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The hobbit 2: Electric boogaloo

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I didn't think the gates were incredibly thin; just relatively thin. I mean, Smaug didn't just walk through them like they were nothing. Still, I pretended that their backs were sort of singed.

I actually thought maybe the dragon would've melted down all of those coins into something by the time they got there or something. I guess you can see my point as well, 'cause that's another thing, although I didn't think of it.

I mean, there's the whole thing about dragons absolutely loving treasure and having some sense of its worth. I imagine he thought the craftmanship made a lot of the things better as opposed to just giant lumps of gold. Also, notice that bits of treasure are now embedded in his underbelly.

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They were body width, so just enough to "shield" them. Their sides should be very fire after that..


Also, yeah, but if he could actually make it into something and didn't have big, meaty claws, I'm sure he would have. Also, just a few coins were stuck in his belly, or were you just pointing out that it's cool that they did that?

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It looked like there were more to me? I mean, I know a few coins fell off him. Idk I'd have to see the movie again just to be sure.

I think, in the book, though, he basically encrusted his belly in gems and coins to help with the soft underbelly problem.


Using the word "belly" in reference to Smaug's body is making me giggle

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Well, there were probably around 50-75 gold coins on his belly. Wasn't really that much considering how big he is.

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