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The Legend of Zelda Dark Return

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Posted (edited)

Ok this is basicly my 3rd attempt at a fanfic seeing as the other 2 compleatlly failed because of their spelling and their absolute suck. I can say this one is better, but not by much. Less spelling errors and a couple of new characters added in the story.

It can be found here.

So there we go. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: This may suck. I started it back in October of last year when I spelling was terrible. I did use spell check, but there may still be mistakes. However this may get better in the future.

Note: Link doesn't talk. The parts where he does talk is in "..."'s so you know that Link is talking to other people. I made it so the characters repeated what Link said in a way so you get an idea what Link said. Also when it looks like he's talking it's really him in his mind.

PART 1 The Darkness Returns


As Link walked away from Tatl, Tael, and Skull Kid he took out his gilded sword, and mirror shield he went back into clock town.

When he got there he found a mask on the ground, and thought, "What’s this doing here?"

He picked up the mask, and kept walking along.

He went into the clock, and found the door open, and walked in.

When he saw the deku butler he quietly whispered to his self "I have finally found you."

With a tear in eye Link jumped across the platforms to the little swamp room.

Chapter one

"Dang it" Link thought. "How am I supposed to get up there?"

He looks at the mask he picked up earlier, and put it on.

He lets out a painful yell, and turns into a small man with a pointy beard, with his green clothes.

"Am I… am I Tingle?" He thought to himself. "How did he…" He thinks back in his mind, and remembers back at the Great Bay when he was trying to get a map, he shot Tingle and he fell into the pirates’ fortress. "That was terrible. No matter how much I didn’t like him, he should never have fallen in that fortress… I wonder what the pirates did to him... I also wonder how the mask got to clock town." He quickly gasped, and thought, "I wonder if I can… Yes!" He made a small balloon, and floated to the top of the chasm.

He takes off the mask, and turns back into his normal self, and walks back into the forest. As he came though the sacred grove he saw a girl with green hair, and a fairy.

"Link?" She said with a confused tone, "Link… It is you? It’s me, Saria. Where have you been?"


"Really? Where’s Termina?" asked Saria.


"You fell down a cliff to find a new world, and a skull kid was taking over the world with a mask? Could it have been the skull kid that was my friend?"


"He must be if he recognized you. By the way, did you know that Mido was looking for you?

"Mido? My old friend? Was he ever my friend? I can’t believe he used to hate me for being different. I guess I should go." He thought.


"You’re right, Link, we should go back to Kokiri forest. I have business there anyway so I’ll go with you."

Chapter two

"HELP ME!" Yelled someone when Link came in Kokiri forest. "HELP, LINK GET OFF OF ME!"

"Link?" questioned Saria, "it can’t be…"

"What the…" Link though, "It’s me, but I’m here."

The guy got of the kokiri at the first sight of Link he said, "Heh heh heh. Well look who it is. My old pal, Link.

"Huh? How does he know who I am?" Thought Link, "Unless it’s…"

"Why so puzzled, Link, don’t you remember who I am?"

Link looked closely, and thought real hard. "Come on you should know. Back at the water temple. It’s me-"

"Morpha" Saria cut in.

"NO!" yelled the guy. "It’s me Dark Link… Well to be more precise I’m Dark Young Link, but either way I’ve come back."


"I sill remember why because your time travel didn’t effect Dark Hyrule, but happened to be here, and you happened to go forward in time. So after our confrontation I went back to Dark Hyrule and when you came back I switched back to this form and the time travel never effected my brain."

He went up to Link and hit him in the

head with a shield, and as glare of hated Link went down, and blacked out.

Chapter three

Ugh. Moaned Link as he arose.

"HE’S AWAKE" yelled Saria with cheer.

Link looked at Saria, and remembered Dark Link. He got up and ran into the door.

"Ow. That hurt." Thought Link.

"Are you ok?" Asked Saria.


"I know you’re in pain you ran into a door."


"Well we added a door so Dark Link couldn’t get in.

"Yes but he’s not stupid." Said Mido from nowhere.

Link and Saria jumped.

"Sorry guys. I didn’t mean to scare you."

"It’s ok Mido. We weren’t expecting it."

Suddenly there was knock at the door. Link opened it and there was a blond hair girl with a dress with a triforce on it, and she gave Link a hug.

"Hey, Zelda how are you?" Asked Saria.

"I’m good. I’m here to pick up Link so he can come back to the castle to stop Dark Link.


"Everyone knows, Link, the Kokiris’, Hylians, Gorons, and Ruto. She’s more worried.


"No the zoras all kind of froze, again.


"Yes, Link, Ruto survived.


"Well that doesn’t matter now. Your homecoming is over. Now lets go talk.

"But, Link before you go take this." Said Saria as she handed Link a slingshot.

Chapter four

Back at the castle in the courtyard.

"Ok, Link," said Zelda with a sigh, "as you know, Dark Link has come back for his revenge. I know it might sound weird considering you beat him in the future, and he remembers. Everyone sort of forgot, but that’s time travel for you. The only reason we remember is because we were together when I played the ocarina."


"What do you mean how did they find out? I’m the princess, and they are the sages. The sages know, and told everyone. Then I told some people, and they thought I was crazy. Except for my father. He was the only one, and he persuaded everyone to believe me. It wasn’t easy until I showed them the scratches from where the Master Sword was pulled out." She smiled, and said, "Well you’re a hero now, and it’s time to fight Dark Link like one."


Mean while in Dark Hyrule…

"ARGH! Dang it Dark Link can’t you do anything right?" Yelled the man. "You are an idiot. Why didn’t you kill Link when you had the chance? Heck, you could have killed him with your sword, but no you hit him with your shield. Now, look, I know you mean well, and all, but I can’t have you screwing up my plans."

"I’m… very sorry, my Lord." Said Dark Link. "I panicked."

"I know, Dark Link, but he can’t be alive. Now do you have his weapons?"


"Good. Of course you do know we can’t use them, but we can’t keep them for him to find. Understand?"

"Yes, sir. I will dispose of them immediately, but why would we hide them when we can destroy them."

"Hm that’s a good plan. Go destroy them and leave me to think."

"Where do I go."

"You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here."


So Dark Link went off to destroy the weapons.

Chapter 5

"Aw man. Why did Dark Link have to come back?" Thought Link, "You know I feel like killing someone right now."

Link tried to take out his sword, but it was forgot it was gone.

"Why me? Why does this always happen? At least Skull Kid left my sword, and shield when he stole my stuff. Well my first priority is to find me a sword, and get me a shield."

Link walked, and walked looking for a sword. No matter what he did he couldn’t find one.

"Well I guess I’ll go ask someone in Castle Town."

He went to Castle Town and met a man, who claimed his name was Ganondelf.

"Hello, child. My name is Ganondelf. May I help you?"


"Ganondorf? I don’t know him personally, but I know of a kid, who beat Ganondorf."


"Wait, that was you? No way you’re just a kid."


"Time travel. I see."


"What? You don’t think you want to trust me because my name sounds like Ganondorf?


"Fine I am a Gerudo, but I’m not Ganondorf. In fact I am his father. I didn’t want to tell you because I thought you wouldn’t trust me."


"Ganondorf having 2 moms? Twinrova? No of course not. As I said I am his father. I am greater than he is, or ever will be. My ungrateful son tried to kill me because I was against him. The thieves were also against him, but he could have killed them all so they said nothing to protect themselves. They knew you were going to come because of Nabooru. She told the others to trap you just to give you a test, and then they would believe you were Hyrules’ savior."


"You don’t have to be sorry, Link. It’s not your fault. It was his, and by sealing him, you set me free to roam around again, and allowed the Gerudos to come to town without being executed by the guards. If there’s anything you need feel free to talk to me."


"A sword? I can do that come back in a couple of days. I will make one to fit your body type. Good bye."

Chapter 6

"It’s been 2 days, and I haven’t heard from Dark Link," said the voice. "Where the heck is he? Why am I talking to myself anyway?" Angrily he yelled, "DARK LINK! COME HERE THIS INSTANT!"

"Here I am," said Dark Link. "What do you need I was forming my own plan to kill Link."

"No. You listen to me. I’m the one who comes up with the ideas. I want you to hire some minions so that Link doesn’t find you easily."

"Uh, sir, we have no money."

"Fine. So instead hide the 4 orbs of darkness around Hyrule because you’re going back there, and when you do, you can’t get back."

"Why can’t I get back?"

"Remember the 4 orbs open the door to Dark Hyrule from the Temple of Time? You’re such an idiot."

" What if I get caught?"

"Just don’t get caught. Hide them anywhere, at all cost."

"At all costs? We have no money."

"Stop being a wise guy, get out there, and hide those orbs.

"Got it. I’m leaving shortly.

"No go now. I want the request done! GOT IT?"

"Yes sir."


Back in Ganondelfs’ ally hideout.

"Link, my boy. Good to see you back. I finished your sword. It’s made out the strongest metal you can get here in Hyrule, and, as a bonus, I used gold to make your sword stronger."


"A question? Well of course, anything for the hero.


"I’m terribly sorry, but I do not do shields. I suggest the custom shield shop. It’s in Hyrule fields under a rock. They block it so that evil can’t get there.


"No problem anytime, Link. Good bye."

Chapter 7

"Well here I am" though Link.

"Hello, good fellow. Are you looking for a shield today? Well of course you are why else would you be here if you weren’t. So what do you want today?"

"I see a silver shield with the triforce on it. Is that all? Ok that comes up to 2,000 rupees.

"What no money? I’ll make it, but you better have money when you come back kid."

"Dang it" Link thought, "Where’s a kid supposed to get rupees? I have no other choice, but to get… A job." "I’m only 12 so there’s no real way for me to get a job so I’ll lie about my age. If I can that is."

Later at the bazaar

"So you want a job huh, kid."

Well I could use an assistant. You don’t look very strong though.

You, the Hero of Time? Wow having you as an assistant would be an honor. Here lift this box.

Link tries to lift the box, but can’t.

"Sorry, kid, but if you want a job here you need to be stronger. I know a guy who can help. Take this to Goron Village and go to the shop there. There will be a shop keep who will sell you bracelets that will make you stronger."

So Link headed off to Death Mountain to visit the Gorons.

Chapter 8

As Link reached the peak of Death Mountain he saw a Goron run out in terror.

"What’s wrong? What’s wrong? We’re being attacked by lava."

"I know we live in a mountain full of lava and that we can roll on lava, but… Um I forgot what we were talking about."

The Goron then ran away.

"That guy was weird."

Link then walk into Goron Village where he found the other Gorons.

"Excuse me, brother," said one of them, "Have you seen an insane man running around here."

Link pointed them in the direction of the man.

"Thank you, brother." The Gorons left.

"Something is wrong with these guys." Link sighed and continued to the shop.

"Hello there, brother, how may I be of assistance." Asked the shop keeper

"Oh a letter from the bazaar shop keeper in Hyrule Castle Town. Let’s see what this says."

Dear fellow shopkeeper,

This is my ‘soon to be’ assistant, Link A.K.A. the Hero of Time. I sent him here to obtain the golden bracelets from you so he may be strong at his age. Inside is a coupon for bracelets.

Thank you for help,

Bazaar shopkeeper

"Ah so you need the golden bracelets. Here you, brother."

Back at the bazaar

"Congratulations, kid you got the job."

Link finally got a job, but how long will it take him to get 2,000 rupees?

Chapter 9

It’s been a 3 weeks since our hero last got his job, but has only made 1,500 rupees.

"This is boring, but getting paid 500 rupees a week isn’t that bad. I just wish I could get this over with."

"Very well, kid, if you keep this up you could be come assistant manager."

"Oh so you only needed this job to pay for a shield, eh. Well it was nice having you around. If you ever need anything feel free to stop on by."

1 week later

"Well I finally got 2,000 rupees. It wasn’t fun, but it wasn’t half-bad either. I wonder what Dark Link has been up to for the past 4 weeks.

Mean while at Dark Link’s house

"There I got destroyed all his weapons and hid all 3 orbs in the most not obvious place unlike. Even though I put them in temples, they are under lock and key so Link can’t get it. Oh look at the time I have to go see master now. I’m going to be late."

Later at ???’s layer

"Dark Link, there you are. Where have you been."

"I was at my house finishing up important business."

"If you say so."

"Ok, master, what did you want me for now?"

"Look into this orb."


Dark Link looks into the orb and sees nothing.

"Sir, I don’t see anything."

"Of course not. Look at the orb."

"I don’t see anything."


"Whoops. Sorry master, I’ll get right on that."

"You better."

Later in Dark Hyrule Fields

"I can’t believe I forgot one of the orbs. He only showed me the 3. Oh well I guess I should hide this now.

Mean while at Hyrule Castle Town

Chapter 10

"Ok now I got my sword and my shield. There’s not much left for me to do now so I guess we should go find Dark Link."

Link then saw someone coming up to him. He then realized that it was Ruto.

"Link you can’t go just yet." Said Ruto, "You have to get something first."


"The silver scale so you can dive deeper."


"Of course you’re going to need it silly."


"I may not know that, but it never hurts to be prepared."


"Ok then. Follow me."

Link followed Ruto to frozen Zora’s Domain and out to the ice cavern.

"Alright, Link. All you do is go in there and collect the silver scale."


"Good one, Link. I’m a princess. I’m not going in there, but I’m sure it will be fine.

So Link walked into the ice cavern.

"Man I think Ruto has gone nuts man. Well it looks like I have to do this on my own."

Link walked on though the ice cavern without a care thinking it was cake. Little did he know that that there was danger a foot. Link walked into the last room when he saw a strange figure lurking in the darkness.

"What is that thing?"

Just then the figure came out of the light only to reveal an electric jellyfish. Link wasn’t afraid of it. Just when he was about to attack it, more jellyfish came and grew bigger.

"Barinade’s jellyfish?"

Yes Barinade’s jellyfish came back for revenge for killing their master. Thus an epic battle will begin.

Chapter 11

"I’m not ready for this all I have is a sword and a shield and I’ll get hurt if I attack them."

So Link ran out of the room and back out to talk to Ruto.

"Oh Link I’m so sorry." Said Ruto with a tear. "I forgot to give you this boomerang."


"Of course I knew there were jellyfish from Barinade in there. I just forgot to give you the boomerang to help you defeat them."

So Link went back into the Ice Cavern. He looked back and scolded at Ruto.

He sighed and though, "It’s not that I hate her. It’s just that she’s so forgetful of everything. Except the fact that she wants to marry me."

Link ran back into the room with the jellyfish and they formed into the giant jellyfish.

"All right I’m ready for you this time"

Link took out his boomerang and threw it into the jellyfish. The giant jellyfish broke into 40 pieces. Link took out 5 of them until it reformed back together. The giant jellyfish then struck using a lighting attack that Link barely dodged. Then Link threw the boomerang once again, but defeated 10 of them this time. Only leaving 25 left. So Link threw it again and took out 10 more and another 10. Then when Link was about to throw it again the jellyfish ran into Link injuring him badly. He then threw the boomerang and killed the rest. He went throw the last room and collected the silver scale.

Chapter 12

"All right Link," exclaimed Ruto. "Now you are ready."


"Yep. You’re now all set to go."


"No. I’m sure someone else will stop you, but I’m not sure. You’re all set here, but first how about a kiss for you bride."

Link laughed and then he ran away.

"Don’t forget Link you still have my sapphire!"

Link ran. He ran to Hyrule fields.

"I need to return that sapphire."

So Link walked off back to Hyrule Castle Town.

The End

For Now

Ok there sorry for the no special effects thing such as italicizing Link's words or bolding the the narrarations and the CHAPTER part, but meh I don't have time.

Edited by Young Link Addict (see edit history)

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I like it.

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Don't link to stories. Post them up here. -_- Fail...

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YLA please post the story here. I want to read it.

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Posted (edited)

There. I fixed it.

@Stormsworder: I posted it on ZeldaFan,'s sister site. That's why I linked it here.

Anway look at the first post now.

Ok now it's all way spaced out. I'll fix it.

On second thought I'll just reput it on.

Edited by Young Link Addict (see edit history)

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I think it was good, but most FanFics have link talk. and it's kinda short.

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please post more YLA.

(I'm starting to agree with you about YL...)

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