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Teto AMA

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Looking forward to lying.

I think I made one at the end of the old fad so I'm making one now before it goes even more stale again.

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How is it in Scotland these days?

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How is it in Scotland these days?


Cold but not snowing. Not sure what the days are like at other places in the world, but it's pitch-black dark by 5pm now. Otherwise I have no idea what's going on in Scotland as a whole really.

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Will you pack yourself in a box and have it sent to Chicago??

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Will you pack yourself in a box and have it sent to Chicago??

Only if you pack yourself in a box and send yourself to the port where I'd be unloaded onto in America, so we can steal a ship and ship ourselves to the end of the earth. Until we hit Australia and then we can just live with Ammonsa.

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Do you have any pets? I can't remember if you have any pets

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Stark or Lannister? who are you rooting for between those two?

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Do you have any pets? I can't remember if you have any pets

3 dogs in the house just now, though one is technically my sister's.


Stark or Lannister? who are you rooting for between those two?

Considering the Lannisters are mostly dicks, and the Starks are the underdogs and people like to see underdogs win, then I'm rooting for the Starks. There's more I could say but that'd be spoilers.


I like to see the North v South thing in Game of Thrones as being similar to my own attitude to UK politics. Like how the Scottish feel underrepresented, because a lot of the governance of the country happens down in England, and you do find that some English people look down on Scots for one reason or another, and it embitters us towards them quite often. For example, I was hearing from someone about how one of the company heads was visiting Scotland and they were taking donations to wear a kilt when they visited "as a dare", as if it was a silly thing they could do for a laugh. Just blatant contempt for our own culture. That's the kind of crap that makes people dislike the English. True, they're not all like that, but it makes it no less infuriating to hear about.


So yeah, I see the Starks as being the in-world equivalent to the Scottish, in the sparse landscape with less political influence, treated with contempt by their southern neighbours.


There's a bit of that in my reasoning, and it feels silly to see it that way but I do. I'm not an "I hate the English" kind of person really, and I wouldn't hold it against anyone, but there's a bit of prejudice in me because of how I've grown to view some things relating to England.

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So yeah, I see the Starks as being the in-world equivalent to the Scottish, in the sparse landscape with less political influence, treated with contempt by their southern neighbours.


Also the zombies

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Also the zombies

In-world people who live in the isles where nobody wants to go, and all the people who live there can only stand it because they're heavily sedated.

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Are you currently employed or are you a full time student or other? I can't remember.

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I have packed myself in a box but I might need help getting out because I am of the origami people...

My box skills are too strong.

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Are you currently employed or are you a full time student or other? I can't remember.

Part-time student now. I was on a Biomedical Science course up until May this year before I dropped out. I'm now just doing a smaller Psychology course just for this year. I initially started the Psychology because I thought it'd be something I'd like, but I think it's really just more of a passing interest. Still a decent enough way to spend time, but just 9am-1pm on Wednesdays. Otherwise I'm looking, not very hard, for work and doing not a lot else, besides I guess doing this Gaelic class and looking forward to starting driving lessons again sometime.


I've been more recently motivated to start just doing new things and anything just to get out in the world and meet people. I was considering joining the swimming pool + gym, starting to play squash, have a go at surfing, and get involved in any old charity work about the place.


So I might try being more outgoing in the new year. I don't know yet what I really want to do with my life but I'll start with being more outgoing and see if satisfying that can help me see the world more clearly and then maybe I can start to aim toward something career-wise.

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That's really awesome teto. I'd like to get out more and meet people outside of just work.

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I've been more recently motivated to start just doing new things and anything just to get out in the world and meet people. I was considering joining the swimming pool + gym, starting to play squash, have a go at surfing, and get involved in any old charity work about the place.


So I might try being more outgoing in the new year. I don't know yet what I really want to do with my life but I'll start with being more outgoing and see if satisfying that can help me see the world more clearly and then maybe I can start to aim toward something career-wise.


This is great Teto. I'm really happy to hear this. My only advice, response, what have you, is only to say that you don't need to wait for a new year to make a change. A new year is the same as a new day, really. Unless it's just something you want to have planned as to not overwhelm yourself for the time being, that makes sense. 


What is some great music you could recommend me? :>

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