Wii, TP, 10 billion gp on Runescape, 10 billion of each kind of rune on Runescape, A Nintendo DS lite, All Nintendo systems, All Mario and Zelda games, The Italy Flag, umm.... That's all I can think of at the moment. :)

  16. Wow, that sounds very disturbing. I'm glad I didn't watch it. Why would someone make a game about torturing people? That is quite odd. I wonder if people will buy it... most likely they will though. Wait, It's for the Wii? Is that correct? Nintendo didn't have anything to do with that game, did they? Or rather, "doesn't" and "do". I'm just too lazy to correct it right now. :P


  17. Wow! Great writing! I did not read it yet because I have not played Oot or MM yet. Does the story have much to do with Oot or MM? I do not want to get confused, or spoil the games. :)