The Scoundrels of Virtue

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((Ahh I'm so jealous! I have no money right now so I have to wait until my birthday! *sigh* But seriously, I hope you enjoy it! :D ))


Torianna crossed her arms, giving Endel her worst frown; but it did nothing to sway the boy. She sighed. "I'm an incredibly problematic person, Endel. If you're going to get yourself all wound up every time that I have a problem then you're never going to have a moment of peace."

"Oh would you stop it!" Endel finally snapped. "I get that you had to fight to get attention from you father and that you had to prove yourself to get any recognition from that patriarchal network but... goddess! Torianna, not everybody in the world is out to hurt you! I don't ask you these things because I want to exploit all your deepest darkest secrets, I ask you these things because I actually want to help - WE want to help. We're on your side Torianna... why won't you just trust us?!"

Endel's words were enough to stop Torianna in her tracks. She blinked, suddenly feeling so very foolish. Endel's expression softened considerably as he watched her unfold her arms and step back the tiniest amount, playing with her fingertips. These people had never given her a reason not to trust them. More importantly, they'd given her plenty of reasons to consider them trustworthy.

"I don't like old men," she mumbled. "I don't trust them."

Endel hesitated. "...because of your dad?"

She shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe I've just never met a reliable one. Only con-artists and perverts... There aren't exactly an abundance of trustworthy old men in the network. Besides... I don't like the fact that your 'Advisor' covers his face. No one takes the trouble to conceal their identity unless they have something to hide."

"Right..." Endel nodded, clearly pondering. She finally summoned up the courage to meet his gaze, and he gave her the smallest of smiles. "Thanks for telling me."

Edited by NayruGoddessOfWisdom (see edit history)

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While Maia was walking through the castle, she noticed that she got some odd looks from the other people that were walking around there. Other maids, guards, cooks.... When she got into a corridor, she stopped for a while. Was she filthy or something like that? Did she smell? She glanced down. Her clothes weren't as clean as they used to be but they were okay... What about her face? A few feet further there was a mirror hanging against the wall with a drawer beneath it. She walked over and glanced in the mirror.

Something was different about her, though she couldn't lay her finger on it. Her face wasn't dirty either, and her light blond hair was still in a top knot, except for one strand of hair that she had put behind her ear. Her grey eyes looked somewhat tired, but not too much. She frowned and stepped forward. It was only now that she saw what had changed. 

She looked older. 

She had always been told that she looked way younger then she was supposed to be, and she had always agreed. Her overall appearance made her look like she was 16, and not 18.,

But now, something had changed. 

The adventure had changed her in many ways. She was definitely more assertive now, she dared to speak up instead of staying quiet and not sharing her thoughts. She had became more brave for sure, seeing how she was like a scared rabbit before. There were just so many people that she had met, and especially her friends had made her a better person. The biggest change however, had been Endel. Maia had never had feelings for someone like that, and she had also never dared to think that she would be the one to fall in love. 

Sure, she loved reading love stories and had always hoped of that to happen to her, but she had never thought that that would actually be the case. Her place was in the castle, and inside there wasn't really much choice. 

But was her place really still in the castle? What was she going to do when their adventure came to an end? What about Endel? 

Maia made a mental note to ask him to talk about that. She herself needed some more time to think about that too.

She sighed, and began to walk again. 

After some time, she had found someone and had asked if they could stay. They weren't thrilled about it, but seeing as Maia was the Princess's first maid, they couldn't really refuse it. Maia thanked them and went outside to look for their friends to tell the good news. 

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The conversation became noticeably more pleasant as Endel and Torianna gathered supplies for the trip tomorrow. Both of them were always pretty good about moving off of a sore subject; each thoughtfully considered what sort of equipment they would need with the other as if nothing happened. In the end, they decided backpacks and satchels made of thin, durable materials to carry their goods. Endel also bought some quality arrows to restock his quiver, since there wouldn't be wood to make his own in the desert. Torianna thought to buy medical supplies and extra non-perishable foods for Cheval. Their business concluded, they headed for the main gates of the castle before Maia and Lorcan intercepted them. 


"Good news!" Maia said with a beaming smile, "The maids are going to give us a few extra chambers to stay in! No need to worry about staying at an inn."

"Excellent work, this is gonna help us out a ton!" Endel returned her enthusiasm. As everyone returned to the castle she stayed close to him, clearly eager to ask a question despite her anxiety. "What's up?" He asked her.

"Nothing, really. I was... just curious I guess." Maia seemed to be choosing her words carefully. "What do you want us to do after our journey is over?"

Endel thought about it for a moment before responding. "I definitely want to stick with you. The castle is where you want to be, right? Maybe... I can become a knight? We'd be able to spend out free time with each other that way, and I could fit in better than I can now-" He cut himself off when Maia shook her head.

"Let's not worry about me staying at the castle." There was a slight wince in her expression, like a young adult ready to leave their home and make a living in the real world. "I just want to hear your thoughts."

Endel took an even longer pause this time. "I want to go somewhere I can help people." He said firmly. "I thought I was doing that in the Scoundrels, in a weird sort of way... stealing from the rich and all that. Now I want to do something more, well, ethical." Maia seemed happy for his response, but also must have wanted a more specific answer. "Let's both think about it for a while, and I'll get back to you." He concluded.

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Their welcome at the castle was certainly interesting. They were treated well for rescuing the princess. For dinner, they were served their meal in the dining hall - a delicious sea food dish - and then left to entertain themselves. Maia and Endel headed off together up to the chambers, discussing something intimately between themselves. Torianna watched them go, a slight smile on her face. She felt considerably more comfortable after their conversation earlier, like a weight off her shoulders. Still, Endel couldn't solve all of the world's problems, no matter how hard he tried.

Torianna eventually managed to track down Lorcan in the castle library. He was sat at one of the sturdy wooden tables gazing intently into that crystal ball again. He barely glanced up as she approached, observing that glossy surface with an interested gleam in his eye. He still didn't notice even as she came to stand beside him. She sighed, rolling her eyes, before rapping her knuckles on the table.

He started, glancing up at her with wide blue eyes before a smile cracked across his face. He motioned for her to take the seat opposite him and she quietly obliged, eyeing that crystal ball with interest. She wanted to see what everyone else could, she really did... but she couldn't see a thing except for a distorted image of the very same room on the other side of the glass sphere. A heavy sigh escaped her as she rested her chin in her palm.

Lorcan frowned at her, hurriedly scribbling in his notebook that rested on the table between them. After a few moments, he held it up for her to see.

"Still can't see anything?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. Is there something wrong with me?"

His curls bobbed about energetically as he shook his head, scrawling again. He took a while this time, but eventually presented the page. "Not at all. The Advisor said it might not work for everyone. If you're interested, Cheval managed to build a shelter. He's safe."

"For now," Torianna replied. She stopped for a moment, before speaking again. "I don't really know much about him. Only knew him for a couple of days. What's he like?"

Lorcan's eyebrows shot up, and he blew out his cheeks. The sight made Torianna smile a little. Clearly, the silent guard didn't have a great relationship with his boss.

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Lorcan smiled slyly to himself as he wrote, glancing up at the crystal ball to observe as he tried to describe his somewhat strained relationship with Cheval.

'He barely notices me most of the time, like a lot of the other guards.'

"Well, you being mute and all," Torianna agreed with a shrug, and Lorcan nodded.

'When he DOES notice I'm there, all he does is talk about how I look too young to be with the Scoundrels, too inexperienced to be guarding so close to the weapons vault.'

"Oh, come on," Torianna chides. "Look at your big wide eyes!"

Lorcan shook his head adamantly, scribbling quickly. 'Worse than you! Never let me go anywhere with his team.'

Torianna tutted like a mother, putting on a disapproving face. "No wonder you always have so much to vent about when you snap, eh?"

Lorcan pursed his lips, refusing to meet her eye. 'Shut up.'

"Ha!" Torianna grinned. "Well now you can show him, when it's you rescuing him. Plus, the Scoundrels are disbanded now, right?"

Lorcan smiled back, nodding eagerly. Then, 'You're right. Sounds like a plan.'

He glanced again at his former superior, huddled in a ramshackle kind of shelter, some thin blankets pulled about him. They'd have to move out quickly, and hope Cheval had gotten his job done, or at least the majority of it.

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Endel and Maia went to bed early in preparation for the next day, followed not long after by Torianna and finally Lorcan. They rose the next morning with the maids, and wasted no time in packing their bags and hitting the road. It was tempting to find some horses for the long road ahead, but Endel decided against it; they'd have to be abandoned once they reached the desert. Each of them shouldered the new backpacks Endel had bought yesterday and left the the east gate on foot.


Hyrule Field was still eerily empty, so the group traveled the vast expanse of Lanayru without fear. The road to Lake Hylia was busier than ever with traders and farmers emboldened by the uneasy peace; Endel kept an eye out for Networkers and other suspicious folk that might try and prey on them. Luckily there hadn't been any sign of Darius's men looking for revenge after the rescue of Lorcan had left them decimated. Nonetheless, everyone knew to expect more problems from the Networkers before this journey was over.


For a few hours they blended into the caravans along the road to Lake Hylia, then took a branching path to the Gerudo Desert. This road was newly created after the Twilight Crisis, when soldiers were deployed to scour Hyrule's farthest reaches for monsters. On their last journey, Endel had avoided the road to evade Kazdan's forces, but now they had nothing to fear with every foreseeable threat eliminated. They decided to halt at the base of a cliff not too far from the edge of the desert for a quick rest.

"So, any guesses as to where exactly Cheval is holed up?" Endel asked Lorcan, but the guardsman just shrugged.

"Great..." Torianna muttered.

"Well, Try and keep an eye on that crystal ball." Endel replied. "It's got to lead us to some sort of landmark near his location. This place is really flat, so once we get within a mile or so we ought to see him on the horizon." Endel tried to stay optimistic about their situation, because his mind was telling him that if they didn't find their friend soon, heat and thirst would kill them in five day's time.

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Endel's optimistic attitude seemed to be somewhat strained as they began to back up their possessions beneath the shade of the cliff. Torianna could still hear the soft trundling of carriages in the distance, but tried not to pay too much heed to it. The dessert was going to be completely barren, not to mention dangerous. Maia performed one last check to ensure that they had all the supplies that they needed, and then they began walking again.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Endel said, as they proceeded along the footpath. "Like I said, it's really flat here. It makes it easy for us to see Cheval or anyone attempting to attack us, but it also makes us incredibly easy to see. Just bear that in mind."

Torianna nodded, gripping the handles of her rucksack in her clammy palms. She missed the horses, and quite how easy they made long journeys. She glanced over to Lorcan, and pondered for a moment hopping up on his back, but the glare that he shot her warned her away from the idea. How did he know?

A good few hours passed as they traversed. For periods they chatted amicably, as if they intense heat or scorching sun couldn't bother them. At other times, they walked in tense, strained silence. Torianna didn't like those times. As much as she would have despised it a few months ago, she actually enjoyed these people's company.

But still, nothing happened. The sun began to dip below the horizon, and eventually they had to call it for the night. Lorcan and Torianna set to work on constructing the large heavy duty tent, and Maia prepared the food. All the while Endel stood, his eyes on the horizon, where the Arbiters Grounds loomed over them all like a brooding guardian.

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"So that's where they took him..." Endel muttered to himself. The Arbiter's Grounds... the prison where no convict came out alive. Darius had betrayed his father, had him framed for treason, and made sure he was sentenced to life in the Grounds. No doubt the place had claimed his life, since it was abandoned not long before the Twilight Crisis when monsters overran its halls.

"Supper's ready, Endel!" Maia called, snapping him out of his brooding. Everyone gathered around the fire and gulped down their stew, eager to fight off the cold that accompanied night out here. Was Cheval able to protect himself from freezing as well?


As if he'd read Endel's mind, Lorcan retrieved the crystal ball and peered into it for a moment before his eyes widened. He frantically picked up his sword and began drawing words in the sand, too hassled to grab his pen and paper.


He went into some ruins

There's a hill with a cave on top out here

We have to find that place!


Everyone pressed him for more details, but he seemed to falter in his enthusiasm as he wrote out more.


The hill was big and sandy

There's a big white rock next to the entrance


"That's a lot better than what we knew before. Let's hope there aren't too many white rocks out here." Endel said, gaining confidence now.

"And that Cheval didn't walk into somewhere dangerous..." Toranna added, not trying to hide her concern for the man's arrogance.

"We're lucky to have seen him just as he went into those ruins." Maia pondered. The others had to agree, it was fortunate of them to get a glimpse of Cheval before he descended. Endel was starting to notice these coincidences were tipping in their favor more often than before. Maybe it was fate?


"Well, he probably won't go too deep into whatever it is he's found until the morning." Endel figured. Lorcan confirmed that Cheval was building a shelter inside the entrance to whatever he'd discovered. "Let's take it easy for the rest of the night and go to bed in a few hours, then get up just before sunrise tomorrow. That rock will be easier to spot in broad daylight."

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"I think that I can conclude that I really don't like the desert...." Maia sighed, trying to warm her hands. "No wonder no one lives here..."

"It's weather conditions aren't exactly great..." Endel agreed. 

Maia watched Torianna and Lorcan, who were sitting a little further. Torianna said something occasionally, and Lorcan wrote his response in the sand. "Will they ever admit it?" she asked.

Watching them too, Endel smiled. "Who knows."

Maia couldn't hold back a shiver. "I'm really not used to cold."

He moved closer towards her so that they were leaning against each other and put his hand around her shoulders. "Better?" 

She nodded in response and lay her head against his shoulder. They stayed quiet for a while until Maia broke the silence. "Endel?"


"I've been thinking... And well... I've come to the conclusion that actually, I don't know you as well as I'd like too..." 

Endel moved away from her so he could see her. "I understand what you mean... But when this is over, we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other even better."

"I know."

"Well, since we still got some time, what do you want to know? You can ask me anything," he smiled and gave her an encouraging nod.

She smiled back. "Thanks, and you can ask me anything too. But ehm.... What about your parents? I mean, you don't have to tell me anything. If you don't want to say it that's okay, I understand..."

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"My parents, huh?" Endel said while gazing off. He turned back to Maia with a warm smile. "I guess you'd want to know all about them after what Darius told us. Don't worry, I'm glad you asked me so I could get it off my chest." He leaned back closer to Maia and collected his scarce memories of his mother and father before continuing.


"Well, I was raised at first by my mother." he started. "She was good enough at taking care of us, but we lived a lot of our lives in secret. I'd bet anything Darius scared her into hiding after what he says he did to my dad. She never wanted to draw attention, I know that much." Endel looked at the ground. "She never trusted anyone but me. Even as a kid, I could tell she was anxious whenever we had to go out in the streets of town. I knew that she stole everything she provided for me, but my mom... she never took more than she needed to make sure I survived. I guess she's the reason I try to be an honorable thief." he looked at Maia, who was studying him with fascination. "You would have liked her. She was brave and humble."

"We would have gotten along famously." Maia said. Concern suddenly spread across her face. "What happened to her?"


Endel shook his head. "She didn't take very good care of herself. Most of the food she stole went to me, so she got really sick one winter and passed away. The day after she died, I picked a fight with some guards who refused to help me bury her; I'd have been thrown in an orphanage or worse if Telma hadn't rescued me. She became my new mother, but I never unlearned the distrust my old one had for people. It took a long time for me to open up to my friends in the Scoundrels, and now I'm starting to warm up to the rest of the world."

"Then your father... you never mentioned him so I guess..." Maia was nervous to bring him up, but Endel reassured her with a smile.

"I know now that he couldn't be there for us because of Darius' betrayal." he said. "In a way, I'm grateful to have found out about that. It clears my father's good name, even if we can't bring him back."

"But how do you know he's dead?" Maia asked. "Did they ever tell you what happened to him?"


Endel shrugged and looked down again. "I always guessed he was. Nobody ever survived the Arbiter's Grounds, and after monsters took over the place all the remaining prisoners were killed before the soldiers could carry out their executions. I know my dad was a thief, so they weren't entirely wrong to put him in there. But still..." He thought for a moment. "Maybe we should go to the Arbiter's Grounds, just to see what's there. Maybe if we have enough time, the others will agree to a quick sidetrack."

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It started as a scrawled conversation about Lorcan's three sisters (who apparently had him whipped nicely into shape) and ended up as a situation that Torianna wasn't entirely familiar with. She almost wished she hasn't bothered bringing up his three sisters for the memories it sparked in him. Lorcan had begged and cajoled, clasping his hands together in a plea and batting his ridiculously long eyelashes at her until it became comical. Eventually, she gave in.

And that's how she found herself sat in front of Lorcan with his fingers in her hair as he pulled it carefully back, working it neatly into a tidy little braid that snaked down between her shoulder blades. Apparently he used to do the same for his sisters, and Torianna felt bad for him; he was clearly missing home. Still, that didn't mean she was happy with him messing with her appearance.

Though the silent guardsman was gentle as he threaded the strands of hair together, eventually tying it off with a thin black ribbon. Torianna patted at her head self-consciously, she wasn't accustomed to have having her hair styled. But she couldn't argue with the practicality of having it kept out of the way, and the satisfied smile on Lorcan's face was difficult to ignore.

He jumped to his feet as he finished, pulling Torianna up after him and making to walk over to Endel and Maia. Torianna grabbed him by the arm, effectively forcing him to come to a stop. She received a confused glance in return, but sighed, nodding towards the couple who were chatting intimately.

"Leave them be," she muttered.


((The back story of Lorcan's sisters and the braiding came from Laura, I just wanted a chance to incorporate it here!))

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"Hopefully," Maia answered with a smile.

"What about you?" Endel asked. Maia looked at him with a questioning look. "What about your parents?"

"Oh," Maia said. "Well ehm, we were very poor... They fed me and gave me a place to sleep, but that was about it... Dad was never at home, and mom was always to busy with work, trying to get enough money to feed us. I never really knew them well I guess..."

Endel gave her a pitying look. "That's horrible..."

Maia looked at her shoes. "But that's also how I got to meet the Princess. See, mom worked for the castle, she was a cleaning lady there. Because dad was never home, she couldn't leave me by myself since we didn't have money to put me into school. So she took me to her work and I was allowed to play in the garden. One day, the Princess saw me and I guess that she needed a friend to play because she didn't have any. I was always taught to have the greatest respect for her, and I've never called her by her first name because of that. Not even when we were kids. But since we both wanted to play, we did. When her guardian found out she was pretty mad, but she too saw that the young Princess was lonely. So we were allowed to play, though we were supervised by her. I never minded that though. When we got about 12, I saw the Princess less and less because she was being taught how to be a good princess and queen eventually. The moments I did see her she taught me how to write my name and simple stuff like that. When I turned 16 and I was old enough to work, my mom got me a job as a maid. I didn't have much of a choice really..." 

Endel tried to catch her eyes but she did her best to avoid them. 

"Anyways, I quickly got promoted to Zelda's personal maid so I guess I did the job pretty good, though I suspected that the Princess had something to do with that. In her spare time she taught me how to write and eventually how to read. When the Twilight crisis happened however, my dad was called to fight with the guards, and mom got the news quickly that he had died. She didn't seem to devastated by it however. One day, I was cleaning Zelda's room from all the dust since she had been quite absent, when I got the news that mom had died too. Cause wasn't really clear."


She finally looked into his eyes. "I"m fine."

Endel embraced her and hugged her tightly.

"What a family history we both have huh," was the only thing that Maia could say.  

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Endel gave a chuckle in spite of their sorrow. "Yeah, not to mention Torianna and her dad. But hey," he said, giving her a kiss on the forehead, "we have each other now, so I guess it all worked out." Maia nodded and gave him a smile.

"It's getting late, let's go to sleep for now and head out at sunrise." Endel said, then got the attention of the other two and repeated his intentions. They both seemed reluctant to call it a day, so Endel let them take the first shift of watch together. "Make sure to keep the fire going." he warned them. "It keeps away the leevers."




Endel was having a nightmare.


He was standing out in the desert again, as he'd been doing that evening, but this time he was alone. Out of the north, a cloud of something other than rain rose and seemed to grow, shifting and squirming like a terrified worm. He couldn't move his legs, or rather, he didn't want to; fascination had rooted him to the spot. The cloud slowed its writhing when Endel realized it wasn't actually growing in size.


It was headed straight for him.


He soon realized the cloud was a swarm, made of thousands of black-shelled locusts. Worse still, his gut told him that these insects were more interested in human flesh than a crop of wheat. Eager to prove his theory, the locusts bore down on him with a frenzied sound of beating wings. Endel braced himself for impact, but the swarm stopped just short and began... devouring itself? No, they were climbing on top of each other, forming some sort of shape what seemed vaguely human.


As if things weren't bad enough, the desert around him seemed to disappear in a shroud of deep darkness as this new monster seemed to be taking form. The black carapace of the locusts began to fuse somehow into a continuous skin, all as dark as the surrounding haze. The mysterious swarm-beast seemed to be in the shape of a robed skeleton of some sort, but with grisly ram horns and a facial structure that suggested something inhuman. One of its black arms suddenly reached out, and with a terrible howl it lunged at Endel. Paralyzed with fear, he screwed his eyes shut and prepared to be torn apart by this abomination.


And then it was all over. Endel woke up, sweating and gasping for air. It was still night, and apparently Torianna and Lorcan hadn't gone to bed yet. He decided it was best to relieve them of their watch and spend the rest of the night doing their job; it wasn't like he planned to sleep anyway.

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They kept the fire burning, as per Endel's instructions, and sat together in the vast expanse of empty dessert. Torianna's legs were folded neatly over the lap of the silent guard, her head coming to rest on his left collarbone. She had expected it to be colder, but she was kept plenty warm enough by the fire and woollen blanket that Lorcan had pulled over his back and draped around Torianna's shoulders.

His leant forward a little to feed another log to the fire, and she moved to accommodate him, before they returned to their previous place. His arm came to rest across her knees, and she paused, casting her eyes over the wounds that were just beginning to heal. Silently, she traced her fingers over the ridges and grooves set into his skin, flinching internally at the memory of Lorcan huddled away in that corner.

"I'm sorry," she muttered, "my dad-"

He wrapped the blanket a little tighter around her, pulling her into his chest as if to reassure her. For once, she didn't feel like making a joke of the intimate gesture, she didn't utter a sharp quip or push him away; she simply curled into the crook of his neck. And as she sat, she thought of the way that the dessert winds blew away layer after layer of sediment, and how the fire that they'd built consumed everything that it was fed, and how solid Lorcan felt holding her like this.

The sharp gasp from the tent startled her. She straightened up, her gaze falling on the single tent as low rustling sounds could be heard from within. After a moment, Endel emerged from the doorway, looking rather ruffled and disoriented. He glanced over to Torianna and Lorcan as he pushed his unruly hair back, his eyes wide with a startled sense of urgency. If he was in any way surprised by how they were sat, he did a fantastic job of masking it.

"I'll take over watch," he said, placing his hands on his hips.

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Rustle and whispering woke Maia up from her uneasy sleep. She hadn't been fast asleep because of the cold, but it had been better then nothing. She turned around to reach for Endel but she found him to be no longer there. Suddenly Torianna poked her head through the tent entrance. She looked tired.

"Where's Endel?" Maia asked confused while she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"He can't sleep, says he's taking over our watch," Torianna answered while crawling in the tent. 

"Oh... I'll go too."

"You don't have to, you can sleep if you need to," Torianna replied. 

Maia shook her head. "No it's fine." Torianna made place so Maia could go out. "Sleep tight." 

Endel was sitting at the fire, covered with a blanket. Maia looked at him for a few seconds from a distance, before walking over to him. He didn't even notice her as she sat down beside him, until she took half of the blanket and put her head on his shoulder. "Can't sleep?"

"You should go back and rest..." Endel replied. 

"No, I don't want you to be alone out here. Besides, I can still sleep here if I want to." 

A moment of silence fell between them until Maia decided to break it. "You weren't the only one that couldn't sleep well... I was so cold... Still am actually..."

"You could have come and lay with me, I could have kept you warm.." Endel replied. His voice still sounded a bit distant. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Maia asked. "Was it a bad dream?" 

Endel nodded slowly. 

"If you want to talk about it... Know that you can okay?" 

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