Balderdash: A Pheo/Saha project

By pheonix561 in Original User Content,
Apparently "Original Content" is an actual form you can put stuff in. I am going to christen this part of the forum right here and right now. History in the making. Check it. For some months now, Sahaqiel and I have been discussing plans for making a video game together. For the past month I haven't really talked to him about it, because school is heating up for finals in a couple weeks, but I'm still doing things. Normally, we just kept this between the two of us in a pm, but seeing that some of you are actually interested in seeing us talk about this and our development process, I figured we could have a thread for this. So far, I've been the one coming up with the brunt of the creative content, and I guess that's why I'm the one making the thread. Not that Sahaqiel has nothing to do with this. When it comes to duties, I'm going to be the one coming up with the most concept design, and he's going to be heading literally all of the programming. Things like music we intend to collaborate on. Well, we intend to collaborate on really all of this. But some of this is stuff one of us just excels in where the other doesn't. Namely programming. I am not doing any programming. I'll open with a quote of the first PM I sent him. I'll spoiler it: That was the original message. Since then, I've been thinking about a bunch of different stuff about how best to go about executing this game. I honestly don't know where to begin, I think I'll explain in order from Gameplay Mechanics to Character Design to Plot/story/setting. That is the order of priority, here. Fun comes first. The idea is pretty basic. What I had in mind was cross between starfox64 and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle(Sonic and Shadow's levels specifically)'s mechanics. In layman's terms, that's "A guy who runs fast and flies faster." You're running down the level in a 3D environment with the camera placed behind you, in third person. When you pick up enough speed, you can take off and get airborne. We want there to be incentive for you to stay in the air as long as possible. So when you're flying, you're going to be much more combat efficient. You'll be much more evasive in the sky than on the ground, not to mention you'll be covering distances faster. Overall, you'll just generally be better at everything. But, you can get shot down. Not in games like starfox where you get shot and that's it, you're dead, though. When you get shot out of the sky, you crash into the ground. Then you have to get up and start running again. I'll explain this mechanic in greater detail when I go into our protagonist's character design later(His name is Rushmore). I said rail shooter originally, because I thought behind the back track based levels would be easier to do, given that the emphasis here is on moving forward. However, I think I'd like to include arena based levels and instances. Think Starfox's "All range mode." Levels like that open up room for not only a wider range of bossfights but also multiplayer. I'd like multiplayer in this game, and I can't think of any way for players to battle each other in a track level unless its a race, or maybe a co op level or something. Idk. I'm thinking out loud. I feel like I should be writing so much more on this subject, and I'm not because I didn't want to sit down and write an essay like I always do when I start talking about this game idea. So I'm not going to write up a big long thing on character design yet, but I will call your attention to a post I made in the talk thread a couple days ago: When I posted this, a lot of you looked at it and interpreted it as "A game about a bunch of weapons anthropomorphized." First of all, anthropomorphized isn't the correct word in this context, we would want to say "automorphism" or "mechamorphism" or some shit like that. I dunno, anthro is animals and this would be military hardware. I do know this picture came up when I did a google search for "mecha masume." But none of that makes a difference because my second and main point is that this is not a game about planes that are people. This is a game about people with wings and jetpacks and stuff. The suits in this game are going to be designed to be functional. Not like this thing: You will not see this in this game. It will not be in this game at all. Ask me and Saha questions and things. We will answer them.
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