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Fallen Angel

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I'll give you this description, because I don't have enough room for that topic description, hence DESCRIPTION, thingy.

This story is all about a 13 year old girl who has a lot of questions about recent happenings. Soon, she is visited by an Angel and a mortal. She learns that she is a half and half, half Angel and half Demon, Heaven and Hell. There is a fake God on the loose and she, Kain the Angel, Rosanna the mortal, and a small rabbit-like creature named Guin, must destroy the fake before it is too late. If Annar, the 13 year old girl, can get the answers she wants, she must destroy God and find Daisuke, a boy who is the same as her, a half and half. But the real question is... is will she be able to control her new, demonic and angelic powers?

Well, there you go, the best description in the world. I guess I'll get on with the story now....

Fallen Angel


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