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My friend is wrong...

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When summer comes along you and your gang should help raise enough money for you and Becky to go to maybe Disneyland or somewhwere nice, maybe a tropical state like Florida. That would probably raise her spirits up! ^-^ If you cant do that, try to go to the beach and relax every few weeks.

If she becomes hospitalized again, talk to her alot. Try to stay of the bad things, or stuff that may get ther depressed. Maybe get her something nice, or send her flowers or cards every so often. Let her know you care.

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I don't think I understand these kind of situations very well,but I remember when me and my friends had problems we would play video games,but we lived right next to each other.I get sort of depressed sometimes like you said she is making you depressed,but you can't let that happen to you.You're going to have a positive attitude when you talk to her,so don't be brought down by it.Try and make her feel better about it,and instead of having her full of sadness about it,help her become full of hope that she will get better.

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