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The Legend of Zelda: Wolfen Spirits: Part 2

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Chapter 2

A few yards away from Hyrule Castle, in the shrubbery and trees, a red she-wolf snapped at a group of watchers through the steel bars of cage that it was imprisoned in. It was shackled down by her right foot onto the floor of the cage, the bolts holding down the chain almost torn off. Deep, small gashes lined her back and one long on that started from the bridge of her nose to both of her cheeks. A fierce fire of malice shined in her eyes as she snapped at a man who came to close. Her fangs were blurred as her fangs snagged onto his hand and she tugged, fling her neck back. The man cried out in pain and, with a struggle, got his mangled hand free. Deep fang marks scarred it. The man wrapped his hand in a roll of linen and spat a hylian curse at the wolf.

The wolf, hearing this, snarled and lunged against the bars, scaring some of the woman in the crowd. A loud CRACK! silenced everyone as a man, with a stern face and oily, black hair in a fancy uniform walked out, a whip slicing through the air. The crowd cheered, as the man appeared onto a wooden stage that was low and hidden inside a half ring of shrub and bushes. The man bowed and tipped his hat, making the crowd cheer more.

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NOTE: The first part is in the Submit Articules forum without the water marked Link. I couldn't change the name to put "Part 2" into it. I appoligize for the confusion.

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Yet another good fanfic that was abandoned a long time ago... it seems that there's no end to the number of abandoned fanfics that I keep finding. Will I ever find a good fanfic that actualy gets finished?

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