Ilia's Secret: Renado's Verict Part 2

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‘Ilia!’ Uli gasped as she rushed to steady Ilia, ‘Are you alright?’

‘Um...I...I’m OK...’ she replied breathlessly.

Ilia’s head was spinning and she could feel tiny beads of sweat collecting in the palms of her hands.

‘You should take it easy, honey. And here, drink this,’ Pergie said offering Ilia some water and helping her into a kitchen chair. Ilia took the water and drank slowly, trying not to let her shaking hands embarrass her.

‘We’ll finish up in the kitchen, don’t you worry,’ Hanch said.

‘Oh, thank you, but I feel much better now,’ Ilia got to her feet, picked up a basket of bread and made her way out the front door.

Uli, Pergie and Hanch exchanged glances before following after her with platters of fresh vegetables and roast chicken.

Outside, the men had moved on to sharing stories about their past adventures. Shad was deep in conversation with Link who was telling him about the City in the Sky.

‘My boy that is simply magnificent! Oh how I would give anything to visit such a place shrouded in wonder and history!’ Shad said in awe, ‘after dinner you must tell me more so I can document it in my field journal, speaking of which, all this excitement is making me very hungry...’

‘Food is ready!’ Ilia called as she walked towards the table.

On hearing this, the children came running from the creek and stumbled into their chairs; eager to eat so they could get back to playing. As she reached the table, Ilia’s vision became distorted and the voices around her grew thick and muffled. She suddenly felt fatigued, not from lack of sleep or exhaustion, but rather as though her energy was being sucked from her quicker than she could regain it. Ilia’s thoughts ran into each other, creating a soup of confusion and numbness. She could hardly feel her legs or the basket she was carrying. Something hard collided with her back and then her head. Her whole body ached as the sweet breath of unconsciousness consumed her...


‘...I don’t know. In all my years I have never seen anything like it. To inflict such a severe reaction is...incredible. The conception must have triggered something and I fear this is only the start of it...but from what I have gathered, the child is not the cause of...’ Ilia heard Renado’s deep voice explain and she guessed he was probably speaking to Link or Bo...maybe both. Before she had time to make sense of where she was or anything Renado was saying, sleep had silenced her once again...

READ NEXT: Ilia's Secret: Link's Pain (coming soon!)

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if you didnt like it, then i couldn't care less but dont go posting shit like that on my thread. i get that each part is short but thats how i intended it.

oh and by the way, what has being female got to do with writing abilty?? please, enlighten me...

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He's being sexist, woman. Now get back to the kitchen.

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being a full time puppywit must be a pretty intense job...

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Lady, why would you get pissed at someone because they gave you a negative review?

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