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Horror Marble Hornets

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For a couple years now, there have been a series of videos being released by a guy who's dealing with some really messed up stuff. He's been chronicling his adventures and uploading to YouTube, in hopes that his efforts will have at least reached out to someone and the lives and efforts of his friends won't have gone in vain. There are 47 entries of short videos; most are less than five minutes long. He's still updating, and still on the run. Let's root for him and his companions and hope they make it out alive.

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Jay is a bitch. Last entry made me lol.

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I actually have quite a few critiques for the series lol.

Like how they never mention Slenderman, just all the random masked people.

"I just got attacked by Slenderman himself. But that's not important. why are we getting chased by all these masked people?? Why was he telling my about all those things about criminals being stretched out? It has nothing to do with anything, even though we're being chased by a supernatural tall guy?" Jay seemed to get really dumb during the seven months he forgot about. It was really disconcerting because he's supposed to be the investigative guy who actually knows things, because he's the one uploading the videos. But he just got more and more annoying during that time period.

The acting got a bit bad at parts, like when Alex was explaining Slenderman's origin.

There was practically no point to Jessica.

"Psycho drawings" seemed a bit forced.

"Let's go into this secluded creepy area alone without a weapon! That'll work wonders!"

The plot doesn't really progress that much. It's just like, no, I'm done with this. Then suddenly they're doing stuff again.

The cheap scares. Like at first, I could forgive the loud distortion, but eventually, they were just yelling "boo".

Also, it does nothing for the immersion that they advertise Marble Hornets' DVDs on the YouTube page.

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The first 10 entries or so were great.

The whole jessica thing is just pants on head retarded

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Yeah, the acting faltered there a bit.

"Oh, I got, uh, transferred for work."


And then like, instead of keeping her in his room, he, for no reason, sends her into the next room even though they're being stalked by supernatural entities who love taking advantage of situations like that. Why does he want to be alone in scary rooms so much??

I think it was around then I was starting to think something was up. Namely, Jay is kind of dumb.



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I just started watching this too. But I only got to part 9 I think.

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I wish it would explain what's up with this Slenderman guy. He doesn't seem bad, just the masked guys.

Also, the chase scenes are bad. Horribly bad.

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why is Slendy following them?

he needs about tree-fitty

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