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Posts posted by Du5t1n

  1. I got some sake to try and super crappy sushi from Homeland. Sushi was gross. Sake okay.

    Tried more to figure out which file they hid the user info details in so I could re-add rupee count and junk to showing but gave up for the day.

    I did nothing else all day except browse the internet in a stupor and hate my boring life.


  2. Hey dudes! Whats up?

    See my 'what I did today' post :D Eating my chicken now! :D

    Also, I bet a friendly hyrule.net vs other zelda sites trivia face-off would be fun.

  3. Went to Dollar Tree to get a clear shower curtain so the shower would be less dark. Then went with a friend to a giant greenhouse, Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City and took a ton of pictures (which I will post later). Grabbed 25 chicken fingers from Raising Cains then watched three episodes of Battlestar Galactica with him and another friend.

    We had to stop after three because he had a party to go to. He was dressing up as a redneck. He got a nascar hat, a rock n roll t-shirt, and torn up jeans to wear.

    After that I showered (the gardens were HELLA HUMID so I was all sticky and gross) then chatted online some. I then ate some of my 7 layer dip I made then proceeded to drop the big glass bowl of it onto my feet, where it shattered into a zillion pieces ruining not only my dip (glass shards), but also the skin integrity of my feet as the zillions of shards went into my feet. Blood went everywhere at the zillions of microscopic punctures invaded my skin. I had to walk with glass in my feet to grab the paper towels to limit the carpet damage so people wouldn't think a murder had occurred.

    I finally got the glass out of my feet, added bandaids, and wrapped my feet in paper towels until all the tiny cuts had stopped bleeding. Then of course I had to vacuum up the glass since it was right where I use the computer and I couldn't sit around with my feet resting in glass shards. After vacuuming in bandaged feet, I decided to make pralines. I didn't have a thermometer though so I hobbled to the store and got a candy thermometer. I made them and they are now cooling in the kitchen. I've never made them so I hope they turn out okay.

    I warmed up some chicken (since I couldn't finish my 7 layer dip dinner) and it's still in the microwave because I forgot about it until just now. I'll eat that and either chat in #zelda and/or play tf2 I guess... maybe some digg.com as well.


  4. I think betta fight if in the same tank...

    I loved my betta. I kept it in a lava lamp drained of its lava. :D It died though because one day I forgot that my new place had chlorinated water and I didn't use bottled so it got chlorine death. :(

  5. Zero times.

    Because you didn't pay for that song so the RIAA is going to sue you to make you delete it and pay 667,000 dollars in restitution.


  6. Yesterday:

    Played Battlefield heroes, watched some geek tv show, was bored a LOT.

    Today so far:

    Woke up, found like 5 flys on the living room window. Searched entire apartment trying to find if there was spoiled food somewhere. Found none. Now am worrying where they came from :unsure:

    Probably going to be a boring day.