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Profile Comments posted by Chimetals

  1. Chimetals

    GHSS check the art thread 0w0
  2. Chimetals

    futon futon futon futon futon
  3. Chimetals

    found out theres a devil survivor 2, but no english patch. theres a US release 2012, though, so im gonna have to wait. but playing a japanese ROM a bit....this looks good guys, really good.
  4. Chimetals

    finished off polaris, using only daichi, shining one, and anguished one (no demons). the amount of thought that they put into this game as far as stars go still amazes me.
  5. Chimetals

    finally finished the picture ive been working on!!!
  6. Chimetals

    finally finished that picture! now time to finish that transformation sequence ;>
  7. Chimetals

    finally eating nutella straight from the jar. i need to make a practice of buying chocolate...chocolate is probably healthier than this.
  8. Chimetals

    finally did another hnet drawing <3 still working on some designs, though :/
  9. Chimetals

    feeling like a(n awkward) translating machine today! yeah!
  10. Chimetals

    fact: tl;dring the untranslated fire emblem game WILL get your characters head shaved.
  11. Chimetals

    end of TWEWW posted!
  12. Chimetals

    end of TWEWW posted, and rules for all dem new WW players here V
  13. Chimetals

    emsomniacs avatar is sleeping. oh the ironyyy
  14. Chimetals » T1g

    empty your inbox so i can send you your role!!!
  15. Chimetals

    DS: Overclocked---beaten.
  16. Chimetals

    downloading DeSu2 in 1080p. p sure my computer is only 720, lol
  17. Chimetals

    downloaded a room escape game for android, proceeded to scare the shit out of myself within a few minutes. the sound isnt even on what is wrong with me
  18. Chimetals

    download FASTER you steam hooker!
  19. Chimetals

    doooooooooo thingsssssssssss
  20. Chimetals

    dont sweat the petty things, dont pet the sweaty things.
  21. Chimetals

    Dont know how i found Luna Sea, but im glad i did. I even have a playlist for it, though atm all im playing is Rosier on a loop.
  22. Chimetals

    discovered there was an unwatched 13th episode of korezon. im now even happier at its sexual equality.
  23. Chimetals

    did some work on a new avatar. theme: angel fix.
  24. Chimetals

    day two still going! do things faster!