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  1. Henneth Annun liked a post in a topic by DragonBottles in Should gays be accepted by America?   
    I already explained this in the previous thread, feel free to read it.

    Let me ask you, do you masturbate? Well, you are using your sexual organ for another reason than reproducing, oh sh*t! WRONG! Also, taking a p*ss must be unnatural and wrong too, right? Get it through your head: Unnatural doesn't exist. It is physically impossible.

    Also, high-fiving is a sign of mutual understanding, friendship, and giving respect to those who deserve it! It has a purpose.

    Homosexuality and masturbation is all over nature, why are humans any different? I'll tell you why, Religion.

    But of course, we were simply asking a question as to why.

    My personal opinion is that anyone opposing gay rights is either close minded, just plain stupid, or self-righteous. That or religious, in which case they are all 3 most of the time.

    No. We won't be set one step below others due to our sexuality. We won't stand around as you assume the minority is inferior and not worthy of your unreal standards of marraige. The meaning of marraige is no longer religious in most cases, since there are laws around marraige, and that is one of the few reasons we want it.

    I want more reasons why you supposedly think it is wrong, please.
  2. Jareddude liked a post in a topic by DragonBottles in Talk   
    i am talking now

    is this good enough for you