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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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Long ago...

Two waring tribes devistated the land in a crippling war to expand their territory. As battles raged, the Highest Fairy grew increasingly angry and in a fit of rage splintered the land in two.

To insure peace would last, The Highest used all of her power and sent the splintered land to the heavens, then with her power drained she entered into a deep sleep.

In time the two tribes, The land dwelling Lians and the sky bound Hy forgot about one another.

Centuries past and while life was easy for the Hy among the clouds, far below life had taken a turn for without the protection of the Highest, a dark force long held at bay had clawed it's way back and began to lash out in anger.

Feeling the pain and fear of those under her charge, the Highest awoke from her slumber to find herself transformed into a meek and frail imp.

Seeing that she was no match for the evil she once imprisoned, Adelle The Highest of all fairies went searching for a champion

Link sat on his tree stump and watched as a young bird took his first flight. "Link pay attention!" his teacher Mrs. Maple shouted. "Now why must we never go to the world below?" she asked. "Because the world below is full of evil." a young girl, with reddish blonde hair said. "Very good Malon." Mrs. Maple said smiling. "That's it for today class, read chapters 5,6 and 7 for tomorrow." she added.

As Link walked alone back to his home, a quick pace approached him. "Hey wait up!" Malon said hurrying over.

"I don't buy it Malon." Link said. "Buy what?" she asked. "That stepping off Skyloft means instant death." he said. "It's not a question of belief Link, the elders tell us that it is so." she said. "come with me." he said grabbing her hand.

A short trek east brought them to the edge of Skyloft. "We can't be here Link, it's forbidden!" Malon said. "It's alright, just watch." he said pointing to a tree towering above them. "What am I looking at?" she asked. "That." he said pointing to a large bird resting on a branch. "It's a bird." she said. As she said that the bird jumped off the branch and dove off the edge, spreading it's massive wings as it tumbled down. "What happened!" she said in shock. "Just wait." Link said

A few minutes later the bird returned. "Where did she go?" Malon asked. "She dives down below and catches fish to eat." he said. "No evil, no monsters just fish Malon." he added. "I...I have to go now Link." Malon said.

As Link watched his friend run off, he wondered if shaking her beliefs was the right idea.

"He's the one, a truly noble spirit." a tiny voice muttered "He will help us."

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