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Why do some hate on Twilight Princess?

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And Twilight Princess didn't give me that feeling of "!!!!!!!" like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.

It didn't give me that magical feeling. I bet a lot of people felt that way.

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The only thing unique about Twilight Princess was the wolf parts.

Yeeaahh, not even that aspect entirely. A lot of people hated on it for the wolf parts because of its similarity to Okami (of course, other than the fact that you are a wolf, I can't really see how they're the same.) So... I dunno, a wolf is a cool idea and all, but its just been used before, y'know?

Anyways, I personally thought the only disappointing aspect to TP was its reaction to chicken abuse. It made no sense whatsoever, and was probably the single lamest thing I've ever seen in a Zelda game.

You go up to the chicken.

You hit the chicken a couple of times.

You see the black bars come up on screen, expecting a reannactment of the legendary cutscene of its chicken brethren flocking to bite your face off.

Fade to black, fade in from black. You notice that Link's gone and its a zoom in on the chicken.

Confused, you move your joystick and WHAAA- you ARE the chicken!

Ok, I'll admit that I thought it was weirdly cool when I first tried it. But I realized what a complete waste of time it was when the "timer" finished and I was back to being Link. Seriously, made NO sense.

Other than that, I dunno. I learned about TP in 2006 from this site, and so I was very excited for it. When I got it, I played it for days on end and I was content as anything: maybe I wasn't as hyped up about it as everyone else? (Despite the fact that I had dreams of Link from TP and Mario from Brawl breaking into my English classroom and handing me my Wii and some games...)

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And Twilight Princess didn't give me that feeling of "!!!!!!!" like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.

It didn't give me that magical feeling. I bet a lot of people felt that way.

I felt that way. I actually made that same comment to my friend after beating Twilight Princess.

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Yeeaahh, not even that aspect entirely. A lot of people hated on it for the wolf parts because of its similarity to Okami (of course, other than the fact that you are a wolf, I can't really see how they're the same.) So... I dunno, a wolf is a cool idea and all, but its just been used before, y'know?

Confused, you move your joystick and WHAAA- you ARE the chicken!

The dude who made Okami was inspired by Zelda, and I dunno, I think it would work the other way, and I didn't hate Okami for having similar wolf controls.

I mean, "human wielding sword/gun" has been done how many times? I don't get tired of that. They're two distinct experiences. The only thing I didn't like about wolf form was that other than during story parts, it was almost useless, and when you did need to be a wolf, you couldn't change very smoothly. I would like to press some button and turn into a wolf, rather than bringing up the menu and selecting an option. Breaks up the action I am supposed to be all up in.

Also, wolf form wasn't much faster than regular Link, so again, I was disappointed when I expected a faster mode of land travel that wasn't Epona, which I totally need because of the vast/emptiness of Hyrule Field.

Also, I was also heavily disappointed at how CUCCOs were done. I mean, yeah, they don't swarm and kill you, which is also disappointing, but COME ON.

They give you SUCH an opportunity for some sort of minigame or sidequest by mind controlling the Cucco (though I agree it makes no sense, neither do a lot of things in any kind of fictional story) but they only give you like five seconds with it, and there are no interesting sidequests/minigames to be done.

It's just ugh. Why would they dangle this in front of me. ):


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I liked it too, LL.

Also, about the Spinner. If you think about it, if it's literally completely useless on land, why can you even take it out on land? It would make more sense to not have it as an item, but have it like one of those carts in the handheld Zeldas that you go up to and hop in that are already there, or respawn, or something.

I mean, I thought the Stallord battle was cool and all, but the Spinner is just so useless. ):


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Also, I was also heavily disappointed at how CUCCOs were done.

Whoops, my bad. xD; Seems I'm suffering from lack of Zelda: haven't played the games in a good year or so.

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Twilight Princess was a fine action adventure, but it wasn't a true Zelda world. Zelda games are supposed to have secrets in every nook and cranny. Little holes for bean plants, submerged treasue, secret spots for playing a certain tune, bombable walls to secret passages, etc. and every cool thing you found was rewarding. TP was empty, and least in comparison to other Zelda games. I didn't have fun wandering around hyrule field after the battles have passed. Playing through the story is very fun, but it quickly loses it's charm when you realize that's pretty much it.

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Yeah. Thanks.

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I liked Twilight Princess. Although I do not consider it the best in the series I still thought it was a decent game. Link roaming through even more countryside. Encountering Zora and Gorons again, finding the hidden Sheikah village was a nice touch too. And I kind of like the Bulblins a little more than the Moblins who have become a little too cartoonish lately. I consider it another adventure through Hyrule, it just wasn't the best of the series.

Really the only thing I didn't like about it was Ganon appearing out of nowhere near the end of the game. I liked Zant as a villain and they pulled a FSA on me and made Ganon the final villain again. With very little buildup he appears as the bigger badder threat.

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I actually prefered going around Hyrule Field as wolf Link becauseif you do a sudden dash you would surprise Midna and she would say "uh" and lean back a bit because she is not holding on tight enough always made me laugh doing that

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What I hated most about the big field thing is that it was so easy to get lost it. I mean, one minute you walk behind a ridge in it and then you're like "Wait, what the hell?! Where am I? I don't know which way leads to the lantern cavern. SOMEBODY HELP ME! fear.gif " That almost never happend in WW.

Also the double wasn't so bad, but why separate them into two different objects? Makes no sense to me. Other than that the game was fine, the story was good and the charecters epic.

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Seriously? The field wasn't that bad because I actually looked at my map.

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Gotta agree with YLA. The map was very easy to follow.

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Gotta agree with YLA. The map was very easy to follow.

That's because the map took like a quarter of the screen!

I remember TP had like 2 real caves in Hyrule Field. The only fun one I can remember was at Lake Hylia by that huge tower, where you had to use the lantern through the whole thing.

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Yeah. Besides pieces of heart, TP was pretty lacking on the extras. Very few sidequests or secrets. The game was nice and large; it just needed more to fill up all that open space.

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