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Supernatural: New Blood

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This story takes place in an alternate continuity, in this reality Sam never returned following his being locked in Lucifer's cage.

Dean Winchester's face was glowing as his adopted son Ben walked past, a few steps ahead his girlfriend Abby waited patiently at the Altar bordered by her bridesmaids. To his left sat his wife Lisa and to the right their daughter Samantha. Dean watched happily as they took their vows and became husband and wife.

Dean sat alone watching the reception a shrimp cocktail in one hand and a beer in the other. As he watched Ben and Abby glide across the floor a nearby rustle caught his attention. "That was a great service." the voice said. "Yeah it sure was." Dean said looking up. "Oh's you." he added. "Not at the moment." Father Mike said in a voice somewhat different from his own. "Cass?" Dean asked cautiously. "Yes...hello Dean." Castiel said. "Why are you here...and in Father Mike, where's your old meat suit?" Dean asked. "Vessels eventually wear out Dean, even one as unique as Jimmy." Cass said. "And you pop into the Padré?" Dean asked. "He's a Devout man Dean, he was happy to give his body for such a worthy cause."

"What cause Cass, it's been fifteen years since we stopped the Apocalypse! Fifteen years without one Demon, vampire, shapeshifter and Wendego sighting. It's like something came along and erased every creepy crawler off the planet!"

"Whatever caused the vanishing fifteen years ago, it's over now Dean. Crops are withering in mass in Iowa, "Bear" Attacks are on the rise in Washington. The monsters are back and making up for lost time!"

"I'm not exactly as spry as I used to be Cass, I have a bad back, bad knees, my left hip is made of metal. Bobby's dead and Sam's...well Sammy's still locked up downstairs."

"What if I could get you help?" Cass asked.

"What do you mean....?"

"...Help?" Dean looked around at the abandoned "Singer's Garage".

"Damn Cass, warn a guy next time!" Dean said "Why are we here anyway?" he added. "Our help is inside." Cass said.

Dean followed Cass inside the dusty, cobweb infested house. "OK Cass, I'll bite who's gonna help us?" "I am you Idiot!" a gruff voice announced from nowhere. Dean stood back as a silverly mass swirled around and formed into a familiar shape. "'re a." "A're damn right I am boy." Bobby said. "But that's impossoble, I burned your bones exactly as your will requested." Dean said. "Yeah well I guess I didn't account the amount of my blood this olf house has sucked up, I'm bound to this place now." "If you're bound, then how can you help me out?" Dean asked. "Not me...see that photo on the desk over there." Dean walked over and grabbed the dusty framed photo. "Who's the kid?" Dean asked. "That's my nephew Alexander Singer, He's about sixteen now He'll b3 a good help to you." Bobby said. " Bobby that's my daughters age. I'm not gonna put a kid in danger especially a Rookie." "Listen here boy Alec is no Rookie, I trained him ever since he was old enough to read. Now he may not look it on the outside, but that boy is more of a hunter than I ever was. He's strong, fast, agile and smart as a whip trust me, when shit hits the fan you want Alec Singer to have your back!"

"Where can I find him?" Dean asked

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