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Help concerning yet another girl.

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You guys are 16? Yea, you don't love her.

EDIT- I mean, if you wanna date her, go ahead. Just don't call it "love" when it isn't.

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Technically were both 15, but who are you to say when love happens? Two ten year olds enloped in China, are you gonna say it wasn't love because of their age? Love is just a strong feeling of affection and personal attachment to a person or thing, thus I love her at the moment. You can call it whatever you want, and I'll call it by it's true definition, m'kay?

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Well I can explain why it isnt simple, if she didnt know her friend was lesbian/bi :/ but she is so it is simple. I wasnt sure is all. As for the age thing, 10 year olds don't love. They have hardly hit puberty yet LOL.

But apart from the whole age issue, which i won't further comment on, just go for it if you know she interested in girls and you're serious. Brownies sound good yum. lol, maybe offer to go out for lunch for her birthday or something and pay for her? I dunno. Good luck though

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Thats called infatuation. puppying hell.

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No, see, I love people. I love my best friends to the highest and purest degree. However, I realize that even at 18, I am barely reaching full maturity, and I therefore can not comprehend romantic love to it's fullest extent. Now, others my age may understand this concept more then I, and I can respect that. However, YOU ARE FIFTEEN!

If you wanna date, go ahead. Just don't act like it's "pure" or even real. If you really do win her heart and soul with brownies, then that just furthers my point.

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followed closely by juggalo love

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I don't really even like it when people my age who have been dating for months say that they're in love, and for good reason. With all the hormones flowing through a teenager's body, you can "love" someone one minute and hate them the next.

Everything can change in the blink of an eye.

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I never even really said I was "In love" with her. I just defined love as it can be defined. You guys just misconstruded it and fed it back as sounding like another stupid kid. Find any evidence to contradict that, and I can use it to prove my point.

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Love is something much more complicated. I don't really blame you for misusing the word, as everyone does. I blame the English language. You see, the English language takes like, 4 different words and combines them into one word: love. In reality, we really mean "like" instead of "love" most of the time, it's just that our language is so puppyed up we really can't get across how we really feel. The Greeks have 4 different words for love, and they are: Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge.

Agape- "True Love." This is the kind of love that God claims to have for you. It's the love that is described in the Bible as always patient, always kind, etc and never relenting. Unconditional. Sacrificial. This is the purest, deepest form of love that any of us can express for one another and it never goes away.

Eros- "Passionate Love." This is the kind of love that is between a couple. It's the kind of fuzzy feeling you get inside whenever you see them, and it's also what makes you aroused. It's similar to "puppy love" in English. It's a love that feels amazing and very convincing, but it tends to fade with time. What you once thought was "true love" may only have been "eros."

Philia- "Friendship." It's not quite as strong as Agape, and it isn't passionate at all like Eros. This is simply an "I will be there for you when you need me" kind of love.

Storge- "Affection." This one is a little complicated, but I'll try to explain. It's mainly used to describe a parent to offspring kind of affection, but it also is used to describe someone putting up with situations. It's kind of odd and isn't/wasn't really used much at all.

Most likely, Puck, you are experiencing a mix of Eros, Philia, and maybe Storge with your friend. I'm not judging, and I'm not really trying to make you feel bad, but in order for you to have an Agape love with her, you'd have to really, really know her. And always sacrifice your own interests for her benefit. Agape is the only love that doesn't fade with time, and it is the ideal love that married couples should work to reach. Because, sadly, once the Eros runs out, you're left with a partner that you're tired of and would very much like to be rid of. At your age, it's highly unlikely you've formed any kind of Agape relationship with anyone other than possibly your parents.

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Wait Puck is a woman? That explains a lot.

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I never even really said I was "In love" with her. I just defined love as it can be defined. You guys just misconstruded it and fed it back as sounding like another stupid kid. Find any evidence to contradict that, and I can use it to prove my point.

Well, you said she was the greatest person you'd ever met, and that you were getting closer and closer to her every day.

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Wait Puck is a woman? That explains a lot.

Why does this post insanely bug me :/

EDIT: eff this post it's just me picking on one person this whole thread insanely bugs me tbh :< Although that was an awful joke

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'Cause many people assumed you were female, perhaps?

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Because you can't take a joke?

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Before asking consider this:

[ghostgirl: Lovesick by Tonya Hurley ]~He loves me, he loves me not.~

If two past lovers remain friends, they are either still in love, or never were. We are attracted to people for all sorts of reasons; however, the human mind sometimes classifies feelings as romantic because it can't make sense of them at the given time. The truth is, those people we feel drawn to most might not be intended as love interests, but rather as life-changing, life-altering presences that come into our lives for reasons we can't yet understand.

But I'll say, since she told you she was tired of other girls using her just to experiment, she was subconsiously hinting that she likes you too.

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