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Magical Girls - The Band

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Tom woke up late. She woke up cold. Her Tent was cold. She didn't mind, and she didn't take notice. This was nothing new to her. Tom had a cold tent. The tarp that coated it was old and worn, and pieces of the stitching had thinned through. She didn't have a tarp to sleep on, either. It didn't keep out rain from above, and since she had nothing below him to protect him from puddles, she would wake up at night to find her belongings soaked, along with her person. She didn't keep track of those things either, though. Tents offer little practical security, and Tom often had things stolen from her, sometimes by her fellow bandmates. Disregarding the tent, all she had to her was his bass guitar, sleeping bag, and an ever growing trial-and-error based knowledge of which plants and bugs in the field around him were edible, of which there were few.

Today though, Tom woke up cold. So she followed her morning routine of clothing herself. She wore the same clothes she always wore; dirty khaki capris, sandals, a pink tanktop, a beginner's bra(to help get the point across), and little pink flower hairclips. How she loved her pink flower hairclips! Would that they were as pink as they day she got them, and as shapely, she would entertain the thought of showing them off. Rarely do hairclips impress, or entertain, but maybe if she wore them just right, and smiled her hardest, they would look good on her today! Oh, how she hoped!

Tom crawled out of her tent, wearing her best clothes, as clean as could be. As she stood up to stretch her back, she stumbled into herself and involuntarily retreated into a ball. It was that bastard penis again, hungover from last night's antics. It was here to ruin her special day, again. She rolled herself onto her side, and pushed herself back onto her hands and knees. Her clothes certainly weren't clean anymore, what with their new layer of dirt. She made a second attempt to stand, this time more slowly. When her penis attempted to retract her, she instead bent over slowly, looking for where the middle ground was between her genitals and her spine. It stopped pulling her inward after 30 degrees of progress.

Once again, Tom tried to push herself back up, but it only made things worse. Tom was pulled back in even farther this time. Now she could only make eye contact directly with he bandmates' chests. Tom did her best to assess the situation. Her clean clothes were dirty, her penis was still in pain, and she could not stand up straight, all on the day of her first show. Sighing, she quivered and shook as she forced herself over to the stage. Maybe everyone would like her more if she pretended to be a neanderthal for the day. It was a bad day to be Tom's body. It was a bad day to be Tom.

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Posted (edited)

Name: Jaime Rickman

Background: Jaime was always the odd-man out of his family. He was distantly related to actor Alan Rickman, and spent his life living in the shadow of a man that he had never met. Fortunately, Jaime discovered that there was hope for talentless people such as himself when he became the newest replacement bassist of a popular rock band. Unfortunately for the Magical Girls, this was the rival band AFI, and Jaime was just crazy enough to choke a bitch.

During a Battle of the Bands competition back in 2006, AFI got into a scuffle with several members of the Magical Girls Band. AFI was disqualified when one of its member pulled out his dad's switchblade in an attempt to gain the upper hand in the argument. AFI blamed the girls for their disqualification. Ever since then, they had harbored a long standing resentment against the band, and vowed to one day have their revenge. With the first show only hours away, the time had finally come to put their elaborate and devious plan in motion.

* * *

Jaime patiently waited in the line leading up to the ticket window. In his right hand, he held a bag with several cartons of eggs. In his left hand, he held a bag with several cartons of eggs. This was gonna be good.


Edited by Hateful Bitch
Nice intro! Too bad it's just got nothing to do with anything or I'd let you in. I'll keep this though just because it is beautiful. (see edit history)

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The stage was set, the sky was darkening and the air was warm. Good weather for playing really mediocre music. Tom dragged his sorry bass up to the stage, taking his place to the left of the drums, behind Karyll, who totally dominated the stage with her giant puppy-off harp. Tanya was already getting ready, warming up with the drums laying out some nice generic beats and rhythms. Rosa was all set on her cheap keyboard, ready and set on synth setting 56. Anna took point with the mic, and adjusted it properly. They were all set. Too bad they still had an hour to go until the show began.

A modest crowd had gathered, of equally scabby looking hipsters as before, though these ones looked even more antisocial and chill. They sat in their groups with their satchels, discussing politics based on the opening paragraphs of the front page news article of the newspaper they used as a mat to sit on. Filthy filthy creatures.

"Tom! How's the bass, all tuned, ready to go?" Anna asked, simply to pass the time.

"Toodles yeah it's fine I think it's not got any problems. Nothing extra hanging off that shouldn't be there.."

"Brilliant!" Anna exclaimed. "Drums all working, Tanya?"

"I've been playing them for the past 5 minutes you ditzy bitch"

"haha what a great story, Tanya!" Anna laughed her laughy laugh. What a puppying waste of space and time.

Before Anna could ask any more redundant questions, a van pulled up into the field. Fritz stepped out, and then John. John's eyes were covered in darkness. He was so gosh darn mysterious. "Hey Cruella Deville!" Fritz shouted, waving as if he didn't make enough of a scene already. "Don't mind giving us some room do you?"

"Room, what for?" Anna shouted back

Doug hauled pieces of drum kit out of the back of the van as John leaned over his seat to pull out a bass guitar case. "For our band!"

"Whatttt" was the general kind of thing that we all had going on at this.

The crowd stirred Was this what they meant by 'us'? How many of these people are here to see our band? Anna felt disheartened, these people weren't here for /them/ they were here for Fritz's band. Anna dropped down off the stage and made her way across the field to Fritz, who had climbed into the back of the van to fetch his microphone and guitar. "What exactly is going on?" Anna asked, backed by the rest of the band.

Fritz moved to crawl back out of the van for a moment, but stopped halfway and pushed himself up into a crouching position, then running his fingers through his hair. "Wait sooo... You don't know what this is?"

"What what is? You taking over our show?" Anna blabbered nonsensically, just totally overcome with all these events.

"Huh." Fritz sighed "Don't you know about our band?" Anna shook her head, glaring at him. "Oh man, we're called Carvenites, we're a pretty big deal. Our first record sold like 234 copies in America and over 26 overseas."

"Oh... I'm sorry, are you a local band or something? Can't believe we've never heard of you, you've made it pretty big already!"

"Yeah I guess... Anyway, I'm not sure you know how the music business works, but fame is earned by multiple battles to the death with other bands. Know Kurt Cobain?"

"Oh yeah that drug addict that killed himself."

"That wasn't suicide. He was too slow to the draw in a battle with Neutral Milk Hotel. They have Jesus on their side."

"Aw hell, not those guys"

"I know right? Anyway, we've been hired to battle you here. It's nice and small, so it wont gather much attention. Let's take to the stage, we don't have all night! Consider this you're initiation into the music business!"

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Rosa, slightly perturbed by the recent events, was about to start bawling her eyes out "A battle of bands, I'm not ready for something like this" she thought with tears in her eyes "well have to play louder over the booing and cheering a-and we might lose all because of me!" But as Rosa was about to start wailing her eyes out, she was struck by an idea.

Rosa nudged towards Anna, " errr...I could put a...soundproof barrier over their band...that if you want me too" said Rosa in her usual quite a meek voice.

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Anna thought for a moment, but that was silly because Anna already knew that she totally wanted to do this! And the concerns of the band were of little concern to her. She grabbed Rosa by both her shoulders "Rosa! This is our first of many battles to be fought! If we want to ear our fame in the world, we really do have to earn it. No matter what! It's all I ever wanted! All YOU ever wanted? Right? Of course it is! It's our DREAM, Rosa!"

Rosa didn't look in the least bit convinced, but Anna was far too hyped to care. She turned away from Rosa to look to the stars We will join you soon! "b-but"

"This is no time for re-thinking, Rosa! These guys were /hired/! They're liked hired guns, but instead of guns, it's all music and wicked rad beats and melodies?"

"You aren't even listen-"

"Rosa perk up! Get real! This is what you've worked for!"



"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Rosa yelled, covering her ears

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Now away to your keyboard, it's time we got to battle! No need for you powers, not until totally necessary! And besides, these guys are /hipsters/, Rosa. /HIPSTERS/. They judge a lot, but they'll listen to and enjoy any old shit."

Rosa dragged her feet back to the stage, defeated by Anna's gigantic arrogance.

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Tanya pretends not to care. "Gosh Rosa, don't be such a baby! Come on girls, let's show these dirty hipsters what we've got!" (She makes sure the hipsters can hear her call them dirty)

Tanya walks to her drumset confidently, but inside, she's whirling torrent of anxiety.

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Tom was worried. She was still dirty, and still cold, and still bent like a caveman. Fortunately, she didn't look so ridiculous hunched over her bass. But now she had to battle someone in this condition? Could she handle it? She felt her dick shrivel up. Was it working with her for once? Did it want to make her confident, and help her battle as a woman? Or was it just as scared as she was?

A robin alighted on the head of her bass. Just as Tom was about to take this as a sign of good fortune, it pooped on her e string and flew away.

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Karyll sat still next to her giant puppy-off harp, glancing over the battle preparations. She saw Tom standing near her, getting into position and raged internally. This battle was going to be 10x harder with that neanderthal sitting near her. She should probably get a restraining order or something before the inevitable murder occurs.

She began playing a melodious melody on her giant harp of asspuppyery, sparkles and hearts and unicorns and pixies were crowding up around her, setting her mind and raging heart into battle of the bands mode. "Let us commence" she yawned to her fellow bandeteers.

(<3 you guys)

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Rosa scurried over to her old keyboard and could help but notice Tom acting funny again at the side of her eye.

Tom, Karyll always tells Rosa that he is bad and that she shouldn't be near him, but she hasn't seen him actually do anything bad well except for last night. If he was so bad why would Karyll always bring him the breakfast that Rosa makes for everyone (of course Rosa never actually sees were the breakfast goes). Though she has never spoken to Tom, has always been able to make her smile.

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The band has run to the stage. She put her hand to heart heart and prayed to the very depths of her soul that good fortune would shine brightly on her. It truly was fate! Her story was written in the stars! The story of her, and her friends was to be told through the ages, distorted by the tellers, until she was the stuff of legends. There was nothing that could stop her. Or her band.

She heaved a sigh, breathing out the darkness, the bad thoughts, the ill intentions of the demons they had possessed her through her deep heaving breaths, this warm summer evening.

"Let's do this guys, no time to waste!" Anna shouted to her bandmates

"We're waiting for you, dipshit." Tanya called back standing up from her seat

"I am truly grateful!" Anna called, running to the stage. It was time to begin. To set in motion the epic tale of whatever happens next.

Carvenites set up their gear. "We've fought many battles before, girls, I hope you're ready for this."

"We're ready for anything! Right, gang?" Anna called back, answered by the spirited muttering of her bandmates. "Hear that, we're fighters! You don't stand a chance!"

Doug brought on the wicked drumming, followed by Tanya's kickass clash clashing.

But then sight broke

And a line spread its arms across the span of everything, and from it ribbons and shimmering water surface wrapped it self around the two, parted by a deep void, shooting foliage upwards into the trees that blossomed as quickly as they died and returned faster than we could even switch hands. The grass crawled up around their feet, and drowned the ankles of everybody. It was hair, golden hair the void was the parting. The air was full of glass. And sound filled everywhere. Fritz held up a hand, his fingers sliding away from each other and skipping back like a broken image. And then the whole world slid inwards and back.

This is a battlefield.

"We are Puella Deville!" Anna shouted, her fur coat held itself to her, she was all powerfulll what the fuuuuck this is fightiiing and it was the paaart that we will hhaavvee too get used toootooo and get under over into our heads.

Let's fight what the shit

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The battle had ended. The mindpuppyery was immense. The details were so complicated that nobody knew quite how to explain what went down in there. And none of them EVEN BOTHERED TO TRY because in the first place none of them knew what was even going on and it was just impossible to follow.

But that was just a point.

Hopefully we would fight single battles from now on. And that was what was going to happen.

Puella Deville remained intact, though tired and rocked out. The hipsters looked indifferent but there was an air of mild awe in the air, radiating from their greasy, sweaty faces. Carvenites had been carved tonight, by the raw power of a band of puppying freaks.

Fritz shook all their hands (all of them). Well at least tried to. A lot of the band members were so socially inept that they didn't know what he was trying. But he was cool with it. Because he's a cool guy. Doug was still a bit of a dick and just stormed off. John just fixed himself a roll-up and started smoking, because he is impossibly chill.

Fritz heaved a sigh, laxing his shoulders "Been good playing with you all. I've learned a lot but what is it you have that we don't? That's what I'm struggling to see here."

"We have true heart!" Anna shouted, punching the air, grinning widely.

"Also a harp and a piano." Tanya added, because she can't stand to see people happy because she envies people and their positive emotions.

"Probably the second one. But it's essential to keep a modest number of members in a group." Fritz bullshitted, smugly.

"I agree..." Tom muttered, thinking of a member he would love to get rid of.

And so Fritz got back to the van, and John soon after. John coolly flicked what was left of his smoke into the grass, lightning a tiny bug on fire. But he didn't give a puppy. He was a big time musician. He could buy and sell anybody he wanted in a matter of decades with the meager living he earned from being in an underground alternative rock band.

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"I agree..." Tom muttered, thinking of a member she would love to get rid of. She had exhausted herself from the crazy ass acid trip they had just emerged from. Her clothes were still dirty, and were now damp and moist, from the sweat and steam escaping her body. Still stooping, the dirt and dust tainted beads slid down her face and off her chin. Anything perspiring from her neck slid into her panting, heaving chest, between her ever soaking bra and flesh. With a sigh, disguised by her over exertion, she took note of how her nipples would simply not harden, not matter how cold or salty the liquid would become. Even now, when she was aroused by the sight of John's buttocks as he sauntered off, her nipples were steadfast limp.

Her eyes trailed up and down his body, marveling at how wonderful of a central focal point a rump was, despite being an ever changing body in motion, or maybe that's what turned her on? How all in one movement, he could light a joint, take a huff, exhale in temperamental satisfaction, and give off such a proud distaste of the immediate world around him? How his extended arm, and the glow at it's tip, could create such lovely movement between itself and his center. Were they competing? Were they cooperating? Was it something else? Something more, even? The thought was tantalizing.

As he flicked his smoke into the fire, She quivered. And with that quiver came hope. Perhaps the goosebumps prevailing her skin would harden her, just this once? But no, her stalwart nipples were a force to be reckoned with. After she had mourned the loss of what could have been arousal, she took note that the embers of his expended blunt had yet to fade entirely. Would that she were another, she may have written it off as chance, and forgotten the idea. Tom, however, was intrigued by anything related to her sudden muse, and cautiously climbed down from the stage to investigate. She slipped and fell on her butt into more dirt. Cursing her ineptitude, she cautiously rubbed her rear as she stooped her way over to the embers.

At the crash site she uncovered the dying body of a young lightning bug, it's bulbous abdomen flashing erratically. She became alarmed, and attempted to put out the fire by spitting on it. All that did, however, was insult the bug, who began shouting curses as it's hardened hide seared and roasted. As his skin became soaked but did not cease to burn, his body began to boil. She frantically responded by tapping on the bug to smother the fire, and perhaps spread the boiling water off of him. She did not take into account her own size, and concussed the bug severely. The bug passed out, though still alive and burning. Tom suddenly felt a sense of helplessness wash over her. She wanted so badly for the bug to live, but what could she do! Her actions only worsened the situation, which was quickly shedding the definition "Frantic rescue" in favor of "Manslaughter." It was a bad day to be Tom's bug. It was a bad day to be Tom.

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The band hadn't spoken much since that time. Seemed a lot of them were rethinking this show business thing. Silly folks! There was nothing bad about this. Nothing could ever be bad about being famous and battling bands in fierce horror dimensions.

They were all piled into their rented minibus, which Anna had rented with her family's money. She liked to think she wasn't spoiled at all, but she really kind of was. A car would have suited five people just fine, or maybe a people carrier, but you'll need to have more space for the people willing to join the band every day! She would have rented a double decker bus if it wasn't for her family and friends insisting otherwise. Why were they trying to dull her spirits? To protect her? Pfft! They're just not thinking big! Enthusiasm wins the hearts of all! Can never have enough enthusiasm!

Anna repeated this to herself, standing at the front of the moving bus, throwing her arms around like an orchestra conductor, singing to her busmates. "Sing! Sing! Sing my friends! Keep in high spirits to encourage high spirits in our audience! You can't make people happy with a frown!"

But they ignored her, because they are all angsty little shitheads.

They talked amongst themselves, or thought alone in a corner, gazing out the window.

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Emily was hearing news throughout the town. Apparently a new band, 'Puella Deville' had entered onto the local music scene. One of her friends had recorded a battle of the bands they had played in and sent it too her. She liked what she heard. As she got home from her day job of painting unicorns, taking off the glittering headband that held her shoulder-cropped bubblegum blue hair into place. After sitting down, she had an idea. She picked up her phone and dialed a number.


"Hey, Anna right? I play saxophone. Would you be interested in a new band member?"

Emily the Manic Pixie Dream Girl Saxophonist

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