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Hey! Look out! Listen! Why Navi doesn't deserve her bad rep.

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"[i]Sidekicks, by their very nature, are unappreciated. They do all the heavy lifting, while some square-jawed schmuck hogs the spotlight. There is that old shred of wisdom that Ginger Rogers had to do every step that Fred Astaire did, but backwards, and in heels. The fate of the videogame sidekick is no different. They're put through the exact paces that the heroes go through - slogging through every ambush or pit trap, schlepping through every dungeon or monster-infested cave - but the sidekicks receive none of the payoff. They don't get the glory. They don't get the girl. The best they can hope for is that the girl has a palette-swapped younger sister with her weekends free.[/i]"

[quote name = 'Brendan Main']As a further indignity, sometimes the lack of appreciation for the companions of the protagonist runs deeper and the player starts to hate sharing the spotlight. Among gamers, the dislike of sidekicks might be a conditioned response - after decades of buggy escort quests and lobotomized A.I., it's instinctual to distrust the "plus ones" and the tagalongs of the gaming universe that seem to exist solely to drag ass, spout inane dialogue, and absorb bullets like a sponge with a death wish. Fair enough. But every now and again, this ire is directed at someone who is undeserving of such hatred - one companion who is wise and worthy, a sidekick that kicks ass. This might be why the all-time greatest sidekick in the history of gaming is also one of the most under-appreciated ... and by that I mean "loathed with a thick bilious hate that chokes out the sun."

I'm talking about Navi, from [i]Ocarina of Time[/i].[/quote]

Navi is unappreciated, and Brendan Main of The Escapist here to tell you why. Personally, I haven't ever had a problem with Navi. She was indeed the embodiment of something I was not irate at. Please read the following article and reflect upon any misgivings you may have against our fairy friend.


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Navi offered advice. Navi didn't really help much aside from what we could find out ourselves, easily.

But yeah I haven't even beaten this game. So I don't remember much about what Navi did.

I don't mind Navi btw.

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Be it Navi, Midna, Tatl or Tael, Ezlo, or Zelda, I just wish there was an option to shut off their early game comments for users who have already played through the game. They may be helpful for the rest of the game in reminding just what it is you are supposed to be doing, but after playing the games hundreds of times it is annoying listening to them telling you how to use the A button to open a door. Still, without them you couldn't target enemies, so what can you do.

I hope the next game(s) go the way of Final Fantasy and let you shut off the tutorials.

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Sometimes they gave you interesting information, like how Navi gave you their name and what their vulnerabilities were, but only if you pressed a certain button.
I am thinking that Final Fantasy had [i]actual tutorials[/i]? Whenever Navi bugged you, it was things like, "Over here! Looks like you can hookshot up here!" when there was a target or something you didn't know what to do with or couldn't see.
Having your companion just not say anything would be pretty lame and lonely.

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[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Navi was fine by me. At least she didn't leach away your money and dress like the retarded hippie brother of flava flav. I'll give you five points if you guess who I'm talking about.[/size][/font]

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technically navi saved termina. if she hadent left, link would'nt have gone to look for her and therefore would never have found termina and everyone would die. also romani would have been abducted by aliens, cremia would have her milk stolen, lulu's babies would have died, the little girl would have to deal with her father acting like a gibdo etc.

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Navi has always been there for us. The perfect example of this is how she is displayed in that bonus ocarina of time: adult link chapter, where he gets rid of her and then realizes he can't really fight that well when is caught in a FREAKING TORNADO OF FIRE. Navi shows up and points out where the bad guy is, link kills it, hooray

I have never really had anything against navi. navi is my bro. In fact, i would typically force Navi to float around me, everytime navi would fly back into my hat, i would make navi get out and stay in the spotlight.

having said that, sometimes people's jokes about navi being annoying are funny. most of them, not all of them.

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I never [i]truly[/i] hated Navi in the game. Was she annoying most times? Yeah, a little. Thing is that she didn't remind the player to go places so much when you were on the right track in the game anyways. Even if she did, I didn't care. I clicked one of the yellow buttons, mashed the A button and continued on my way. xD

Despite her annoying nature, she was easily one of the most helpful sidekicks in a Zelda game. I mean eesh whenever I was fighting a boss in that game (or, um, running away from one encircling a room for 5 minutes) when the 'Hey! Listen!' came up THEN, I thought it was godsend.

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Wait, Navi was there in Termina? I thought she left forever?

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@Pheo: She wasn't in Termina, and she did leave. real link was just talking about how Link would never have gone looking for her in Termina (just a random place he decided to scout out) if she hadn't left in the first place.

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I played a lot as kid and thought Navi was great! Then was surprised to find people found her so annoying. I guess I understand. But as a kid girl anything fairy was awesome! lol

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I never hated Navi
except when she kept telling me to go talk to Saria (jeez, I am ON MY WAY STOP TELLING TO DO SOMETHING I AM DOING)
But I rather direct my my anger of Tatl (Jeez, don't insult me because I forgot how to deal with a monster)
I know she was useless when fighting Ganondorf but hey, she tried her best and little pixie wings can only get you so far
She was also making sure she was doing the final job The Great Deku Tree gave her before he died, well and tried to make sure that you were not going to forget what she said 3 secounds after she said it.

And hey if you had to follow a little kid who is not even suppose to have a fairy around all day and night with the only resting place is in his hat (with most likely unwashed hair) and is alway on beck-and-call with not a break in sight, while alway putting your life on the line by getting so dangorously close just so the kid may have a better shot without one thanks, you would be more then happy to annoy the crap out of the kid too wouldn't you?

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I favor Navi being there, like a little fairy sidekick. :]

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I still desperately want to violently murder it ingame.

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