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Profile Comments posted by Chimetals

  1. Chimetals

    futon futon futon futon futon
  2. Chimetals

    cleared DS2 with my dream team, gonna run through on an ending i would have played if i didnt /have/ a dream team.
  3. Chimetals

    just realized the other bloggers for the study abroad group could see my maniacal avatar. whoops.
  4. Chimetals

    happy wriggling day, chase!
  5. Chimetals

    taking down the starssssssss
  6. Chimetals

    tell me im not the only one thats killing ursa major ;n;
  7. Chimetals

    anyone else having issues with the 3ds? specifically, the touch screen deciding to cover itself in scratches from /just/ kid icarus? seriously, i dont even put much pressure on the thing, but it looks like ive been playing with a bloody razor, and i /dont/ /know/ /why/
  8. Chimetals

  9. Chimetals

    man, its so fun setting your birthday date to something else and watching people fall for it (see comments)
  10. Chimetals

    thinking of writing a review on Kid Icarus: uprising.......should probably go beat it first, though.
  11. Chimetals

    kid icarus: more AR cards than can possibly be good for me, and holy /crap/ are they addicting.
  12. Chimetals

    DS: Overclocked---beaten.
  13. Chimetals

    switching between grinding in overclocked and DS2, not too sure of the interface design in the latter.
  14. Chimetals

    three hour bus ride!
  15. Chimetals

    t1gs streaming me (sayaka), earthy (homura), and him (kyoko) playing grief syndrome <3
  16. Chimetals

    ground wire in my headphone jack decides its gonna break. rig up wiring so that it touches the metal casing. works. just. fine. enginnering.
  17. Chimetals

    Headphones: Fixed. F--yeah.
  18. Chimetals

    cascades siggy is different on each new page i open. what kind of sorcery---?!
  19. Chimetals

    art depression again ;n; darn you, engineering, and your keeping me from painttoolsai and its crack colors....
  20. Chimetals

    preordered Devil Survivor 2 and Kid Icarus. five days until im watching my deathclock again.
  21. Chimetals

    did some work on a new avatar. theme: angel fix.
    1. Chimetals

      well, sayus had that display name for a while, i think. idk.

      also, i wish i could like comments on statuses ;_; sayu ilu.

    2. T1g

      more like angel dicks

    3. Chimetals

      ^delayed slightly wittier status comment is too delayed

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  22. Chimetals

    going to japan! F--yeah!
  23. Chimetals

    orgo chem, why. whyyyyyyy