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Paranormal Horror Fanfic

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We had to be silent. It didn’t take long for us to learn that noise was the enemy. We found this out rather quickly when a young boy stood up and said hello. He was quickly pulled underground. Only he wasn't really pulled under, but merely compressed into the floor, leaving a chunky red and black puddle and a pile of clothes. I turned and looked at the others, a pitiful group of people from all ages and races, about twenty lost souls huddling against the walls. I raised a finger to my mouth, they all nodded their heads. I turned and saw twenty-four small tunnels. Each one had a colored circle above the entrance. I walked over to the wall and looked in the white tunnel.


I walked back to the group and sat down. A woman was huddled up against the wall, her arms wrapped around her legs. Her eyes were fixed on the boy’s remains. I put my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. She got up and walked to another spot, sitting down next to a very obese man. She felt more comfortable sitting next to him I suppose. It took a while to gather everyone together and I attempted to get across my point. I pointed at a few tunnels one by one, and then pointed at us, and back at the tunnels.

One man ran for the tunnel with the white circle over it.

I tried to stop him but he had already climbed in. We watched as he crawled out of view into the darkness. It didn't take long for screams of pain to come bellowing out of the tunnel. Another woman ran into the same tunnel, hoping to save him.

It didn't take long for her to come back covered in the same red and black liquid I had seen the boy morph into as he was crushed into the floor. She showed us the palms of her hands, littered with needle marks. She put a finger up to her lips. We all nodded our heads. We were all slowly beginning to understand what these tunnels were.

They were tests of pain.

I pointed into the tunnels and put a finger up to my mouth. One woman backed away to a corner and started crying. She was quickly sucked down and turned into a soup of blood and guts. A few people walked away to the corner, avoiding the woman’s puddle.

We sat in silence.

I looked around and saw that every man woman and child in this room had their heads down. They were scared, and so they should be, but my head was down for a different reason. I was staring at the ground, thinking about what had pulled them under. I ran my hand across the smooth floor. No cracks, no hidden trap doors. I decided I lacked the scientific knowledge to even begin to understand how this was happening.

We sat for about two hours. It wasn’t just a long period of time that felt like two hours, it was actually two hours. I know this because I still had on a watch. Two hours of complete silence. Finally a man stood up. It took him a while to do anything. He just sort of stood there looking around at everyone around him. Finally he looked at me and shook his head. It was then I realized that I had made myself the leader of these people; their savior. He looked over at the tunnels and slowly walked to them. I quickly followed and stood next to him as he peered into it. A few of the people sitting down got up and came over. The rest got there as they noticed the man had started to get in the tunnel. I put my hand on his back; he stopped, and came back out. He looked into my eyes, and I nodded. He gave me a weak grin and climbed into the tunnel. We waited.

After an hour of sitting around the tunnel I decided he had probably made it through. We would of heard his screams had he failed. I stood up and pointed to the tunnels.

One by one I watched as the remaining twenty-one of us went into each tunnel. A strange looking man smiled at me and raised a finger to his mouth as he went into his. I nodded.

I went in last.

I only heard five screams before I entered my tunnel. I had chosen the brown tunnel.

Sixteen of us remaining. But who were we? I knew who I was, but who were we as a group? Why were we gathered here? I made my way down the tunnel. Nothing so far. I began to think about my family. Were they frantically searching for me? How long had I been gone? Maybe it had just been a few hours, maybe they were still asleep, maybe--

I felt the first attempt this trap had made to pain me into making noise. The section of metal that my hand had just touched was as hot as a stove. I lifted my hand up and bit into my lip, drawing a rather large amount of blood. I rested for a minute with my hand to my side.

I heard the blood drops fall and hit the heated section of metal, and sizzle as they cooked.

I crawled on. What would await me at the end of this tunnel? The thought of an exit and safety seemed too far-fetched to even consider. I was ready to die, but I was not ready to fail this test. I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. I heard another scream.

A second attempt on my life, this one almost made me laugh. A medium sized stone was thrown at my behind. There was pain, but nothing to yell about. Maybe they had tried to make me laugh instead this time?

I began to ponder who would have motive to imprison me, but when another, much larger rock hit me in the face, decided I should pay attention to the task at hand.

More and more rocks began to fling at me. One went flinging at my nose, crushing it and snapping cartilage like a wishbone. After about thirty rocks had beaten me senseless I collapsed and assessed the injuries. A broken nose, for sure. A possible concussion. I had to keep crawling.

My hand was on fire and my nose burned and I wondered what sort of unimaginable pain sneezing would cause me. I had stopped hearing screams, but was beginning to think that the tunnels were soundproof.

A flash of sound and force. I felt a bullet whir past me.

I crawled on.

Needles flew into my hands, like the woman who ran after the man who was the first to die in the tunnels.

I crawled on.

A spike went through my leg. All the way through. I felt it tear through my skin and chip away at a section of bone. It disappeared into the other side of the tunnel walls.

I crawled on with only one good leg.

I felt pain like pain wanted me to feel it. It was unbearable. There was no point where I accepted the pain, it just grew and grew and became worse and worse and I knew at one point I would pass out from the pain. I would not scream though. I would not groan; I would make no noise. I would not give them the satisfaction. I would pass this test and I would make it to the other side and I would spit in the face of whoever did this.

A sharp sheet of some sort of metal fell down and cut off three of my fingers. I winced in agony.

I had to keep moving on. I tried to look on the bright side; at least it had cut off fingers from my burned hands.

Then at last, I saw a small shimmer of light. I crawled much faster now, with the purpose of a beggar who realizes one of his fellow bums has just received a handful of loose change from a naive little school boy.

I made my way to the exit and fell out, slowly rising to my feet. I looked around and found myself in a very bright room with tall arched pillars. I saw twenty four coffins arranged in a circle. I walked over to the circle of coffins and found them empty, with a small pinhole right in the middle of each of them. I looked closer into the pinholes and watched to my horror as the holes expanded and the red and black liquid quickly filled the coffins.

All except for one of the coffins (presumably the one reserved for me) filled with the remains of the people who I had a few minutes later led into the tunnels that would kill them. How was I to know that they wouldn't be able to take the pain? If only I had warned them more. I should have known from the pitiful look on their pitiful faces that these pitiful people wouldn't be able to handle the pain that awaited them in the tunnels. I fell to my knees, my hands cradling my skull.

I wept. I felt myself sinking towards the floor.

Looks like the last coffin would be filled.

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It sucks.

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So much for a ragequit.

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I'm bored, and I need something to occupy my time waiting for the email.

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I hate people who bring stupid things like e-mails up just so people ask about them.

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I really couldn't care less.

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Finally replied, eh? Took you long enough.

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