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Profile Comments posted by Chimetals

  1. Chimetals

    a lynch was reached, and night five is up!
  2. Chimetals

    werewolf is awfully close to a lynch--dramatic things are happening!
  3. Chimetals

    werewolf is a thing, please go do :<
  4. Chimetals

    i want cosplay props so bad right now. so. bad.
  5. Chimetals

    day five up, its just so you have something to do. no rush.
  6. Chimetals

    can we not, for once, just bloody get along?
  7. Chimetals

    having an issue posting a picture, it keeps showing up as [img]bluhbluhpicturecraphere[/img]
  8. Chimetals

    gonna stop sucking and get day 5 up as soon as i can :< within the next day or two, tops.
  9. Chimetals

    holy crap its active suddenly. and its also night 4 in werewolf!
  10. Chimetals

    night 4! things! do them!
  11. Chimetals

    sorry about the delay, night 4 has started, do your stuff
  12. Chimetals

    i need you guys to pester me about pavlovs dog. not the /actual/ experiment, just the phrase.
  13. Chimetals

    day four has started! chase died!
  14. Chimetals

    someone unlock the TWEWW thread, please!
  15. Chimetals

    thought id have more time online now that im home, but have been stuck cleaning ym room, sorry guys :<
  16. Chimetals

    had unexpectedly less internet in/on route to chicago, and ill be starting day whatever asap
  17. Chimetals

    why /is/ it so slow? its not because theres a werewolf game, i know that much :<
  18. Chimetals

    going to america tomorrow morning, which means no more sketchy internet. pick up the paceeeee
  19. Chimetals

    doooooooooo thingsssssssssss
  20. Chimetals

    night three! actions! do things!
  21. Chimetals

    night three has begun, and t1g was lynched! get your actions in! (and someone go lock that thread please)
  22. Chimetals

    gonna be going to tokyo, dunno if my hotel has internet, just fyi.
  23. Chimetals

    day three has started, countdown updated, and yada yada yada!
  24. Chimetals

    night 2 is over, gonna be writing PMs and announcements!
  25. Chimetals

    night two, guys, do your thing quick, because im not gonna wait!