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T1g's D&D Isle of Dread Campaign

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Party fought some more monkeys and finished getting everyone home safely, basically

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The game has still been going, its just that no one has bothered to write a summary of stuff that's happened. I want to but I got a bunch of school work to get done.

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Same or I would've

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The Campaign ended last night btw.


The Party is now the Green Dragon's bitch, and they let a dark god loose upon the world.


I would elaborate more but I got tests and shit to start preparing for

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Basically, the sessions went something like this, since the last detailed post

1.) stealth rescue mission/ gained sailor allies

2.) getting the rescued back home/found out detail about Crit's backstory

3.) finding Crit

4.) Getting the Dragon's help to get to the top of the plateau

5.) treant forest / finding info on the island's curse

6.) the village of Mantru and the marauders

7.) taboo island 1st floor, or, Lia is a giant racist: a romantic comedy

8.) taboo island 2nd floor, or, Lia spends all her spell slots healing herself

9.) taboo island 3rd floor, or, the part where the party makes a really bad decision

10.) taboo island 1st floor again, or, the part where the party contemplates genocide as a solution

11.) Emma convinces the green dragon (Ysedra) to help fix the mess they are in

12.) the part where Ysedra reminds the party why they are her bitch

13.) Finale: or, Crit's backstory is really sad and the dark god is a total dick

14.) Epilogue: The party is still Ysedra's bitch, but she is actually really cool so who cares

I am sure all of these things will get elaborated on eventually, or at least the critical parts. Probably when I am done with finals

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Oh right, I forgot to mention that now that my campaign is over, we are probably going to have another sequel campaign, which will probably have a time skip involved!

Basically, as of the ending:

Ysedra, the ancient green dragon, plans to go explore the world, see what has changed since she got trapped on the island, and fight worthy opponents

She considers the entire party to be her servants, she isn't far off.

Lia plans to follow Ysedra around the place on her travels, forsaking her Druidic duties.

Wulfric plans to focus on his poetry career. He may or may not get dragged around by Ysedra anyway.

I forget what Amon was going to do, pretty sure it was following Ysedra, but I forgot

Cob plans to keep serving Ysedra, which is more or less the best gig he has ever landed.

Atticus and Rex are not considered by the dragon to be her servants, so they are probably going to continue their mission

Crit plans to find the Dark God and kick his ass for reasons that will be explained in another post another time. Ysedra approves of this decision, and plans to let her go do it. Cob might be joining Crit because it's basically another bounty to hunt

So yeah the next campaign I run will probably jump ahead several years, maybe even several decades, with some of the new characters being descendants of previous characters

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