Ilia's Secret (part 2): The Arrival

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‘Ilia? Where’s that centre piece?!’ Bo called from the kitchen.

‘Coming, Pa,’ Ilia replied as she carried it down the stairs. The centre piece was a set of Ordon goat horns adorned in white and pink flowers.

‘Oh my, it looks beautiful. Good work, love!’ He said as he examined the intricate detail, ‘OK, I have to get to work now, there’s still a lot that needs doing before the guests arrive!’

‘I will be back shortly to help but for now I’m off to see-’

‘Link?’ Bo injected, trying not smile.

‘Come on, Pa, I thought you were used to it by now?’ Ilia said rolling her eyes. Bo could be just as bad as the children sometimes; giggling and whispering whenever Link and Ilia were together, or making stupid innuendoes about their relationship.

‘I’m just happy for you, sweetheart. It’s about time you two got it on!’ He said.

‘It’s been two and half months...’ Ilia replied in a very matter-of-fact tone, ‘anyway, I’ll see you later.’

Ilia fastened her purse around her leg and stepped outside into the morning sunlight. She took a deep breath and smiled. The beauty of Ordon will never tire me, she thought as she began walking towards Link’s house. Ilia looked around and was instantly thankful to see that no one else was awake yet. It was still very early so she thought she had at least an hour or two where she could be alone with Link without any interruptions. Her step quickened as couldn’t wait tell Link her news. She had hardly slept last night with the thought of it and didn’t want to tell anyone else, especially Bo, because she knew they would ruin it by blabbing to the whole town.

When Ilia reached Link’s house, she was surprised to see he was already awake as usually he enjoyed sleeping in on his day off. Epona was grazing lazily in a patch of grass while Link stood with his back to Ilia, oiling her saddle. Ilia crept up behind Link and wrapped her arms around him.

‘Good morning!’ She said cheerfully, ‘You’re up early.’

‘Hey!’ Link turned to pick her up and spin her around, ‘Well, how did you expect me to sleep after you said you needed to talk to me yesterday?’

Ilia laughed and kissed him once, ‘Oh, you’re so sweet; I said you didn’t need to worry,’

Link smiled at her and played with her hair, ‘What did you want to talk about?’

Ilia took a deep breath and looked into his wild and curious eyes. Maybe telling him won’t be as easy as I expected...she thought.

‘Ilia...?’ Link pressed

‘I love you, Link, so please don’t freak out but-’ She started.

‘Hey, I found them!’ a small voice called behind Ilia. She turned to see Talo running down the path from the spring, closely followed by Beth, Colin and Malo. They were all carrying long sticks that loosely resembled swords.

‘What is it guys...? Is it important because I am kind of in the middle of something here,’ Ilia groaned.

‘Oooh! Link and Ilia sitting in a tree!’ Beth chanted.

‘ you have to that?’ Link said, annoyed.

‘They’re here! They’re here! Telma and everyone, even Ralis!’ Talo said excitedly as he and Colin grabbed Link and Ilia by their hands and dragged them towards the main bridge near the spring.

READ NEXT: Ilia's Secret: Renado's Verdict Part 1 (its actually meant to be called 'the banquet' but i puppyed the name up so in the thread it appears as 'Ilia's Secret: Renado's Verdict)

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