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Nintendo is soo cruel! New Zelda 3ds.

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So this is what I get for buying my 3ds early I guess, first payed $250 and $40 for Oot3d.

And now they come out with this!



For $179.99 at bestbuy, and $199.99 at gamestop.

I don't even have the words, why didn't they come out with this earlier? Why couldn't they have done this at oot3d's release? They have to wait until the one time of year I am broke beyond all reason!

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Hopefully it'll still be out around Christmas, so my parents can get it for me :)

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i know the buying list was: purple>LoZ edition>Red. i figured theyll never release a purple, just because, and if they did, itd only be after i bought a red 3ds. i assumed theyd have a OoT bundle with the OoT release, but they didnt, so i figured they were being stupid, and not releasing one. so i bought red. couple months later, THIS. just....ugh.

they waited until the xmas season was coming up, and then released this. tbh, this thing is nothing but pain for the loyal people that got the 3ds when it was released, or otherwise picked it up before november.

im gonna try to modify my 3ds to make my own zelda-themed thinking majoras mask, here. majoras mask, stencil style, in gold, on my red 3ds. tbh, im worried about possible chipping/flaking or the paint not going /exactly/ where i want it to.

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Hope you can get it Jareddude, I have a plan on getting my parents to buy this for my sister for christmas and then trading systems. She's not into Zelda but she wants a 3ds xD.

... I have no Idea why that is in bold???

And Chimetals, If i didn't get the black one when 00t came out, I would've done the exact same thing as you, i'd have got red when it came out.

But your Majora's mask theme sounds awesome, if you do it make sure to upload pics! xD

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