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My summer vacation started on the 10. Technically it started on Saturday the 9, but that was graduation. So I say the tenth! :D

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Wow, some of these people are real corrupt ol' chaps/doggiepooes. Last year, our year six teacher was overweight, obsessed with computers, obsessed with her kids and had angry all the time. Unless she was talking about some new computer program that she found. She also "had" to take a whole term off because of her pneumonia. Many health problems. She thought she was insanely great because she could use a Mac computer. HELLO!!! I HAVE BEEN USING A MAC COMPUTER SINCE I WAS LIKE THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAGH!!! *pants* Even some of the parents hated her. First day back at school from the term breaks we'd have the major assessment project and several others, like THREE others. Now in my class there are the people who are good with computers, and those who aren't. Those who were good were called the "experts". The experts were to help the others. I was an expert. She has this rule where the experts weren't allowed to do anything on the computer just tell the person what to do. I was helping someone right, and the person said just do it for me, it'll be faster. The teacher saw me and gave me a real yelling. I muttered under my breath what a fat doggiepooy ass she was. She didn't hear me. She went away. When our time was up she yelled at us for wasting time. WHAT. THE. HELL. I nearly kicked her. Another one. Someone in my class has a learning disability and she couldn't figure out why the computer wasn't turning on because normally the computer is on sleep for the whole day so you just move the mouse and the monitor goes back on. The computer wasn't actually on and she couldn't figure out the difference between the monitor on/off button and the one on the hard drive. The teacher yelled at her and she cried. The teacher tried to hug her and she cried more.

She's back in hospital now. Apparently she's depressed.

She used to teach grade two and she threw a pencil case a boy's ear. He cried too.

We call her the "Big Mac" in references to her name.

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