Dark Souls the General Thread

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Not even bothering to use caps

That means you know it's true

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it means I'm deathly serious

AS LONG AS I'm posting content, here's a world map I found of Lordran. This is mostly everything from the top, so it obviously leaves out locations such as Blight Town, and the abyss, and the catacombs, and so on. It also leaves out border locations like Anor Londo. But I think in the end it does a good job of explaining just how everything is so easily wrapped around itself, for the most part.


Actually, I remember being pretty shocked when I went through the undead parish's church to find the firelink shrine. And going through the valley of the drakes (valley of the soaring dragon here) to get to new londo. Crazy stuff in this game.

Here's an actual ripped-from-the-game map of the world(Pre-DLC), which I'm going to go ahead and spoiler because it actually has some pretty drastically secret locations in it. Don't look if you don't want A lot of the secrets of the game revealed:

No seriously they're kind of big spoilers, I mean the only spoiler I'm really giving you here is "there's no world map" I guess but that doesn't count


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for the record, this is not the final name.


After asking Treemo for help with names, the journey of Tom Mcsnuffles has begun.

Edited by DR SHRUBBERY! (see edit history)
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Sadly, I don't think other players can actually see your character's name online. They just see your screen name. So you wont see "Summoning Jeff Foxworthy" or anything, unless they have the screen name jeff foxworthy.

Anyways, Some Dark Souls 2 concept art has been released, and the source is here. There's not much, but I'll be posting some of it below the spoiler below:






Apparently there are dwarves now???


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So if pheo hasn't filled you guys in, I made a character who is white but kind of looks Asian, gave her a Japanese name, and made her wield a katana. Guys.

I made a weeaboo class.


Unfortunately, I should have named her something like "Sakura-chan" and gave her purple hair.

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I remember coming across that one that says "Imminent happiness" and just being all "Dark Souls, you and I both know that that's a load of bullshit"

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Hey can we talk about Lore in here? I'm just saying "Hey lets talk about Dark Souls Lore" Because this game is probably one of the most lore rich games probably in the history of video games, and I really like it all but I have no one to talk about it with here so hey is anyone else here interested in dark souls lore etc (Havel the Rock is one of my favorite characters)

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I haven't played in a while because I've been in a good mood lately and I would like it to stay that way for a while.

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Both of you: Get back to playing

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Dark Souls is an RPG.

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Action RPG. It's different. Tales of Symphonia and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga are both action rpg's, too.

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It's because he thinks it's a lot like Berserk

Anything like Berserk or Vriska is great

Everybody open your eyes

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There's a popular theory going around that Guts of Berserk is based off the character of Ash from Evil Dead(a movie I haven't actually seen lol). But Kentaro Miura actually touched up on that in an interview:

I'd like to ask you a couple of personal questions now. We talked about Kaoru Kurimoto's Guin Saga earlier. And my next question is... Is there any cartoonist, director or movie that influenced you?

Well, it's a Japanese cartoonist, but... like Mr. Go Nagai, I believe he's very famous in the U.S. He was a big influence on me. I love his dynamic style. And I have a couple of favorite American film directors. I like the movies of Tim Burton and Sam Raimi. This is another strange story. Back then I was still in college, it was the day I finished the first episode of Berserk and there was "Evil Dead 2" playing at theaters. So after I mailed it to the publisher, I went to see it. It was so similar to Berserk, I was really surprised by myself. In "Evil Dead 3," I also know it as "Captain Supermarket"... the main character had his arm cut off and he had a chainsaw attached to his arm and had a shotgun on his back. I was like "What the?" Because Guts has a gun on his arm and a huge sword on his back. It was just like Ash. I remember getting worried that I might get sued. I just finished my very first cartoon, but I was already nervous. I'm a big fan of Sam Raimi's movies, I like "Dark Man", too. He got really big after "Spider-Man," but I still like his movies. And I like Tim Burton, because his movies are always 'offbeat.' It's almost strange that a person can be that offbeat and big at the same time. But that's why I love his movies. James Cameron lost his touch after he got big. Well, I don't know if he thinks of himself as offbeat. But when I saw "Terminator," as a Sci Fi fan, I was really excited that he was one of those offbeat geniuses, like Tim Burton... but turns out he wasn't. And of course, "Star Wars" is my all-time favorite movie. I saw it when I was little, so I was really shocked, I was a big Star Wars fan ever since. But "Episode 1" was very weak. The script needed some work.

So, the fact of the matter is, that Guts wasn't actually based off of Ash. The two of them do have many striking similarities, though, to the extent that half of the drawings, as you can see up there, might actually be intentionally paying homage to a series he's a fan of (the other half are really just stretching the boundaries of likely comparison).

I mention this in this thread because a little while ago I mentioned there were also a lot of similarities between Guts and Sir Artorias. While it's tempting to believe Sir Artorias is actually based off of Guts, it's a much safer bet that that's not the case.

Let's all just ignore the fact that one of my favorite artists ever is a big Tim Burton fan and move on with our lives. Here have some fan art.


And have some Dark Souls because it's a Dark Souls thread.



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so pheo killed sigmeyer of catarina


he laughed when he did it

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