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Making It Up As I Go Along

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And then the trees fell one by one crushing the peace of the forest. None remained but the Bitches long prophesied to unearth the new civilization. They scattered to the horizon and there they built a wall, sturdy and tall, to keep safe their shared haven. Their kingdom flourished, safe from the dangers of the outside world. The Bitches lived a harmonious existence, a simple life of hunting and farming within the walls they had built themselves so many years ago. They never questioned what was on the other side, nor why it had been built. All they were told is that it was safer inside.

They knew from birth, from their mothers and fathers, that it was a great taboo none of them might ever break. They never did break this taboo. To wander close to the wall seemed a great effort. Those who tried felt held back by a force they couldn't place anywhere but in themselves. Even the strongest of them couldn't stand against this force. None of the Bitches could, and none of them could explain it, even the elders who had lived in the land for centuries.

As they grew and their civilization expanded, they never once faced an issue with space. The wall remained out of reach to them. As far away as it had been when they began as a single fireplace, around which they built their new world.

To restart was their experiment, to decide what is to be done about the world outside, destroyed by their own uncontrollable desire to control. The Wall was a project, to decide if the world of the single community could function. The project decided, beyond doubt, that it could.

The Wall was discontinued. The file erased and the perfect world wiped from the machine. They built The Wall, the world greatest simulation device, to decide the ultimate fate of their own doomed civilization. The world outside was destroyed in fire, and thus began a new world, the one they had seen in The Wall.

The years passed and The Wall was rebuilt, to decide the fate of the perfect world.

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Interesting. I like it.

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I'm so confused.

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I made it up as I went along and the idea came up as I wrote it.

I'm saying that The Wall, which was built to begin a new world, is a powerful simulation device designed to monitor the effects of letting a world grow as one society. Once it was done and they determined that one society would work, they destroyed the world, keeping some safe. They rose from the earth, and began the new world they saw in The Wall simulation device. But because other people probably survived, they'd start their new worlds too. Because all of man is not contained, they were all warring. Eventually they got to the same point from which they had begun, and built the simulation device, and destroyed the world.

It was such a dumb idea for a ramble, seriously.

It makes no sense c:

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you know who else makes no sense?


you, silves, make no sense.


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