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Posts posted by Gingerlink

  1. This being Cambridge, basically everyone in the town who's a similar age to me is at the university, just not necessarily in the same college (residence) or doing the same subject.

    Also, I'm a member of the assassins guild, which is a good way to meet random people at the other colleges, although all 4 people I killed this term were guys and it was a second year girl that got me (I came 6th out of 160ish, woo!). Of course, killing people with hats and challenging them to duels in the middle of town with french baguettes is rather amusing anyway.

    Thanks for the advice so far! :D

  2. Oh. I see. I've seen loads of different things like that. Not on LittleBigPlanet though. I could definitely do that.

    Kind of like Dominoes, but with loads of different machines. I know it's not a good comparison though.

    Dominoes is the simplistic version, a string of dominoes is technically a rube goldberg machine, just not as interesting (normally)

    for example, this one I made on halo

  3. I have Burnie's AIM address, but don't use AIM so have never contacted him through it XD

    I love the fact that in reconstruction they've done some really good writing as well, it felt much more like a proper story developing. I feel the humour peaked at around episode 7, but they were still hilarious throughout.

  4. There's a really nice fudge store on the high street in Cambridge, so that's probabbly going to be where I end up buying a fair chunk of presents for other people (and myself)

  5. [this is copy and pasted from a rooster teeth journal I just wrote, but decided to see if you guys had any thoughts as well]

    As some of you may know (as I tend to make it painfully clear whenever I have the opportunity), I have as of yet never had a girlfriend. Of course, I'm at university now so at least the chances for that are increased (despite the fact I do computer science, which actually does have several girls doing it).

    However, I'm coming up to finishing my first term and there's nothing, nada, zilch. I mean there's definitely no point in randomly asking anyone out now because I wouldn't see them until after the holidays, if they were to say yes. I also haven't really bonded (no innuendo here) with any of the girls here. I mean there's a fair few I speak to, mostly around college with one or two doing computer science that I've "spoken to". I mean they seem really nice, but I never seem to get the chance to get to know them and I don't feel as though there's any reason plunging into this kind of thing without us both knowing each other. If I know them in advance, at least I will have a much better idea as to whether it's going to work.

    Another thing that bothers me is I reckon I'm likely to make tons of rookie mistakes that at a younger age would seem commonplace and far more acceptable, but far less so at my age due to an expected experience in the matter.

    Basically, what bothers me is I don't feel like I can do anything. All of the girls I speak to seem vaguely interested in other people or other people in them. I can't seem to catch any of them to have extended conversations with and I'm absolutely rubbish at starting conversations. It basically ends up being a 2 minute conversation with one of the girls about how their day has been before someone else comes along and engages them in a far more interesting conversation...

  6. PETA just cant make a good argument. listen to this: every year in spain they have this thing called "the running of the nudes".

    long story short: 1000 creepy nude hippies wearing a red scarf and horns running through the streets of spain. just goes to show you that they're idiots. :unsure:

    how is that related to PETA? Isn't that just the Spanish?

  7. actually, with the youtube tags, you just need to paste the little code at the end, i.e. for the first video it would be qeCnlxT-gzA



  8. Jeez, salvador, that's just incredibly mean and harsh, give it a break or you could be swiftly removed from the site for the sake of everyone else...

  9. to be fair, the only reason she should call you out is if she thinks you haven't been paying attention. If you have been paying attention, but don't know the answer, then she's asking the wrong person...

  10. b..bu..but the helath and safety screen reminds you about vitally important stuff!

    I ignored it and made my left hand go completely numb after holding the DS funny for a while, sure it was awesome and I could do things to my hand without being able to feel anything, but that's besides the point!

  11. I got bored of Wild World pretty quickly and considering I'm going to be spending a lot on games when I get home, I'll probabbly give it a miss.

    Mirror's Edge

    Banjo Kazooie

    End War

    Fable 2 (maybe)

  12. yeah, wasting tons of marble and money building pyramids...

    back on topic, it's still the initial bit I have trouble with XD