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Zombie Apocolypse

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Ok, mabye the house strategy isn't the best. But hey, if you had enough ammunition, you could pick them all off. Even if they're patient and not have to rely on anything, they still only have so many of the population. If you had cans of gasoline, you could pour it on them and blaze them (although they might run into your house and catch IT on fire.)

And if you're an especially rich person, you could get a tunnel or something dug under your house to some other place, like a bit of an island on a nearby lake or something (especially if you already have natural tunnels under your house.)

Or, if you have trees nearby, especially if you live in the woods, wouldn't a zipline be possible? It would have to be heavy duty if you wanted to get the supplies over, especially if you have canned foods or weapons.

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This is all assuming we're not useless. I can shoot a gun and scavange for food/supplies, but I'm ass at cooking and I've never built anything in my life.

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I do slightly disagree with the house strategy bring bad, since zombies are not exactly know for their long attention spans. So I don't think you have to be too worried about seiges.. The others are good things to avoid, though.

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Well, if we are doing 28 days later style....

My house is suburban , outside of huge population density. I also have two weeks of water/food on hand, should I need it, along with guns and ammo including pistols, shotguns and rifles.

My exterior doors are all steel with reinforced frames, or reinforced shatterproof glass (which I would bar and board anyway). All windows are laminate and shatterproof. As such, I would barricade myself in the house and use my skylights as roof access to pick off zombies as they came if need be. After my food supplies run out, I can scavenge out of neighbors houses if need be, as I think they would be relatively useless in tis situation. Water I can filter and purify using a charcoal filter an iodine tablets (you don't want to drink without a disinfectant, it may be in the water sources).

I would like to think I would survive, but the only way to be sure for anyone is to have immunity to the virus/parasite/bacteria, whatever the cause is.

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I remember having a bit of a plan about this with some friends. See, Zach's house has an upstairs that serves as his room. The main room is rather spacious. Very livable. We could easily accomodate it to have a fridge and other essentials up there.

One room in the hallway up there has a pipe that connects to the toilet. We hypothesized that we could install a toilet upstairs as well.

So, our plan would be to live in the upstairs. We could destroy the wooden stairs leading up to the room and have with us our own means of going down and back up.

There's still the challenge of restocking and maintaining the place, though. That, and Zach's home is in a sub-division neighborhood. Houses on either side. Populated. Could be a big problem -.-

Another plan that I had thought about once was rather radical. If all of the survivors could regroup, we could possibly take over a place like Wal-Mart and create a settlement there. From there, we could work to clear out the zombies and rebuild our lives.

The problem with clearing it out is that we would have to trap ourselves in to keep more zombies from coming after us. But if we really have enough people to launch and assault like that, then we should be prepared to do so.

There are more problems. More people means that our group will be more loosely-knit. People will lie, steal, cheat. And I haven't even considered the people who wouldn't be friendly, either. The ones who would become marauders and make life hell for the ones trying to get by and work together.

What if someone in our large pool of people is bitten, and doesn't tell? Suddenly, our huge group is at risk. This person goes zombie, and spreads the infection, and we have a very serious problem.

I like the idea of rebuilding society like that, though. I would like to group up and clear the zombies out.

I admittedly haven't seen 28 Days Later, though. I'm not a big movie person -.-

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What if someone in our large pool of people is bitten, and doesn't tell? Suddenly, our huge group is at risk. This person goes zombie, and spreads the infection, and we have a very serious problem.

yeah, from the movies ive seen, this happens a lot. all the refugees running around, the army corrals them in, and its still too panicked for them to be strip-search-checking for bites. not to mention, the person is hiding it in the first place, and the knowledge about zombie bites is usually not too widespread at that point.

imo, this is why you dont find large groups of survivors in late-game-stage, because the one infected goes zombie in the middle of the shelter, with a bunch of civvies, like women, children, and anyone else that didnt take to fighting on their own, but hiding with the army. generally speaking, it results in a chain reaction (probably) that causes chaos in the crowd, several bitten people, and the rest likely scattering.

to be fair, though, i dont really remember/know of any movies that depict this sort of thing, probably because most large groups get swarmed and overrun by zombies before they can really bunker down like that. but the slightly larger groups of survivors usually have one newcomer, freshly bitten, that no one has the heart to put down, or else theyre hiding their injury.

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Oh, if the army showed up, my ass would be hiding good. I love our fine troops and all, but in a zombie apocalypse situation, I doubt they'd be there to 'save' us.

And the air force, oh FFFFFFFF the air force. I don't wanna see jets flying over me :|

Buuuut I've never actually seen a LARGE group try to survive together in a movie. It could go either way. If it went bad at all, though, it would likely break down into those that truly want to rebuild society, those who want to stick out for themselves, marauders, and infected.

Then we'd all just scatter. At the point where the plan actually breaks apart, I think I might want to just hold out with my friends instead of taking another chance on people I can't be too sure of.

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After playing Dead Rising, I figured out another factor that we might have to worry about: Religious cults.

In the event of a supposed extinction-event, such as the zombie apocalypse, there will most likely be some wacko who thinks it is god trying to purge the land of our sin or something. And, of course, this wacko will find wacko followers to do his bidding. In their eyes, they may see survivors (i.e. us) as demons and sinners, and will do all in their power to kill us to appease god. This is includes suicide bombing. Do NOT let these people into your stronghold. In fact, don't even let your presence be known to them.

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