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Miyamoto: "Something missing" in Twilight Princess

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I agree with Miyamoto. A lot of things were missing,and in my opinion...just plain wrong. for example... [size=7]THE PUZZLES![/size] I mean, come the f*** on! It's like toooooo easy! The only hard puzzle was the water temple! ( OMG, your f***ing kidding me.*) But, it was only hard because of how random it was! Do you not agree? And the graphics... in my opinion... weren't that great. :angry: It was so dark, it was sooooo dark... so dark it was... ANNOYING! I mean my TV ain't that great and all, but even with the brightness on max, it was still near impossible to see! also, TLoZ... Twilight princess... I feel betrayed. I mean if OoT isn't better, then go to hell. :angry: They took all that is TLoZ and broke it on their knee! Happyness? in hell. Puzzles? went with happyness. PLAYABILITY? gone. I beat it in 3 days... 3 days! I want to cry. I mean, wolf link adds a nice ruffle to the edges, but is too small to cover all the suckyness :embarrassed: it brings with it. * Something to think about. In Every Zelda game to date (except OoT), if there is a water temple, it's hardest. But Twilight Princess and Hourglass don't just make it hard, THEY MAKE IT A REASON TO CONSIDER SUICIDE!

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TP wasn't all that bad of a game. Besides this was one of the hardest Zelda games ever. I needed so much help it wasn't funny.

I found out a month ago about a place called The Cave of Ordeals, and did you guys know there's a fishing hut with a picture of a man who looked like the man who works at the fishing place in OoT.

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[quote name='Nabeshin' post='180487' date='Oct 30 2008, 03:54 PM']No offense, but you're only coming off as pretentious, and still biased.

This mostly all comes down to personal opinion, but that's just the way I feel on the matter.

TP did feel lacking. Understandably so, mind you, (What with all the rushing) but what I said is partially true.
The graphics were mainly implemented like they were to please the die-hard OoT fans, as well as bring in people newer to the series, (Mainly hardcore gamers) who typically go for what looks the best.

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People who are mad with [i]Twilight Princess[/i]' "failure to deliver" (most of whom are people caught up with [i]Ocarina of Time[/i]) have no one to blame but themselves. They set themselves up for disappointment by asking for and expecting way too much. Most people wanted a game that reminded them of[i] Ocarina of Time[/i], but they criticized it for being too much like [i]Ocarina of Time[/i].


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[quote name='Sahaqiel' post='180507' date='Oct 30 2008, 06:28 PM']This mostly all comes down to personal opinion, but that's just the way I feel on the matter.

TP did feel lacking. Understandably so, mind you, (What with all the rushing) but what I said is partially true.
The graphics were mainly implemented like they were to please the die-hard OoT fans, as well as bring in people newer to the series, (Mainly hardcore gamers) who typically go for what looks the best.
No offense, but you're only coming off as pretentious, and still biased.

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My comments were about as biased as yours. :|

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wow so much fighting about twilight princess being overrated and biased comments and ocarina of time etc.

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[quote name='Sahaqiel']When did I imply that I'm biased against realistic graphics?[/quote]
Obviously, you didn't imply anything. Implying something means consciously alluding to something in what you've written, and you obviously wouldn't call yourself biased. This is just an extrapolation from what you've said.

[quote name='Sahaqiel']My stance is that I don't care, as long as the game itself is enjoyable, but you shouldn't go around bashing the cel-shaded look just because it's less dark/serious or different.[/quote]
The root of it is your accusations towards those who blast cel-shaded graphics. When you attack them as you do, you only affirm that you're [i]not[/i] neutral, that you [i]do[/i] care. You tell them not to hate it for being different, while also telling them it's wrong to conform. If you feel it's wrong to call that bias, you at least can't call other people biased. It doesn't go both ways.

[quote name='Sahaqiel']Also, yes, I realize that TP was just a way to bring new people into the Zelda fanbase, but that's just what it feels like. An attempt, not a full-blown project that is meant to realize some sort of potential, which is what they, AND the fanbase, as well as those new to the series (So, basically everyone) made it out to be.[/quote]
Completely missed my point. It wasn't an "attempt" at all; it was meant to be a full Zelda game, and in that sense it performs fairly well - it's very streamlined and focused. Where it excels is as a new-age OoT - it has the same pull to newer fans that OoT did to your generation.

An example of this is characterization; MM is great for what it does with characters, but OoT was the game that made it feel fresh in the first place. People got to interact with all the characters, who all had distinct personalities and were new at the time. In the time between OoT and TP, there hasn't been a Zelda that introduced a slew of new, successful characters. MM expanded on the personalities from OoT, and WW had a few good new characters, but TP was the first time since OoT when a slew of new characters was introduced. There's a reason that people have all grabbed onto Midna and treated her like the queen of Zelda; they've been starved for new characters since OoT.

[quote name='Sahaqiel']It doesn't make any mention about their relationship with Ganondorf, either, (And yeah, it's spelled Ganon or Ganondorf, not Gannon or Gannondorf) and what?
There was nothing about anything called "the dark force".[/quote]
This is where you're pretentious. Instead of outright correcting him in an assholish way, you should have just said Ganondorf n your text and moved on. He can pick that up from others' typing. And he was calling Ganon "the dark force", not as a title, but just by way of accenting his speech, calling Ganon evil.

[quote name='Sahaqiel']Twilight Princess also seemed to stall and mess up the timeline. Such things like the absence of Octoroks and the odd geographical locations only seemed to make it harder for people. ;/[/quote]
The absence of octoroks doesn't matter at all, it's extremely clear where TP sits in the timeline. I'm not going to defend the odd location part, except to say that if they made everything in the same spot in every game, things would get boring very fast.


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I defend what needs to be defended. It's not an issue of bias, it's an issue of the reasons people attack other things. It's not like I wouldn't defend [i]Twilight Princess[/i]' style. What I meant is that it can be whatever style that Nintendo proposes, but that shouldn't prevent you from enjoying the game, and I try to make other people see that. I enjoy Twilight Princess' style on the same level as Wind Waker's, perhaps even a teensy bit more, and I'd be a bit miffed if TP was the last game to have the style.

Also, I think it'd be very hard to construct something persuasive while at the same time telling someone not to conform, so I try my best and don't think too hard about it.

Also, I suppose I wasn't aware that I was being pretentious. I added, "Not Gannon or Gannondorf" as an example of what was wrong, as if I were explaining the differences between "there"s. I was also kind of confused as to what he said about the "dark force", because he seems a bit green, so to speak, and he could've been talking about the Twili's shadow magic or whatnot.

Other than that, I suppose you're correct, but that doesn't help the fact that there were indeed some things missing from Twilight Princess. In retrospect in all ways, as the way I see it, there were only more things to be confused about, and it could've done a better job with the work force and time they already had. However, since they were rushed due to the portion that thought it would be a godsend, it came out with a little less polish.
Honestly, I didn't see the hype in it, but when I saw everyone else's reaction to how it was, I got a bit irritated.
Such as with the ratio of TP related usernames on the internet to other Zelda usernames. The only ones I really see are [i]Ocarina of Time[/i] or [i]Twilight Princess[/i] related.
This may seem a bit silly on my part for being agitated at this, but it was overpopularized, and some people don't appreciate other titles because of it.

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im glad everyone is such good friends :)

anyway, YLA, how did you not know about the cave of ordeals?? that was the best thing about TP!! mostly because it was the only challenging part of the whole game... but thats what made it fun.

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Cave of Ordeals was pretty great.
The last fight with the three or four Darknuts, though, I just dropped a bomb in their midst, then they circled under me like it was going to do something, so I just dropped a bunch of bombs until their armor was out.
(Using the infinite bombs and arrows glitch, of course.)
Although, it irritates me that you have to go to all that trouble to get something that you could get for free with a short trip like in Wind Waker.
Seems a pretty drastic change of heart.

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I LOVE Twilight Princess, but i'm inclined to agree. In my heart of hearts I to feel that something's amiss.

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[quote name='haviklink' post='180550' date='Oct 30 2008, 09:51 PM']im glad everyone is such good friends :)

anyway, YLA, how did you not know about the cave of ordeals?? that was the best thing about TP!! mostly because it was the only challenging part of the whole game... but thats what made it fun.[/quote]
I don't know. I beat the game, and I thought that was it until I read here about the cave of ordeals, and after 2 or 3 weeks of reasearch, I found where is was. I haven't beaten it yet.

Meh. I don't see how anything was missing. I guess I thought it was good because I wasn't expecting much of it because all I knew about the game was that it was a Zelda game so I got it.

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[quote name='Y. Link Addict' post='180586' date='Oct 31 2008, 06:39 AM']I don't know. I beat the game, and I thought that was it until I read here about the cave of ordeals, and after 2 or 3 weeks of reasearch, I found where is was. I haven't beaten it yet.

Meh. I don't see how anything was missing. I guess I thought it was good because I wasn't expecting much of it because all I knew about the game was that it was a Zelda game so I got it.[/quote]

When a new Zelda gamw comes out I always by the guide. It tells all kinds of secrets. If you do try the cave have fairy's, or potions, the biggest wallet full of rupees and the Magic armor (you'll need it on the final level.

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aw man you drop bombs on them??? but that takes all the fun out of fighting them and getting to be all acrobatic n stuffs. i love that fight

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