To the Night (One shot)

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"If she had cared, she wouldn't be dead. I know that for a fact. She didn't care that she was going to die. She didn't care that she would leave me with a broken heart and a shattered life. She didn't care that my condition was getting worse, that my health was detereorating. All she cared about was getting that stupid scroll.

"I don't even understand what was so important about the scroll anyway. Yeah, I know, Sensei went over it a million times or whatever. I have neurotic problems, mostly memory loss, remember? The only things I remember are the big things like getting shipped to boarding school after my parents died or waking up to find my apartment torched. What was I talking about again, Senpai? Right, that freaking scroll.

"Well, she was hellbent on pleasing Sensei. All she ever cared about was pleasing Sensei, actually. I can't believe I never realized that. She was always in the Dojo or on missions that he would secretly send her on. I think he confused her with his daughter, the one who betrayed him, not Luna.

"Why do I keep getting distracted by all of these little details?"

"You're a moron?" the other offered hopefully.

"Right, I'm the moron," he continued. "Go screw yourself.

"You know what, go ask Thalia about this. I bet she can give you better answers than I can. Oh right, you can't. Because she's dead. Why are you so freaking stubborn? You weren't her boyfriend, I was. I wonder if that's why she did what she did, to impress me. We were one-upping each other, and I was winning.

"Well, anyway, we were almost to the room, fighting off the guards and crap." He coughed suddenly, but the fit didn't last long. "Then this eight foot three lizard bites off my left hand, like that scene in Star Wars."

"One, Luke's hand was cut off by his father. Two, it was his right hand."

"Shut up. Maybe the lizard thing was my father."

"Oh really? Didn't your parents go up in flames or something?"

"You are so lucky I can't choke you. Anyway, I was down for the count, but only momentarily. I had to find my sword. It had been knocked out of my hands by one of the guards earlier, and I couldn't exactly fight hand-to-hand with two left feet and a right hand, now could I? Don't give me that look, you moron. You know I have to use man-made objects for almost everything."

"That's not what Sensei taught us, Alek."

"Who cares about what Sensei taught us? He taught Thalia, and look what happened! Go ahead, write down that I'm a traitor. Jack ass. Well, anyway, Thalia winked at me, and it was the oddest thing. As soon as she winked at me, everything was on fire. Don't say it. I know the lizard wasn't a dragon. Somehow, she did it. Do you think that's what Sensei was teaching her?"

"I am not at liberty to discuss that."

"Of course you're not. You're just the messenger. When I tried to get up, she yelled no over the roar and nailed me down with ice. I think she knew that she was going to die. I couldn't break free, no matter what I did. so I was forced to watch her as she went after it.

"She jumped into the air first, doing some freaky kind of cartwheel. I swear, dude, she should be on Bring it On: Zombies Can't Cheer or something. It's 3091. You would think that they'd cancel that stupid movie series, especially with the New World in view."


"Fine, fine. She did a back flip and landed on its head. She tried to do something weird next. I can't tell if it was supposed to be some type of a one hit kill move or what. It looked like she was in infinite pain, though. Like she was me during one of your meetings."

"Ha, ha. You should have your own show or something."

"Thank you! Finally, some one who realizes my potential! So, when do I leave?"

"After you tell me how she died."

"I did."

"Alek, I know you're dying an your memory isn't as sharp as it used to be, but please tell me."

"She tried to do the one-hit kill move. She just kind of fell over and died. I don't know what happened next. I think I blacked out from all the smoke inhalation. Next thing I know, the lizards dead, there's blood on my hands, Thalia's being wheeled away, and you guys arrested me. Can I go now?"

"Yes. Go to Hell."

"Thanks, I love you, too." Alek stood, wobbling violently, before sitting down. "Maybe I should stay for a bit more, get my last words out."

"Good bye, Alek. That wasn't water you were drinking. Sensei said that you knew too much, and that we couldn't take any risks."

And he left them there to die.

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How am I making a fool of myself? I don't give a damn if I can't write a good enough story, I like it, so I wanted to put this out here.

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