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Tokyo Jungle

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So, you've heard about this fantastic game. It's a Roguelike where you can be one of over 40 or so different animals each with their own different playstyles, although a few of them are similar but still unique in their own special way. There are two types of animals, one being predators and the other being grazers. Predators hunt for food and can eat any animal they kill and have much higher attack stats while grazers eat plants and try to avoid dangerous predators at all costs.
The objective is to survive as long as possible, and the game tries its absolute hardest to stop you in your tracks, whether it be a territory filling with smog, heavy rain clouding your senses so that you can't see a dangerous enemy very close to you that may kill you, or just plain bad luck in finding food around you. A surprising fact about the game is that no animal is "overpowered", though it may seem, each animal has its pros and cons just like in real life. Although a panther may have the attack stat of a god, if you get hit by most anything, you will take massive damage, while a rabbit who may seem very vulnerable can run away from things with relative ease because of its speed.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is if you have a PS3, this game will make your day. And your week. And hopefully longer, if you enjoy it enough. Did I mention there are clothes you can make your animal wear that increases its stats while making it look absolutely fabulous? It's $15 on the PSN right now, if it's not on sale anymore. Sadly, the co-op is local only, so we won't be able to play with each other, but having a discussion about our endeavors will definitely be fun to hear about.
So, if you've already got the game, share a story. If you haven't, go get it, mang, dis game's amazing. Also, pomeranians are VICIOUS.

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I'll probably buy this as soon as I have good internet again (next week).

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This game is so puppying fun but really challenging.

I cant get past the first dog. I mean I'm having trouble unlocking the cat. Mainly because by the time im about to complete the mission, something like pollution will poison me. Or I'll challenge a Zebra and not survive haha. But does anyone know how to survive being poisoned? medicine only helps so little.

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Posted (edited)

Eating any fresh food should lower your toxicity, just defeat any animal and eat them before the dead body becomes toxic, which usually happens p. fast. I assume just getting out of any toxic zone and eating things to lower your toxicity to 0 should get rid of it.

Edited by Double45 (see edit history)

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Okay thanks. Also how do you unlock new story mode missions? It only lets me play Tutorial (lol) and Survival mode.

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You have to collect the flash drive looking things in survival mode, i think to unlock the first story mode mission you have to get 3, 1 is in Shibuya Station while the other 2 are in Shibuya Shop iirc

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Oh okay thanks! I'll actually go after them now haha.

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