The Legend of Zelda: Betrayal

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I know. But the others seem to have missed the point.

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Oh, yes. Of course. lol xd

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Subae yawned.

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I get that it was a joke, but to me, it was just another sign of the downhill direction this RP seems to be taking.

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Posted (edited)

It's because people seem to be concentrating on one character and posting lame-ass RPs(such as me).


Jeremy stood there, waiting for an answer and he began to get impatient "Well?! Are you just going to ignore me, then? Fine, I don't know why I even risked myself to save you all." sighing he followed them at the back of the group, like always. They got going.

Edited by Captain Tarrius (see edit history)

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Posted (edited)

Yeah. A minute ago, you were all attacking Teto. Now that he's gone... There isn't much for you to do... Except maybe get out of the enchanted sleep and attack Adn. This always happens when the main enemy is also somebody's character. I should know. I'm just reluctant to die.

Edit: Because he's in another RP other than this one.

Edited by Bathykolpian (see edit history)

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Well, I'm just gonna get this moving again and wake evryone back up.


Adn got really bored of doing nothing and decided that it would be fun to fight again. So, everyone woke up and got to their feet. She smiled at them and then lept to attack. She missed thought and another less-than-stable pillar began to crumble. She got up again, I really need to finish this and quickly. She had been outnumbered before but, she was facing the full might of the Triforce. She stood quite still for just a second and then she remembered Teto's still gone...I guess he'll have to be delt with later.

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Ooc: So, let me get this straight...Ayame snapped out of whatever she was in, so she's good now. But Adn has gone mad with the crystal's power, and is now the antagonist. And most of us are still in the Palace of Twilight. Is this correct? I keep losing my bearings...

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And then Jeremy will sacrifice himself to save Adn.(yeah right.)

Yes, you got it in one.

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"Was it you then...?" said Moira, her mind still reeling from what had just unfolded. She stood up and stared straight ahead at Adn. She was still grinning wolfishly, a mad gleam in her eyes. "All this time? Controlling Ayame while pretending to be on our side?!"

"It was that crystal." said Ryoo angrily. "That damnable thing shouldn't even exist in this world. It's turning everything it touches into chaos."

Adn shook the dust from the crumbled pillar from her fur, then she stood very still, silently watching all of them.

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Posted (edited)

Jeremy said "Just kill her. The crystal will be destroyed that way."

He cast Claw of holding. A hand, like none the group had seen, shot up from under Adn, the air around it tasted of antimagic. It grabbed her and held her to the floor.

Edited by Captain Tarrius (see edit history)

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Adn watched them closely for a second. Then Jeremy cast a spell, seemingly an antimagic field, Adn was held in place. "Awww, come on, did you really think it was that easy?" Then in front of Adn jumped down another identical wolf. "Wh-?" Jeremy asked. "Simple, really, it's only a reflection of me." Adn laughed. She was calm but, even as this battle was taking place another was raging inside Adn.

I need to cast you out of here, you're always interfearing with my plans. No, I'm not going to let this happen to them they are my friends.Ha! Do you really believe that? All they see you as is an animal to be slaughtered, you are no friend of theirs. That-That's not true.Oh, really? They will all kill you perhaps even at this moment. But...they wouldn't...would they?

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Jeremy stood there 'I won't kill her, I can't stop the others but I will make sure I do everything in my power to make sure whatever magic she has awoken disappear.' he thought, as mre claws rose and destroyed the other mirror images, there was only one Adn left now. She was surrounded by claws. Jeremy threw a fireball over her head as well, about 10ft from where she was standing. "I call YOU, FOUL MAGIC." he threw a hand towards Adn, the blast caught whatever inhabitted her. He could just make out what it was, nothing like he had ever seen before.

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Adn's vison went out of focus for a second, but, as quickly as it had come it was back. Everyone stared blankly at her, however she knew what had happened.Blast it! That spell caught me. Wha-? Silence! This isn't your problem Look we're both in here and I'm going to keep fighting you. Fine, that blast exposed my physical manifestation. With this battle of consiousness going on in her, Adn still could not figure out what to do. The crystal was weakening it needed more souls, that combined with Adn's mental strength was slowly, but eventually weakening it.



Ayame had seen it too, the strange presence had shifted from a shadowy wolf to a huge creature. But, then a white wolf jumped down from a shadow portal in the sky. The group was apprehensive, the new face had turned to Adn. "You are different since we last met. There is more corruption in you." Adn's lips pulled back into a snarl. "Thought you wouldn't see me again? It took quite a while to get out of the Shadow Realm." It was then that everyone realized who this wolf was, it was Dark Adn or Dmi, as she had named herself. "Althought I'm supposed to be your evil side, I suppose if you obliterate Hyrule the Dark Realm will be next." The group relaxed, they had a new ally.


Note: If you want to see where I introduced Dark adn it's pg 8. I forgot all about her until now. If anyone wants to know how she got out of the Dark Realm, it should be in my next post.

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Posted (edited)

I remember Dmi from Kakariko village. I was wondering whether you were actually going to bring her back into the picture or not. :)

Bic: Subae looked at his magical tiger watch in annoyance. He looked at Ain again who had been drooling for the past few days. I guess he isn't as manly a man as I thought then... Hmm. I have to find a way too-



Subae was confused. The sudden appearance of the enchanted bark had taken him off guard. He, Adn and Lae were magically in the Twilight Realm. "How...?" Subae trailed off, gazing at his surroundings in sheer disbelief.

"IT WAS THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP MY BOY!" Ain shouted, quite out of character. "Let's go then."

Edited by Bathykolpian (see edit history)

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