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Posts posted by eyeoftruth

  1. War isn't convenient. what. I do care. I'm fine with the way things are because I'm getting what I want and the bad things are out of my vision. Anyone can go look at shitty stuff happening and be an activist for a few weeks until they lose interest and get over it.

    You seem to forget that AMERICA IS #1

    ^My point exactly.

  2. What's your point? A powerful and influential country will try to keep up with competition/threats and stay on top of everything. It's easy to criticize from Norway, a place where nothing goes on.

    I am so burnt out on European teenagers' opinions on America. Just beating a dead horse.And nooooo one cares.

    My point is that you guys, as that countries citizens, shouldn't allow your leaders to kill hunded of thousands of citizens to stay on top of everything. It's not like any of those wars were really nescessary, they were just convinient. Of course it's easy for me to criticize USA from Norway, but I do not idealize my own country, and try to stay informed about my own government's crimes.

    If you don't care, then stfu. There is no point in being an ass.

  3. Did I say that?

    Vietnam-To prevent the spread of communism. That was the sole point of that war.

    Iraq-Iraq was attacked to protect Kuwait.

    Afganistan- This was to stop the invasion of Afganistan by the USSR, an the sucess here is why the USSR no longer exists today. The soviet economy was so heavily based on oil, that they invaded Afganistan when oil prices fell to keep their profits up. By stopping them from taking the oil, we crushed their economy, and they collapsed.

    Vietnam - To boost the military industry, and to check out new technology on field. Oh, and killing commies is always a plus.

    Iraq- USA never gave a shit about Kuwait. To crush Sadam because he didn't economically cooperate.

    Afghanistan - I'm talking about the current war. Again, to boost the industry and try out advanced technology, also to get a better grip in the middle east.

  4. Just saying- In Norway, the government might actually pay attention to the constitution as opposed to using it for ass-wiping.

    We did have an early 1900s worker's movement, and it resulted in the hellish disaster we now call unions. They served their purpose, now its time for them to go.

    Like the Bay of Pigs failure? That was an avoidable one, and the world wouldn't miss a communist nation. But they cut the air supposrt last minute, resulting in its failure. And alot of these fascist regimes we "supported" may have gotten into power as a result of our actions, but we do not support them. THEY LIED.

    Coorporations will always tie in with government. Would you rather have an insane beauracuracy that consumes half of a nation's work force or a government that can issue contracts to privately owned companies?

    In America, the unions tend to pull the most strings though, because they can give to a party (Usually the democratic party), in a more efficent way, because they arent listed as PACs.

    That is true, but they never gained the same political power as they did in europe, you don't have a labour party, like england, france, germany and the rest of europe have.

    No, i mean like vietnam, somalia, korea, iraq, afghanistan, nicaragua, chile, bolivia, indonesia, iran, jugoslavia, etc. etc.

    You did support them, this is pretty well documented. search it up on wikipedia.

    Yes, i trust the gov. more than i trust some capitalist rich mofo.

    The money pull the strings.

  5. I tried it over the weekend. It was actually from California, not some local chemical shit. Which is cool, I guess.

    But I took about two hits. All my friends checked and while they said I wasn't supposed to get high my first time, I showed all the signs of it. Like my pupils where dilated all to hell and back, and they were red. And the coughing.

    I don't think I got high, though. Really all it did to me was make everything I said have a dickish ring to it and made me want to sleep :/

    I think it's hard to have a really good experience with it the first time. You have to get familliar with the effect, so you know how to handle it first.

  6. I have never tried it but I am not against it. It is a lot better than alcohol from what I have seen. Though I am more willing to drink than I am to get high, not sure why though. :/

    because alcohol won't get you arrested.

  7. Here's a sad news flash, this monitoring is being done by every westernized country, all over the world. And, it doesn't really matter what most people think, it matter what the letter of the law says. If no laws were violated, it is not illegal, maybe not very moral, but not illegal.

    You might be right, it was presented as illegal in the media, so i thought i was, but it might not've been.

    If you will re read what I said, it was that ambassadors have no power to make policy for the U.S. They may have political sway, and some diplomatic power, but they cannot undermine or work out of the authority of higher ups stateside, which means they cannot make policy. You are correct about the U.N. not existing to spread the American Idea, this is exactly why they did not support the invasion of Iraq. They are not concerned about the socialist party wanting an immediate pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, they are worried about the socialist party undermining the entirety of our Constitution and government at home. They really couldn't care less if Norwegians were in Afghanistan or not. The USA is doing things wrong with the wars in the Middle East, but as part of the Security Council, yes they kinda are tasked with, you know, security of the world.

    How can a socialist party in norway, a supposedly independent country, undrermine your constitution? And yes, they do care. Norway, in it's current situation, is an important ally for america, they want us to keep obeying.

    And no, i do not agree. If they really cared about the security of the world they would've never supported facist states like Indonisea and Chile back in the 80 and 90s.

    You may want to try that again. It has very little to do with our government. Apple being present in Oslo is not an American Government Conspiracy, and it isn't our government taking over the world, as the government has no stake in mostAmerican Companies (the rather socialist takeover of GM is a rather glaring exception). All that proves is that our companies are making products that Norwegians want, not our governments imperialism. Yes, our government is corrupt, then again, so is every other government to ever exist, it isn't capitalisms fault. There are plenty of socialist and communist regimes that have failed due to greed from the top. In a perfect free market capitalism, the government wouldn't be at all involved with business, the fact that they are, means that politicians can be bought off to get the government to do their bidding. If we actually removed the .gov regulation, you wouldn't see the businesses corrupting the government because there would be no reason to.

    I never mentioned a conspiracy, so don't ridicule me as some paranoid "truth-seeker". It is the very nature of free marked capitalism, and america is the result. You never had a real workers movement back in the early 1900s, resultung in political mono-cultrure. I'm not trying to defend socialism, i just do not like it when a country like USA aims at manipulating my enviroment, i hate the norwegian gov. as that wasn't enough to worry about.

    And yes, i am aware of the fact that america isn't complete marked economy, but it is as close as you get without complete destruction of society.

    The buttom line is that america is an imperialist state, and it's pretty hard to deny it. Take a look at the military conflicts they have been involved with since the WWII, it should be hard to justify in itself. Take all the political undermining they have been responsible for.

    I dragged free marked capitalism into the discussion because this isn't just governmental imperialism, but also financial imperialism. The cooparations are close allies to the government, so they do in many ways pull the strings behind the actual politics. Just look at the wars in light of the economical boost it gives the military industry, f. ex.

  8. Apparently your police disagree, as all monitoring was done in public and was never hidden, there were no wiretaps, nothing like that.

    An ambassador can say whatever they want and think, they make no policy in the U.S.

    The U.S. has the right to control who they want to enter their borders, just as Norway or any other sovereign countries can.

    And, actually, yes, the entire U.N. is basically set up just to do that, countries to stick their noses into the business of other countries and criticize them. And as part of the U.N. security council, we do it quite a bit, but we are by no means the only ones.

    I'm sure there are Norwegian and plenty of other officials throughout the world who make insulting claims about the U.S. government, and political systems.

    And again, this monitoring has been going on for ten plus years with the full knowledge of the Norwegian police force, who found nothing illegal with it.

    Not to mention, I'm surprised you can walk through Oslo and be surrounded by American products, I can hardly find them here. And I think you are confusing free market capitalism with government. Our products being in Oslo has nothing really to do with our government.

    First of all, the monitoring is just an example of american imperialism. There is a discussion going in on in Norway to wether it was legit or not. A lot of people fall into the conclusion that is was not.

    Yes, an ambassor does have political power. The UN is there to make sure that no country is breaking any of the human rights (without too much success), the security council is not there to make sure that every country follows the american example and bombs Afghanistan. The americans are conserned wether or not the norwegian troops are in Afghanistan or not, and that is why they are conserned with the socialist party, because they want full withdrawal. USA is acting like the world police, and it's pretty damn obvious to the rest of the world's population.

    Actually, free market capitalism has a lot to do with your government. Every american politician in the republican or democratic party is a full supporter of free market capitalism. Go to any european country, and you will see a bigger diversity within the politival system. This is not a coincidence. Your country was built on free market capitalism and it has truly corrupted the american media and every inch of the political system.

  9. Now hold on, that's my country you're talking about. Now granted we haven't exactly been on the right side of international diplomacy of late. And our stock on the world stage has taken a bit of a beating, but we're a long way from "Imperialists".

    Take a look at the rest of the world and you will realize that you, indeed, are part of the ruling culture. America expands its thoughts and ideas across the world, mainly through new liberalism. If I were to take go for a walk in down town Oslo, I would be surrounded by American products. Also, through the numerous incidents where America undermined the ideals behind democracy to reach their goals, really talk for themselve.

    @Skippy, you're right. The information was not revealed through Wikileaks, i was mistaking it for what wikileaks did leak: The american ambassador (?) in Oslo has been filing reports to america conserning how:

    -The socialist party (who work democraticly through the political system and who are in government right now) is a "threat" to america and norway's relationship

    -how norwegian police does not satisfy america's need when it comes to monitoring "terrorist-targets"

    -Several rather insulting claims conserning norwegian culture and our political system

    Is it normal for a state to put their nose in another state's affairs, and then critizis it through it's own governmental channels? no! that's called imperialism.

    And no, Skippy, it is illegal for another state to monitor people within norway.

  10. Wikileaks is great, and no, of course Assange shouldn't be prosecuted for it. Finally someone is making direct action to create a more open society. It is important to reveal just how primitive our governments and banks really are. Wikileaks have leaked information about how the USA have been monitoring 5000 norwegian citizens without the acceptance needed from norwegian authorities. puppy those imperialists and get that shit out in the light.

  11. i tried a vaporizer for the first time last week. They are quite uncommon here in Norway. I did get blown away by it, far more intense than i prefer. I find hashish so much more relaxing and comfortable compared to marijuana...

  12. Wow, yeah, a lot of people obviously are :S

    We're hopefully recording some this autoumn, then I'll post some. :)

    Yeah, I do look different, and I prefered the dreads. But thanks anyway. :)

  13. I'm not sure if she would be okey with me posting pics of her, so i won't do that.

    well, I guess you're right, hopefully I'll be able to meet her soon. She wants me to go to berlin and meet her now, actually, but I can't afford the trip.