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Posts posted by Sacred_Empath

  1. Yep! But then know this.....when you are in trouble, all the blame is only on you cuz you have a choice, you chose to do that bad thing so then you must suffer the consequences. Free will is very dangerous and not all people should have it but sadly they do. Be careful

  2. :/ No boner.

    Man and woman having sex.


    No boner.

    Woman and woman having sex.


    No boner.

    I think I'm just immune to all kinds of human interaction.

    Does this make me Jesus?

    Hmmm....well are you sure you're not just fooling around?

    Cuz I can help you out but only if you are willing to recieve help. I can help you realize who you really are via my Awakening :) I'm able to 'Awaken' the inner beings of someone's soul and make them become who they really are meant to be. It takes a while but it always works. Being as I know a lot when it comes to the Human mind i'm sure i can help you out. Emotions are really easy and I can always tell when its real and when its fake. But yeah, if you want help then just PM me :)

    As for eyeoftruth.....if this is "real love" then good for you :) But seeing as you are only 17 i wouldnt count on it....but only you can tell, you have to look deep into your self and see what your heart sees, know what your heart knows, and then all will be revealed. If this is true love then you and her will go far but if it is not true love and just "puppy love" then it will fade into the darkness of all reality. Just know this, never let go of your emotions, you must always keep in control especially in love cuz that is one of the weak points of mankind. Anger and Love can kill a man and it always has and it always will, you must keep your head straight and you must have a clear mind. You will know if this is true love because you will feel it down to your soul. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully everything goes the way you want it to be :)

  3. Schizophrenia is on the rise.

    Really? Cuz I think multiple personality syndrome fits more into this :P -random- I miss my psychology class :( Too bad it was only one semester; we saw a movie on Schizophrenia and it was so sad I cried so much :'(

    Anyways.....did this guy really leave? And was he being sarcastic? Cuz like doing all that will get you banned no doubt......