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Profile Replies posted by SilverAlchemic

  1. I love my Combee and he loves me.

    not having a 3ds also doesn't help

  2. I love my Combee and he loves me.

    no, I haven't, because I'm not some TOTAL HIPSTER DOUCHE

  3. I love my Combee and he loves me.

    or maybe it's programmed in puppy if i know

  4. I love my Combee and he loves me.

    Your combee is a piece of a program written on a square-shaped cartridge for a Nintendo 3DS. I don't believe it can feel love.

  5. <3 Silver Moon <3

    Should I even ask.

  6. Knuckle and Pheo fight over kingship so much. Why not institute an oligarchy?

    apparently shrubs is the next king anyway

  7. Knuckle and Pheo fight over kingship so much. Why not institute an oligarchy?

    Still, an oligarchy would be cool.

  8. Knuckle and Pheo fight over kingship so much. Why not institute an oligarchy?

    Fair point.

  9. Writing a self help book about you guys

    "Gaydicks and Despair: an Hnet Chronicle"

  10. Remember how Hnet used to descend into Chaos every now and then? It's been a few years since that actually happened right? I think that's pretty cool.

    i'm dying u guys

  11. Joyous date of birth, Physician Short-foliage-resembling-trees.

    i don't get what was wrong with that joke

  12. November 22nd A Link Between , the 23rd Doctor Who's 50th and Thanksgiving on the 28th. the cherry on this Sunday is my birthday a few days later on December 2nd.

    My birthday's in the first. What a line of days.

  13. does anyone even say fosh anymore

    it was a cool thing and i liked it :>

  14. discophone

    I love them and i wish i could buy them when they're available

  15. Quick mockup because I was excited.

    It's puppying adorable and i want one despite not having played the game it's from :o

  16. October holidays! Despite the fact that I only have one class a week and I've missed two out of five of them so far. So holidays are kind of meaningless. But it's nice to have an excuse.

    At least it's a fun time to be had I guess.

  17. Happy wriggling day, Terezi.

    this was a bad idea

  18. I chipped a tooth today. :<

    I don't even know. I was just chewing on i-forget-what and suddenly i noticed a sharp thing in my gums was scratching my tongue.

  19. Does anyone else see a person use the phrase "signal boost" on Tumblr and feel annoyed? Something about the phrase itself makes my blood pressure go up a bit.

    i hate the word "husband." I have no idea why.

  20. who wants a nifty velcro-able companion



    Oh man so hype for the final peices

  22. I finished inFAMOUS 2. What an Evil ending.

    I phrased it wrong but I meant "what a great Evil karma path ending"

  23. Down to the final four episodes on my Breaking Bad rewatch, including the final episode which is the only one I've yet to watch. I might die.

    amazing how the breaking BAD ending was a GOOD ending

  24. My Sister lost her Baby

    I'm so sorry for your, and her loss.


    (it looks really great though)