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Agent's Arts

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And I fall deeper down the bottomless hole that is fan-art. Here's an ink and watercolor picture of Bruno Buccellati from part 5 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I loved his design the moment I saw it in the new All-Star Battle game last year, and now that I've ready a bunch of part 5, Sticky Fingers is definitely one of my favorite stands. I wanted to draw him for a while now, but only got around to it late last night on the whimiest of whims. Worked on this for a little over 2 hours, from about 10:30 to 12:30, and I'd say it turned out way better than it had any right to. If I have a major problem with it, it's that it's not my finest line work and I didn't take the time to get the anatomy as good as I could have, but I was on a roll at the time and couldn't stop long enough to think about such things. The pose of the hands is a bit dainty for such a tough dude, but I've seen A LOT of dainty poses in my art history class this semester, and I suspect that leaked a bit into this. Although, I do think the zipper effect on the page is pretty easy to read, and that counts as a big success in my book. I would have liked to do a more dynamic pose (and do Araki proud) but I'll settle for what I got for now.



Again, done with a 12-pack of Pentalic watercolor pencils, and also some Yasutomo ink, sharpie, and a micron pen.

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Ink and colored pencil Asajj Ventress fanart. One of my favorite Clone Wars-era Star Wars characters. Crappy phone photos all.



ME (Ink and Watercolor pencils)



Giorno Giovanna from Part 5 of Jojo.



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