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Profile Comments posted by PokeFan

  1. PokeFan

    Since SOPA seems to be a huge thing today, to protest I will do what I always do; Drink Mt. Dew and play me some Pokemon.
  2. PokeFan » LDGM

    LDGM! 'Sup?
  3. PokeFan » LDGM

    It's a typical fantasy novel. The groundwork for it is there's a falsely accused government, so people are rising in rebellion, even though some people from the rebellion are the ones causing the dissension in the government. Oh, and there's a giant demon hoard in the mix. I personally like it xD
  4. PokeFan » LDGM

    Yeah, I suppose. I may or may not be around. I'm a bit busy with working on my novel and whatnot.
  5. PokeFan » LDGM

    Haha, I don't get on that much anymore. I've been busy, and I barely know half the active posters xD
  6. PokeFan » LDGM

    Decided to come back again, eh?
  7. PokeFan

    That makes two of us, LDGM
  8. PokeFan » Luneth Uchiha

  9. PokeFan » #1zeldafan

    Hahaha. I haven't updated my status in ages.
  10. PokeFan » Young Link Addict

    Hahaha, I haven't had any recent obsessions over anything. Right now i'm working on my spanish homework. I hate missing spanish days xD I have no clue how to do it.
  11. PokeFan » Young Link Addict

    Hahaha, nothing like that here. If we don't get any Tardies, and get all B's and above, all we get is a donut.
  12. PokeFan » Young Link Addict

    Busy doing other things xD I get on the site, but rarely post nowadays. And being absent from school and having loads of missing work doesn't help either. But other than that, awesome.
  13. PokeFan » Ammonsa

    Yeah. Back when people actually posted. xD A lot of the oldies I used to talk to now just lurk, if they get on at all.
  14. PokeFan » Ammonsa

    Haha, yeah, I remember those times. That was a pretty awesome day when we overthrew it. xD
  15. PokeFan » LDGM

    Hurry! The last er... Norwegian Pigeon walker is going to go extinct if you don't drop to the ground randomly and say, stop, drop, and roll!
  16. PokeFan » TrueNinja2

    Fooled me. xD Whenever I try acting nubish, I just act like myself except with bad grammar and spelling. So it's easy to see through.
  17. PokeFan » TrueNinja2

    eh, he was ok near the end of the 3rd one. i mean, he did basically sacrifice himself. xD
    and yeah, PokeFan as in Pokemon fan.
  18. PokeFan » LDGM

    Yeah. I miss playing my poor kazoo. D: But i had to release it to let it live its life. I have to get along with banjos now.
  19. PokeFan » LDGM

    No way. Neither do i. I was told i fell from the sky in a form of a kazoo.
  20. PokeFan » TrueNinja2

    Yeah, they're pretty awesome.
  21. PokeFan » LDGM

    haa, so you're still the same age as me until the 21st. xD
  22. PokeFan » LDGM

    oh, and happy b-day. didn't notice that xD
  23. PokeFan » LDGM

    doing good, LDGM. School has been... well school, but other than that.
  24. PokeFan » Young Link Addict

    Yeah, he's working on a game. He kind of wants it tight lipped around some people though. So I don't really talk much to people about it xD you'd have to ask him for details if you want anymore than the info he's working on one.