The Legend of Zelda: The Sagas Legend part 1

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((thats ok Trinity))

Linara was looking around to see if there were any Dekus around still.he searched for a while until he found a shiny gem on the ground."Shhiiinnnyyy!"Linara said.Linara repeated it until a fierce wind came in and then a earthquake causing 3 trees to fall down."shiny.....,"Linara said sadly.But then he saw a Deku pick it up and head West towards Ninya and Trinity.'Wait up!!!"Linara shouted.So Linara ran West towards Ninya and trinity while chasing the Deku with the gem.

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"Hey Linara. Its about time you got here. What took you so long?" Then Ninya noticed the gem the little Deku was holding. "What's that?" The gem was a deep green and had a bronze base with an odd design on the front. The green was almost hypnotizing. Almost. "Where'd you find that?"

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Linara couldn't keep his thought staright while looking at the gem."Wha...Oh I found the gem south while looking for Dekus, but instead I find a gem that this Deku ran off with,"Linara laughed though, but was a little angry.After he was done talking the gem started glowing.It was like it was trying to protect the Deku from Linara being angry at it."Awww that doesn't look nice,"Linara said sadly.

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((just a reminder you can reply 2 times in a row which i'm fixin to do if thats ok))

Linara thought deeply after the gem's glow got brighter.It's like its trying to reach into my mind.But I feel a weird satisfaction after looking at the gem.It's telling me "The one with a lush heart is near,"the Gem repeated to me over and over.Then Ninya looked at Linara like she had seen something very weird happen.Then Trinity asked "What kind of gem is that?"he said couriosly.Then once again Linara's thoughts were deeply connected with the gem's power."The temple of the forest's sage is trapped within itself,"the gems said.Then it added "Look for the forest's blade which is also in the temple but hidden by a evil force,but once freed the sage's decendant or decendants' can wield the blade itself,"The gem said before breaking away from Linara's thoughts.Once again Ninya was puzzled and asked "Whats wrong Linara"?"The Temple...Temple.....The Temple of the Forest,"Linara said.Then there was silence till Linara said "A Koriki is a decendant of The forest Temple!"Linara shouted than ran off to find the Forset Temple."We must also break the curse!"he added hastily."Hey Linara!Lets not forget about the Koriki!"Ninya yelled.Then Linara stopped an thought, then said "I heard Korikis' live east of the forest".so they started heading West.

((wow now would be a good time to get someone who would make a koriki charcter.i'm thinking if we get someone to be the koriki we could have more fun and it would save time.Also I'm not forcing Anyone to be a can be whatever you want to be))

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Ninya was not sure why they were heading West when the forest was east, but she figured it was for the best and didn't say anything. After about an hour or so, she wished she had, because they were nowhere near a forest. "Linara, this is a field. We are nowhere near the forest anymore. Can't we turn back?" To her surprise, he agreed and so did Trinity, who had looked like he was thinking the same thing as she was. So they went back east and kept going that way until they reached the forest. The gem was still drawing her attention, and finally she was fed up and shoved it into a bag at her side. "Too distracting," she explained.

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((alas i'm srry i haven't replyed in a while.Just waiting for someone to join.So I played my gba, wii, and ds for that time.But I figured a idea:once we get to the koriki forest lets stay there till someone joins.If not in 3 weeks then will continue.So we were heading back to the forest.....))

Linara felt embaresed that he told Ninya and Trinity that the forest was west,but it was east.After following Ninya back to the forest which was east they finally made it back to the forest."Ok now lets find the Korikis,"Linara said.

((all i could think))

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((Okay, the forest for 3 weeks... let's go!!!))

"Hey, I've got an idea! WHy don' we split up and look for the Kokiri in three directions? That way it'll be easier," Ninya suggested. So the group split up and looked around. Ninya looked under a bush, over a river, but couldn't find them anywhere. She could hear them, though. There were echoes of laughter sounding all around them.

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((I am the only one playing???))

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