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Uganda's Parliament has vowed to pass the "Kill the Gays" bill as a 'Christmas Present'

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Posted (edited)

You are what this forum has been lacking through this long bitter period.

Oh, you'd be one of minuscule vestige to agree. But, hey, Teto, I like you, fella. Now I feel quite welcome :D

I love it. We are all bored and circling this person like sharks.

Don't get the wrong impression, scarecrow guy, you should still stay. This is our one monthly token "serious" discussion. Things will calm down after. You seem like a nice guy.

All of the heat aside, I will stay. I'm a huge of Zelda (specifically Majora's Mask) and I've enjoyed the crowd and how high quality some of the intellect is around here, that's not a joke either. XD

I've joined a few forums lately and they've been disappointing. As some may realize, I'm a stickler about grammar. Other than that, their activity was quite insipid and the members were few. I think I'll be around for a good while.

Edited by Stylin' Scarecrow (see edit history)

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Suddenly Obi-wan Kenobi appears

I'd rather be a possibly pedophilic scarecrow. If Obi-wan saw me bouncing toward him, wanting to teach him to play the Song of Double Time, he'd shit the force and leave.

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Please refrain from getting off topic in Serious Discussion, this last page or two has been nothing but personal blubbering and passive aggressive remarks not contributing to the topic at hand. thanks

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I'm really curious as to why you thought that would work and where you learned this behavior.

Come back and tell me how genocide is "easy". You said genocide was easy.

(Me getting back on to topic)

It's not easy? It seems pretty popular among many nomadic pillagers and tyrannical governments. Like, this Ugandan law probably uses a word like "sterilize" to dull the chilling sound of mass murder, genocide even. But, couldn't there be other options before deciding to kill a people who really don't pose a great threat? Of course there are. A lot of these people hide in concealed shanty, makeshift villages in order to avoid capture. They're obviously scared and they're still being chased. Homosexuality hasn't really ever impacted a society in a way that was debilitating to its economy or commonwealth. Again, just my views. I know they're just an opinion, not a definitive bit of text I believe all should follow. I must find a way to keep the sharks at bay. :D

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See I like that you are keeping in mind that this is one of infinite opinions.

But transporting, tracking, containing and killing people isn't easy. If we are talking about the Holocaust still, think about how many millions of dollars it took to do what they did. A military even holding an area and supplying stuff for their own guys is balls expensive.

Genocide these days is usually done on a smaller, less expensive, but insanely more violent scale. It's a disorganized method human lessening... and it's messy. I mean, it's not usually the government funding death showers these days, some have learned. Rebel war lords of North Eastern Africa have been passed the torch of "sentient sterilization" it seems and their funds need only be meager, compared to that of government cheese.

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The definition of Genocide in terms of how many people need to be killed for it to qualify is debated. But I like this definition of genocide:

"Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups."

With the bolded bit being what I see as the most important part. Like, by my understanding it's just the thing with going about killing or otherwise stripping a certain kind of people of their rights, with the ultimate aim of killing off that group entirely. The difference between this and mass murder would probably just be that mas murder is probably a bit more random and less organised than all that. But I'm not sure. I do remember that the difference between a killer and a murderer is supposedly that a killer plans for the kill whereas a murderer does it more spur of the moment.

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Anyway, trivia time, because this is my favourite Nazi Germany trivia. When listing pros and cons of the holocaust, it's a PURE SIN to ignore the fact that out of Nazi Germany we got Fanta. The Coca Cola factories in Germany at the time couldn't make Coca Cola because they couldn't import the ingredients from America or wherever else. So they decided to make a new drink that could be made using ingredients available to them, and so they came up with what we know as Fanta. When deciding on the name someone said "Use your imagination!", which in German is "Fantasie!", to which one of them replied "Fanta!". So after the war when the Coca Cola factories were united once more, Fanta continues production.

Guys Nazis made me in a soda factory.

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Posted (edited)

Genocide on a small scale isn't genocide is it?

Okay, let me redefine small being applied to genocide. As small of a scale as it can possibly be. I'm just pointing out, that such a massive genocide hadn't been wrought since Hitler's holocaust. All other cultural killing sprees compared to that one are comparatively small.

Edited by Stylin' Scarecrow (see edit history)

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Comparatively small? Have you heard of Rwandan or Armenian genocides?

Just stop trying to seem like an expert. If you don't say things about how easy genocide is, then you don't have have to make up ANOTHER lie trying to justify the first one. Just say that you don't know much about genocide or don't say things at all. This is me telling you that multiple genocides have happened since the Holocaust and they have been on a larger scale than this hypothetical Ugandan one. Like you aren't dumb or anything but you keep picking the wrong words and missing the point.

Google, can you relax? I don't know whether you like me or strongly dislike me. I'm not trying to seem like any sort of expert, so please hop of that soapbox. I'm not comparing other genocides to the Ugandan one, that would be silly as the bill permitting the slaying of gays hasn't even been passed yet. I was comparing them to the Holocaust. I know plenty of genocides have taken place since that time. Roughly 11 million people had died in Nazi Germany due to the Holocaust. If you combine the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 with the Armenian Genocide that'd taken place between 1915 and 1923, it's still smaller than the Holocaust as far as casualty count goes. What the hell, man... :(

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Posted (edited)

Russians killed more people. Maybe I was too antagonistic. Sorry.

It's cool. Russians have killed more people, that's largely because it's a country comprised of terrible drivers though.

Hence this video:

Sorry to derail the thread once again...

Edited by Stylin' Scarecrow (see edit history)

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The icky gay people

icky icky icky

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It's "Adam and Eve" not "Adam and Steve!!!"

Gays are just a pit of vipers, white washed tombs, etc.

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just gonna say, i love the contrast of your location with that comment.

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I will forever be in your butthole

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