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Soul Survivors

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As John entered the hotel a feeling of unease passed over him. He had no idea why, obviously there were no Trippies in the area, the lady "Lou" probably would either be dead or long gone. He wouldn't blame her for leaving if zombified kids suddenly attacked.

He set the safety on his Deagle and holstered it, feeling it was safe. Spooky, but safe. Scarecrow and Jeremy had already taken seats, John and Connor remained standing, for the moment. Lou beckoned to a few empty chairs a ways into the lobby. They were surrounding a table, which she had set for dinner.

After they were seated she spoke. "Okay, tell me everything that's been happening."

Edited by Teto (see edit history)

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Adam finished pumping his serum into six empty propane tanks, which he then loaded into the bed of his truck. He carefully took his handgun, ejected the magazine, and dipped each bullet into the serum. He then drove into town. It was a risk, but it was one he needed to take. Equipped as he was, there was little he could do against the infected. Trippies, as they were now being called on the radio. Adam grunted to himself.

As he drove, he reflected upon his discovery of the formula, ATN-58. When infected blood was mixed with even a small amount, it would become green, viscous, and foamy. He was certain no Trippy could survive exposure.

Fifteen minutes later, he arrived in town. It was eerily quiet, and completely empty. It was a small town, and the military clearly did not view it as a priority. Mumbling to himself, Adam drove into the parking lot nearby the local hardware store he was looking for. He knew the owner, and didn't look forward to looting his store if he was gone. Still, he needed what he came for. He didn't have much ammo, and he needed a more efficient weapon than his gun.

Upon entering the store, Adam was greeted with bloody carnage. Scattered, mutilated remains of workers, many of whom had been friendly to Adam, littered the store. Adam's feeling of disgust was cut short by a horrified scream. The store's owner, Mr. Johnson, was cornered by two teenagers, one of whom was armed with an inactive chainsaw. Adam quickly drew his gun and fired a single round at the armed teen.

The zombie's body erupted in frothy green fluid as the treated bullet passed through it. It appears to corrode their skin, too, Adam realized, as he shot the other kid. As Mr. Johnson rose to thank him, Adam asked for four portable pressure washers. "Something I can carry on my back" he specified. As Johnson gathered the washers, Adam brought in one of his tanks of ATN-58. After filling each pressure washer 3/4 full of water--judging from the violent explosion of the two Trippies, he didn't need a high concentration of formula, and he needed to draw out his supply for as long as possible--and the rest with his serum, he saw there was enough left in the tank to fill one more washer.

"Johnson," he said. "Take another washer for yourself and do as I did. Get back to your family, get as much food as you can carry, and get as far away from here as possible. Stay away from cities and hospitals. Be sure to bring some hunting gear. You may need to live in the wild for a long time. Stay hidden; stay safe. If you're attacked, use the serum." With that, Adam got into his truck and departed. He needed to get the formula to the authorities. It was the only way to end this nightmare, once and for all.

Suddenly, he realized something. If the Tripps children had such a high concentration of Tripps in their flesh and blood, it meant their bodies were manufacturing it. Which meant that Tripps might be able to mutate. Which meant that the age barrier that had protect him and so many other from infection might be broken by a new strain. Which meant that he had to hurry. Every carrier of Tripps must be eliminated to wipe it out. Because no one was safe anymore.

Edited by Teto (see edit history)

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Lou sat for a long time in stunned silence, the weight of Connor's words weighed heavily on her. "I had no idea." she said. "Things like this just don't happen." she added. "Oh believe me they do." Scarecrow said. "Jeez Scarecrow ease up a little!" John said. "It's Simon alright, Simon Crowley." he said annoyed. "Finally a real name!" Connor said. "Connor!" Jeremy said

Jeremy had opened the back of the TV and amazingly vrought it back from death. "That's my Bro even as a kid he was tech savy." Connor smiled. On the set a haggard looking reporter spoke "The Nationwide death toll is in the thousands as the viscious "Tripps Children" Massacre continues. The CDC has issued a warning to avoid contact with the blood of an affected kid warning that whatever is causing this "Rage Attack" will spread to adults as well." Simon chuckled. "As if we didn't have enough to deal with, now we might turn into mindless killers as well!"


Connor sat at the end of his bed. It had been a few hours since the televised warning was issued. Try as he might he couldn't sleep. He opened the door and slipped into the hallway, and from there into the kitchen. He winced as the lights gleamed off the chrome covered counters, he walked over and poured himself a glass of milk. As the cool liquid passed his lips he smiled. "It's the little things in life." a voice behind him said. "Oh hey Lou, sorry did I wake you?" he asked. "I was awake, you?" she asked. "Yeah, I haven't been able to sleep since this whole madness started!" Connor said placing the empty glass down. "How's your brother?" she asked. "He's sleeping like a baby." he said. "Kid sleeps for a decade, you'd figure he'd have nothing left!" he added. "Why is he...?" "Normal." Connor finished ger thought. "I have no idea, We were about the same age when Tripps first hit, like the rest he fell into the coma and I just had a bad flu for a week." "Is there anybody else?" Lou asked. "Our mom died giving birth to him, and dad died of cancer a few years ago." "And Jeremy stayed with you?" she asked. "Yeah I promised my dad that I wouldn't put him in one of the Institutions after that "60 Minutes" special aired, so I hired a nurse to come check up on him every week." Lou smiled. "Wow most guys wouldn't do that." she said. "Yeah well he's my blood, you gotta look out for family."

"Connor?" Jeremy said walking in. "Hey bro how'd you sleep?" Connor asked. "Thursty." Jeremy said. Connor grabbed a glass and poured some milk in it. "White to chase away the night!" Jeremy said smiling. Lou looked at Jeremy then back at Connor. "As kids when we had trouble sleeping our dad would give us milk to help us sleep." he said slightly blushing. "OK back to fed champ." Connor said. "You comin'?" Jeremy asked. "In a minute bud, in a minute." he answered.

"Well I'm gonna try to sleep again." Lou said. "Night." Connor said. Lou walked away then turned back. "I'm gonna hate myself if I don't do this." she said. "Do what?" Connor asked. Lou grabbed the back of Connor's head and kissed him gently on the lips. "That." Lou said smiling. Connor watched her as she walked off. "Wow...that girls crazy!" he said to himself.

Edited by Teto (see edit history)

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As Adam drove on he listened to the radio intently. " :censored: ," he said. It's happening already. How long before the mutated Tripps goes airborne? He kept driving. If he could find anyone else, anyone who could fight with him... well, he had extra washers. Pressure washers really are the perfect delivery system. The jet of fluid has a great range, and it would force the serum into the Tripps children.

He continued to drive until it got dark. Suddenly, his car began to make noises, and his hood began to steam. Oh, no. That's all I need. He pulled over and cut the ignition. Carefully, he swept his flashlight around the truck. Convinced that he was alone, he slowly opened the door, and stepped outside. It seemed cliched, almost. Still, he had been driving in an old truck for a very long time in a hot region. Even as far as he had gotten in such a short time, he should have expected something like this. He slowly shuffled over to his truck's hood. He looked and felt ten years older than he really was. Years of stressful, unhealthy living had wreaked havoc on his body. It didn't really matter. He lived to end the suffering he had helped unleash on the world.

Suddenly, Adam was gripped by sharp pain in his right ankle and fell forward to the ground. Quickly rolling over, he saw a small child--no older than three--voraciously biting into his leg. Quickly grabbing the nozzle of his weapon, he unleashed a torrent upon his attacker. The boy's flesh blackened and was washed off his skeleton like so much dirt and mud. A greenish spray of fluid flew in every which direction. It was the most sickening thing Dr. Carter had ever seen.

He stumbled to his feet. His right leg was slowly bleeding. Although the young boy's small teeth had left only superficial wounds, it hurt too much to walk far, and he knew the smell of blood would attract others. He limped to the bed of his disabled truck and sat down. He quietly chastised himself for forgetting to bring along a first-aid kit. His only hope was to be found by somebody who had not succumbed to the madness.

The body of the child continued to bubble throughout the night. It smelled of copper, chlorinated water, and--strangely--peaches. Adam laughed to himself grimly. His parents had their own little orchard while Adam was growing up, and they mostly grew peaches. By the time he left for college, he was sick of peaches. He hadn't eaten a peach in 20 years. And now they were all he could think about. He looked back on his forgotten childhood. He wondered how his parents and sister were. He hadn't talked to any of them since the breach. He vowed that if he survived this, he would find them. If they were still alive, that is.

As time wore on, Adam took out a pocket New Testament he always kept with him. It had been one of the few sources of comfort he had in his years of isolation. All throughout college, he had been a devout Atheist. Yet, in his self-hatred, Christianity struck a chord with him. God gave him new hope for the future. If it hadn't been for that one priest... Adam thought. I probably wouldn't be here. He began laughing again. Where was here? He was stranded in the middle of nowhere, and most likely about to die. If help didn't come...

Adam took out a piece of paper and began to write. If he didn't make it, maybe someone would find the truck. Hopefully that same someone will find the note, and follow it back to his lab. Adam stashed the note in the cab of his truck and began to pray. He didn't pray for himself to be saved. The verse: "He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword" had always been special to him. He knew, that if he should die by the same curse he had helped to bring forth, then it would be a fitting death for him. No, he prayed that someone would find what he left behind. He prayed that someone would come to pick up where he left off. He prayed that someone would be able to save humanity, even if he himself would not be that one. He prayed that ultimately, humanity will be saved. And he believed it, with all his heart.

He then turn forward to be greeted by the rising red sun. The sun that illuminated the multitudes of shadowy figures advancing toward him from all sides. He finished his prayer, that, should he die, his death would not be in vain. He then took the nozzled of his weapon, and prepared to take as many of them down with him as he could.

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"God Damn crap!" Lou shouted slamming the pantry door. "Lou what's wrong?" Connor shouted. "I just realised that I never went to town to get supplies, I wss gonna go but then one of the sinks up on the forth floor sprung a leak." "How much food do we have?" Simon asked (sorry I just can't call him Scarecrow anymore it's to annoying!). "Enough for a few days at least." she said. "But in a few days things could get a whole lot worse, we should go on a food run now." John said. "I agree, we need to keep our strength up in order to survive this." Connor said. "What about Jeremy and Simon are they ready?" Lou asked concerned. "Yeah I'm fine it'll take more than bumps and bruses to stop me." Simon chuckled. "And Jeremy..." Connor looked at his brother. "He's coming back to me more and more each day, I know it." he added. "Then it's settled we go into town, but we need a plan." Simon said

Ten minutes later the group gathered in the Lobby. "This is a map of Harrison, a small town fifteen minutes away, it's not much but it's all we got." Simon said pohnting to the map. "According to the Yellow Pages there are a few points of interest in Harrison...

1. Their are Two supermarkets to choose from An Aldi and a Shaws, now the Shaws has a Pharmacy in it so I think that should be our target.

2. Bucks Survival Hut, a local camping and hunting store. We go there and get as much gear and ammo as possible.

3. Morning Side Institution

This could be a problem, Morning Side was an institution researching the Tripps, It is unknown if they had any kids there so we have to be on our toes.

Connor smiled as he closed the phonebook. "Any questions?" he asked. His only response was a sea of blank faces. "Alright then, lets get to work!" he said.

"Look at all this stuff!" Jeremy said. "I know, you'd figure this place would be looted when the chaos started!" Connor said. "Grab as much food and meds as you can, anything with cillin or quin in it's name he told John." Connor grabbed for the radio at his belt. "Simon how are you and Lou doing?" he asked. "We're fine over here, this place is packed he must've been part of a milita or something because he has a few RPG's here." "Rocket Propelled Grenade's, really?" Connor asked. "Yeah should I grab em?" he asked. "You're the Marine, what do you think?" he asked. "Looks like what's yours is now mine tubbo." he said to the bloodied, beaten body of Buck the owner.

Connor walked outside and looked at his watch, his fathers deer hunting rifle slung over his shoulder. "What the hell!" he said looking down the ridge a ways. He saw an old pickup truck with steam rising from the engine block as he looked he noticed movement, someone was alive in it. "Hey guys what's your status?" he asked in the radio. "Jeremy and I are finished loading up the van." John said. "We're a block away, this shopping cart's filled to capacity!" Simon said triumphantly. "Bring the Van over to the East exit, I found a survivor and something else."

The Van pulled around and the others climbed out. "What's wrong?" Simon asked. "There, that truck." Simon looked through a pair of Binoculars he borrowed from Buck. "Yep theres someone alright he's sprawing water that way." he said pointing too the distance which was blocked by trees in their eyeline. "Oh crap!" Simon muttered. "It's Trippies, dozens of them but it's weird." Simon muttered. "The water seems to be killing them." he said shocked. "But it's runninb out." he added. "Will an RPG even the odds?" Connor asked. "Hell yes!" Simon chuckled. Simon grabbed the launcher. "Just like riding a bike!" he said taking aim and firing. The Rocket screamed out of the launcher and roared down the ridge, his aim perfectly lined the rocket slammed into the dense cluster of infected sending them scattering every which way.

Adam stopped his hose and looked around in disbelief, he followed the missiles smoke trail to an upper riding and saw a group of people standing there. "Survivors." he muttered as he passed out.

"Hey he's waking up." Jeremy said sometime later. "What no get away!" Adam shouted at the sight of the young teen. "Whow hold it, this is Jeremy he's my brother and he's fine!" Connor said. "But he's...he's a kid and he's not like the others?" Adam asked. "Well he wad in a coma, but if you're asking if he's killed anyone the answer is no." Connor added. "My formula, where is it?" Adam asked. "You mean the washers?" Simon asked. "We found your note and packed up your stuff in our van." John added. "Where are we?" Adam asked. "This is the Blackrock Ski resort, outside of Harrison that little town you were in." Connor said helping Adam up. "Careful you were injured, you lost a lot of blood but luckly there seems to be no trace of infection, it's actually looks like a knife wound." Lou said. "Some kid attacked me, could've swarn he bit me though!" Adam said. "Nope, it was a knife cut, deep too you might want to take it easy for a few days and take these." she handed him a small brown container. "Penicillin, where did you...?" "We raided a local Pharmacy, can't be to careful." Connor said. "Well we'll let you get some rest." Connor said to Adam. As they left Adam scanned the group, his gaze centered on Connor and Jeremy. "Interesting!" he thought as he closed his eyes.


"Come on loser!" Connor said. "Dad says if you're not up in 2 seconds he's selling you to the circus!" Connor walked over and tapped Jeremy on the shoulder. "Jeremy...wake up!" he yelled.


Connor sat up, sweat pouring down his face. "Bad dream?" Jeremy asked standing in the doorway. "More like a bad memory, one that I don't think will ever go away." Connor said taking a sip his night water. "Tell me." Jeremy said. "It was the morning, the one when you didn't wake up." he said slicking his hair back. "I yelled for dad and he rushed into your room, he tried to wake you but couldn't. He carried you in his arms down to the car and took you to the hospital when we got to the Emergency Room we saw that it wasn't just you but everybody. Imagine it a whole hospital full of kids. As they hooked you up to the equipment I couldn't stop thinking about how horrible I was to you, and I made myself a promise that if you ever woke up i'd be a better brother to you." Connor turned his head away ashamed of the tears welling up in his eyes. "You're my big brother, and you were just playing the part. I don't blame you." Jeremy said. "You always were the smart one!" Connor said placing his arm around Jeremy's shoulder.

"Morning John." Jeremy said as he shoveled a spoonful of Corn Flakes in his mouth. "Hey whose Mr. Chatty and what happened to Jeremy?" John asked. "I know isn't it awesome!" Connor said sipping a cup of coffee. "I woulda talked sooner but the coma caused a slight strain on my vocal chords, speaking in that state would've severly damaged them." Jeremy added. "OK that's enough showing off genius!" Connor said chuckling. "How did he...?" John asked. "Oh yeah I guess I shoulda mentioned that Jeremy's a...what's the word bro?" Connor asked Jeremy. "The doctors called me "Exceptionally "Gifted, what ever that means!" Jeremy said. "It means that my baby brother was doing calculus at age 4." Connor chuckled. "An off the charts genius, instead of playing with GI Joe he was reading Shakespeare." Connor said. "Don't do that Connor." Jeremy said. "Do what?" Connor asked. "Put yourself down, you're smart too." Jeremy said. "Not according to dad." Connor said. "I thought you and Dad got along?" Jeremy asked. "We did but every once and a while I could see that in his eyes the wrong brother got the Tripps." Connor said sighing.


"I gotta go guys." SIMON said placing a pack down. "What do you mean SIMON?" Connor asked. "Just heard over the shortwave, the service put the word out all active members of the Armed Forces, are being ordered to the nearest base." "You're joking, it's Hell out there!" John said. "I'm a Marine John, first ones in last ones out." SIMON said. Connor nodded. "He's right, Lou what's the closest base?" Connor asked. "That would be Hammond Army Base about 15 miles away." Lou said. "Come on SIMON, I'll give you a ride." Connor said. Connor grabbed a pack and filled it while SIMON said his goodbye's. "Nice meeting you Jeremy." he said shaking the young man's hand. "Stay safe Scarecrow." he said back. "Hey that's only for servicemen, my friends call me SIMON!" He said. "Semper Fi brother." John said. "Thanks man." SIMON said smiling. "Good Luck." Lou said kissing him on the cheek. "Tell the new guy Adam I said bye." he told her. "He's still sleeping it off, but I will." Lou said. "You ready SIMON?" Connor asked. "Yeah bud, lets go." SIMON answered.

"Any thing out your side?" Connor asked. "Just darkness." Simon said. "Jeez you'd figure repairing the power grid would be high on the list." "I'm sure Army COE's on it." Simon said. "What the hell is that!?" Connor shouted. "It means Corps of Engineers, why?" "No that!" he said pointing to the road ahead. In the road ahead a fire truck blocked the way, completly engulfed in flames. "You don't think the Trippies did this, set a trap do you?" Connor asked. "Either their getting smarter or it's normal people looking to take what you got." "It's hell on Earth and were still like this we should be working together." Connor said. "Not even an Apocalypse can undo generations of learned behavior." Simon said. "You got any ideas?" Connor asked. "If it's an ambush they'll expect you to slow down." Simon said. "So what do I do?" Connor asked. "Speed up and mow through." Simon added punching his fist. "That I can do." Connor said hitting the gas.

Connor aimed the powerful Diesel pickup truck at the weakest place on a fire truck, the connections point between the cab and tressel. Weakened by the fire the weld points popped rather easily. "It's ironic, isn't it." Simon asked. "What is?" Connor asked. "A fire truck on fire, it's like a pun or something." Simon said chuckling. "Here they come Simon, you ready?" Connor asked as a Dodge Charger roared out of the Treeline. "Thats a nice car, such a shame." Simon said. "What is?" Connor asked. "All the bullet holes in the engine." Simon pointed his M-16 out the window and opened fire. The driver of the Charger tried to swerve but before he could react a bullet hit the radiator sending a cloud of white steam covering the windshield. "Slow up." Simon said. "Why?" Connor asked. "I'm gonna teach these would be highwaymen a lesson, and we owe it all to Buck." Simon reached in his bag and pulled out an old style Pineapple grenade. "No way that crazy gun nut had grenades?" Connor asked. "Yes he did." Simon said pulling the pin. "Enjoy guys!" Simon said tossing it out. The cold war relic skittered across the ground and under the passing Dodge.


Simon and Connor watched as the Charger flipped up and landed on it's roof. "Damn did you see that?" Connor asked. "Yeah, cool huh?" Simon answered. "Yeah right, cool." Connor responded.


Jeremy looked out the upper balcony, a look of impatient anxiety on his face. "I'm sure he's fine." Lou said smiling. "Is it that obvious?" Jeremy asked. "Yeah, my mom used to show that exact same expression whenever my Father went on active duty." Lou said. "National Guard, especially after disasters." she added. "His last time he was injured and couldn't REUP, so he got a job here both as summer caretaker and grounds crew supervisor." "My Brother dropped out of College and got a job at a steel mill when my father got sick, all to have money to pay for my care!" Jeremy said. "He told you that?" Lou asked. "No, he didn't need to." "You could hear him couldn't you?" Adam asked. "Sorry I couldn't help but overhear your conversation." He said sitting down. "Your leg looks much better." Lou said inspecting the cut. "Yeah the meds and bandaging helped alot." he said. "It's true, isn't it Jeremy you were consciously aware?" Adam asked. "Not always, but every once and a while it was like swimming, you know underwater sounds are distorted and when you surface they are clear." "Interesting, very much so!" Adam said stroking his beard. "How so?" Lou asked. "I worked for the Government researching the effects of Tripps in children, every youth I examined showed absolutely no brain activity, almost like they were brain dead, but all motor function and breathing was normal." "What does that prove?" Lou asked. "It means that my situation's unique, and if there's a cure it'll lie with me." Jeremy said. "I knew I'd like you." Adam said. "You want to help me save the world?" he added. "Yeah, why not." Jeremy and Adam walked inside leaving Lou on the balcony.


((*Warning: Mind splitting science content, read at own risk*))

"Here hold this on it." Adam said handing Jeremy a cottonball. The Cottonball pressed firmly Adam placed a piece of medical tape over it to hold in place. "Luckly you had all this equipment!" Jeremy said. "Scanning Electron Microscope, Centerfuge(?) and Hemoglobin displacement rotor." He added. "It's amazing that you know all of this stuff, especially since you were asleep through the last decade." Adam said. "While most kids played, I read." Jeremy shrugged. "So you're gonna test my blood against your compound?" Jeremy asked. "Yes I was trying to cure Tripps but instead stumbled across this utter failure, I pulled it out of oblivion when the "Trippies" started attacking." Adam placed a drop of Jeremy's blood on a petrie dish and on top of that a drop of his compound. "No reaction!" he said slipping the slide under the microscope. "In the test cases the compound reacted violently with the cytobacteria and Hemoglobin in the infected blood, that is absent here!" Jeremy walked over and looked in the eyepiece. "Perhaps something in my DNA made me suseptable to Tripps' initial contagious nature, but immune to it's mutant aberration?" Jeremy asked. "That could be the case, well need a sample of White Blood Cells to determine any genetic specific immunities." Adam said. "Do you have a Lumbar Syringe?" Jeremy asked. "Why, you're not suggesting.." "Yes, the greatest concentration of White Cells is in the Cerebral Spinal Fluid." Jeremy said. "But If I take even a milligram to much you could be permanently paralysed." Adam said. "But it could save everyone Adam, I'm 18 and know the risks." Jeremy said. "Alright, but if you even sit funny I'm pulling the plug and we find another way!" Adam said holding his hand out. "Deal!" Jeremy said nodding.


Connor closed his eyes and immediately opened them. In the past he would listen to music on long drives to stay awake but with all stations off the air he had little reason to even keep it on. Next to him Simon snored lightly, he had been asleep for hours. In the distance a reddish glow caught his eye. "Simon wake up!" Connor said nudging the sleeping soldier. "What man!" He asked.

Simon rubbed his eyes and scratched his head in bewildered amazement. "This town wasn't on the map." Connor said. "This is bad!" Simon said. Connor and Simon were dumbstruck by the sight, an entire town burning afire. "There's no way were gonna make it through this." Connor said. As they looked on a dull thud behind them rang out. "What the hell was that?" Connor asked. "Stay here." Simon opened his door and slowly exited.

"Connor get the medical kit now!" Connor jumped out and ran to the back. "Oh my god is she alive?" Connor asked. "Yes she's just badly injured." Simon said. "She's not bitten is she?" Connor asked. "No it looks like she was beaten." Simon said. "Where'd you go girly?" a voice shouted. "Great more crazies!" Connor said drawing his 9MM. "Help me get her in the truck!" Simon shouted. "But what about the hillbillies?" Connor asked. "The woman first!" Connor and Simon picked the girl up and gently placed her in the truck.

"Hey that's my woman!" A big bald freak shouted. "I don't think so tubby!" Simon shouted. "Hey Zeke, this' the same truck Sluggo said blew up yer charger!" Another hill dweller shouted. "That was my favorite car, you die boy!" Simon snarled. "Nobody calls me boy!" Simon shouted. "Oh an uppity nigg.." "If you want to live, don't you dare finish that sentence!" Simon shouted. "Kill him guys!" Zeke shouted. Connor jumped out of the back and fired Simon's M16, hitting Zeke in the chest. "That was a warning big boy, if you get help soon you might live the choice is yours." Zeke waved off his men. "Get me to my Pa you ingrates!" he shouted to his boys. "I think we should leave Simon." Connor said. "Yeah I think you're right." Simon nodded.

"Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" Simon asked. "I was just guessing, will he be alright?" Connor asked. "Yeah unfortunately even when the world is in hell racist bigotry remains!" Connor looked behind in the rear view mirror. "Nobody following us." he said. "You wanna check on the girl?" Connor asked Simon. "Yeah sure." Simon climbed in back.

The woman was Latia, about 34 years old she was beautiful aside from the bruising with dark brown hair. "No don't touch me!" she shouted smacking Simon. "Hey relax were here to help you!" he said. "Who are you?" she asked. "I am Simon and this is my friend Connor, who are you?" he asked. "Alexis." she said putting het head down. "You're dehydrated drink this." Simon said handing her a bottle of water. "Where we going simon, the base?" Connor asked. "No forget that, lets go back to Blackrock." Simon said. "What's Blackrock?" Alexis asked apprehensively. "It's a hotel our group lives in, a couple hours from here." Simon said. "No no groups I just want to be left...." "What happened?" Connor asked. "She passed out, we should just let her sleep." Simon whispered.


Lou was sitting on the balcony sipping a cup of earl grey when a light caught her eye. "Hey someone's driving up the driveway!" She said. As the light drew closer she could make out the truck. "It's Connor, he's back!" Lou and John ran out to meet him and were shocked to see Simon as well. "Simon I thought you were going to Hammond Base?" Lou asked. "We got sidetracked." He said opening the backdoor, revealing a woman. "Get the doc!" he shouted at John.

"How is she doc?" Simon asked Adam. "She has bruises and contusions that are superficial, a sprained right wrist and severe dehydration, I have her on a saline drip and she should sleep for a while and..." Adam was apprehensive about finishing his sentence. "What's wrong Doc?" Simon asked. "There's also some vaginal tearing, she had sex and it wasn't consentual." "She was raped?" Lou asked. "Yes I'm afraid so." Adam said. "Probably those racist crackers who were chasing her!" Adam said. "Hey Lou, maybe you should sit with her until she wakes up, I don't think she likes men much right now." Connor asked. "Sure I'm not to fond of them at this moment...present company excluded of course. I think it'll be good to have another woman in the group as well!" she said shooing the men out.

"NO!" Alexis shouted sitting up in her bed. "Oh you're awake, bout time!" Lou said. "Where am I?" Alexis asked. "You're in the Blackrock Hotel, the two guys whp picked you up brought you here." Alexis looked around. "I have to go." she said in fear. "Hey it's alright, you're fine here. We're good people." Lou said trying to calm Alexis down. "I am Louise, but everyone calls me Lou, Simon said your names Alexis, is that correct?" Lou asked. "Yes Alexis, that's right." She said. "Simon is he the man in the camouflage, is he a nice man?" Lou smiled. "yes he's very nice." "Oh are you and he...?" "oh no, no I've kinda got my sights on someone else." "The other man who was with him, with the big arms?" Lou blushes. "Yes I thought so, umm Connor was his name correct?" Alexis asked. "Yeah that's him their both a couple of great guys." she said. "Is that all?" Alexis asked. "No we also have a doctor named Adam, a former cop named John and Connor's brother Jeremy, when you're ready you can meet them all." Lou said. "Finally good's...been...too...long." Alexis said passing out.


I guess I'm all alone here, oh well this things getting finished!

Lou slowly backed out and quietly closed the door behind her. "How's she doing?" Connor asked. "Jeez Connor, a little warning." Lou said startled. "Oh sorry, I was just going to see Jeremy and Adam and I noticed you were coming out." Lou sighed. "I think having another woman here is helping her to calm down, those guys brutalized her!" She said. "Well the guy who did it to her was hurt pretty badly, but that doesn't even begin to compare to what she went through." Connor snarled and punched the wall, his fist going clear through the sheet rock. "I thought I was angry, relax big guy." Lou said grabbing his arm. "The world is going to hell Lou, and you'd figure we'd cooperate and shelve racism and hatred, but no that big redneck and his skinhead lackies went about like it was just any other day." Lou touched Connor's cheek. "It just doesn't matter to some people Connor." "Maybe we should just throw in the towel Lou, let the Trippies have the world!" he said with a sigh. "You don't mean that, you are a kind, loving guy who would do anything for a stranger. You saved that girl not to mention Jeremy Adam and John. You're a hero." Lou said, her eyes tearing up. "I am great huh?" Connor said chuckling. "And you're modest too." Lou said smiling.


Connor carefully slid out of bed, taking great care to not disturb Lou. He then tiptoed into the adjoining bathroom and closed the door behind him. "How did that happen?" he asked himself, splashing water on his face. "Hey are you coming back to bed?" Lou called from the other room. "Be right there." Connor whispered.

Connor walked back to the bed and slid under the covers, as he settled in Lou moved closer drapping her arm across his chest.


Connor looked off of the Balcony. The Summer of the Trippies seemed so long ago as the Fall had come and gone without incident. They were now deep in the cold of Winter, but luckly for the survivors living in Black Rock the generators had ample supplies of gasoline, due to the forward thinking of Lou, the beautiful and amazingly briliant summer attendant. Connor clutched a small rabbits foot his father had given him years before, if there was ever a time for luck it was now. In the living room or as it had come to be known the "Waiting Room" Simon, Jeremy and John watched Connor bob back and forth. "She'll be fine!" Jeremy said breaking the silence. "Yeah Bro, Lou's strong!" Simon added. "And she has Adam and Alexis looking after her." John said. "I know it s just...." "You hope it's awake...and normal." Jeremy said.

As the deafening silence returned Adam appeared from the hallway, blood smeared on his smock. "Congratulations daddy, it's a girl!" he said smiling. "Is she...?" "She has ten fingers, toes and is wide awake with absolutly no trace of Captain Tripps!" Connor looked around. "What are you waiting for, go to your woman!" John said. "But don't tell her I said that." he added.

Connor walked down the hallway to the makeshift Delivery Room. As he neared Alexis exited, her face beaming with joy, a face that months earlier showed the scars and bruises of brutal and cruel humanity. "She's beautiful!" she exclaimed kissing Connor on the cheek.

Connor walked in and stopped ad his eyes caught Lou's. She was in bed, holding a small blanket roll close to her chest. "What?" Lou asked. "You, you look amazing." he said. "I was in labor for 13 hours Amazing is hardly the word I'd use to describe myself at this moment." "Not to me." he said walking over. "Say hello to your daddy." she said facing the baby towards him. Connors heart began to pound, his daughters bright blue eyes looking up at him, she smiled. "She likes you daddy!" Lou said

Connor turned away and stifled a sob, too many times in his life he had heard stories about babies born into the Tripps, sleeping from the very moment of birth. "She's fine Connor, she's awake and healthy." Lou said. Connor turned around and held his daughter. "Hey there!" he said smiling. "How's my little Abby?" he asked. "Abby?" Lou asked. "Yeah after your mother." Connor said. "I thought you wanted to name her Helen." Lou said. "No she's an abby, I can tell." Connor placed Abby gently on Lou's chest. "Now comes the hard part." Connor said. "Harder than 13 hours of child birth, you wanna bet." Connor smiled. "Even after that you still have your sence of humor." he said. "Connor what's wrong?" Lou asked. "I love you, you know that right?" "Yes of course I do, Connor what's wrong?" Lou repeated. "I should've done this months ago." he said reaching into his pocket. "Louise Jennings will you marry me?" he asked. "Yes of course I will you big dummy!" she said. Connor tried to put the ring on her finger. "My fingers are still swollen!" she said sighing.

Connor placed the ring on the nightstand next to him. "It'll be safe there." he said. "You can come in now." Lou said.

The door opened as the rest of the family entered to great their newest member.


As the survivors greeted Abby, the newest member of the group. Jeremy watched as Adam stole himself away to the nearby room dubbed "The Lab". For months he and Jeremy had been trying to find a cure with little success.

"Adam what's up?" Jeremy asked. "Scrub up and get over here!" Adam said most serious. "Why?" Adam picked a cooler up from the floor, inside was an object wrapped in protective plastic. "When I heard that your brother and Lou were expecting I knew that the chance for our salvation was at hand." He reached into the bag and pulled out an odd looking cord. "You stole the Umbilical Cord from my Niece!" Jeremy shouted. "No I asked your brother and he said I could have it...for the blood." Jeremy's eyes lit up. "There's no more purer source of blood than Cord Blood!" He said. "Indeed my boy, if your brothers child shares the genetic immunity for Tripps than the Stem Cells in the cord will as well." Adam said. "And by cloning those stem cells we may be able to inject them into the infected and cure them." Jeremy said.

The process of cloning the Stem Cells took months, by the end of Spring they were ready...ready for a field test.

"Be careful!" Lou said kissing Connor. "I will." he said kissing her and Abby. "If this works than the world will be free!"

And so it was that the cure did indeed work. With more help the cure spread across the country and soon after that across the planet until all traces of Captain Tripps were wiped out. Life returned to normal, but for some the memory of what had happened weighed heavily on them. As for the survivors of the Black Rock...

Jeremy and Adam went on to win the Nobel Prize in Biology for the Tripps cure.

Simon retired from the Military and settled down with Alexis, they are expecting their first child.

John returned to the police force as Commissioner (cops were needed after many had died in the outbreak).

Connor, Lou and Abby. Well lets just say they lived happily ever after.

The End

((I just wanted to end it!))

Edited by Teto (see edit history)

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*Cue Post-RP banter*

Edited by Teto (see edit history)

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Name: God

Age: Every

Former Profession: Normal Human

History: Died on cross

XD joking joking i'm atheist anyways

Name: Timmy Yang

Age: 25

Former Profession: Hardcore monk

History: Timmy Yang lived in the Temples of the Himalayas since he was young. He could survive in the forest for a long time since he knew all the plants that were edible or not. He was very energetic at all times because he could restore his energy really fast through meditation.

Ahemm : Can someone like pick me up or something lol like you were driving your jeep through the forest and then you saw me :P

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It's over, dude.

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