craig george

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Posts posted by craig george

  1. i forgot to say that as there eyes are blue been the master sword...

    is for god to be in them and so there fairys are there soles inside them..

    and so every 1 is united within themselves ,still over your head for they still have fairys

    i don’t get for they believe in the sign of the cross ,the sword in the stone..but i figure you don’t get it

    Zelda was the beginning and the ending

    for link was always the hero so legend of link for Zelda did nothing

    and twilight princess proves it for 1 orical never gave there arrow.

    any way...

    all i have to say on this topic i guess

    and so i go but just 1 thing ps i hope its design reads it


    Red eyes green eyes blue eyes brown eyes and black eyes had nothing to do with the story

    It has nothing to do with pigment of the eye but the color of the sole

    If the eyes blue they green color of angels eyes = innocent

    if brown they red color of devil spawn eyes = guilty

    so why is ellas eyes green is she dead killed by the devil the orical of time

    for the dragon chose to be a tree already? Hmm I had some fked up dreams

    about zelda

  2. It’s the lie witch is the legend of Zelda

    Why when no 1 was allowed to die did the king and queen die?

    It a look from the side of truth not the deception

    For the boy was human and had a sole and they beloved in fairy’s

    And how he saves there world in a story that never happened

    And there would be no legend of Zelda but the legend of link

    And evil conspiracy ,also revealing and explaining the story

    With in a story…were is the twilight well every 1 is in it for

    Minda loved the master sword not link and link and zelda cant get married as they brother and sister

    ..few wolfs ? no this is a r18 violent story or depiction of the events

    Any way a ramble but just I guess I had to explain a bit


    So theory “every ones eyes are blue why”

    The master sword took there places

    Evil cannot torch the master sword sp the peoples fate

    Is in gods hands if there eyes will be red or green.

    So they free from evil and the games over.

    1 persons missing but were ? how …as there were 2 people playing same person

    Like lady hawk and so in twilight dark link disappeared and at nigh minda

    Appeared but if both were seen 1 of them had to die for he was not one of them.

    And so he left so link /is a girl for dark link left minda’s friend…master sword

    The curse they could never be as 1 for they would bring twilight to there would.

    Every 1 changed places no 1 died but as you know there’s no dark link! I think hehe

    Not played game for years.

    And so it answers your question minda was a woman that dressed like a man/link , as link was king and no 1 can touch link for he is the master sword as well so the princes minda is always protected for she is him so she is king/ link is the 1 chose to protect here and it’s the only way he can even though the liked each other left in the twilight and never came back .and so zelda and link broke the mirror to him the way back under hyrule field...

    note:"oh minda is not link? u see and so links an imposter!for how can he be me if i gave my place to minda..." but u forget she is still king

    At this point no 1 knows his missing ,for every 1 is accounted for except the other sword/spirit blade

    Maybe over your heads sorry ..losing my self in this sum as well a bit

    dont mind the name i use and take in this is very ruff

    Dark links Zelda

    The storm vicious as the wind howled like a banshee swaying the trees ferociously as the rain whooped down Like arrows shot from the havens as Jaraden lead his horse into a nearby cave, that was dark but at least it was dry.

    Taking the saddle off his horse Jaraden placed it on the floor then he cover himself with a blanket before he finally rested his head against the saddle, closing his eyes he tried to forget the miserable weather outside.

    A loud raw of thunder filled the air causing the horse to rear up witch made Jaraden jump to his feet, his blade in hand.

    “easy boy it’s only the storm” Jaraden told the horse trying to calm it down, once again the thunder rawed this time the horse bolted out the cave into the storm. Jaraden shouted out after the horse.”You stupid bitch come back” But the horse was gone.

    Now as Jaraden lay down, he held tightly onto his blade as he remembered how he had obtained the horse only a few hours earlier.

    He recalled that he was taking shelter from the storm in huddle of trees when he had heard a

    A man’s voice screaming in agony so he had made his way in the direction of where the sound was emanating from to see if he could be of help .

    Eventually Jaraden had come to a small clearing were he could see what looked like a strange man like creature on all fours with its head berried in the man’s belly eating and it seemed un aware of his presence .

    Jaraden edged forward for a better look suddenly a twig under his foot cracked as it gave way coursing the beast to stop eating its head slowly razed and turned to face him as it quickly slurped in what it was eating like a string of spaghetti.

    Its eyes shooting open to reveal glowing red embers before it jumped to its feet and sprinted towards him, its sharp jaggard teeth bared and salvia drooled in excitement from the sides of its mouth As it letting out a blood curdling “RRAaaaw!”.

    A moment later the beast was almost on him as it’s stopped suddenly in its tracks, its eyes widening as it let out a agonizing grunt before it looked down surprised by the shiny steal of Jaraden’s blade logged deep in its belly.

    Instinctually it placed it hand around the blade its fingers instantaneously severing as they fell to the floor as the beast once more let out an agonizing cry.

    Jaraden look the beast in the eyes as he turned the blade half a turn and said to the beast

    “go to hell were you belong” his sword blade now rising quickly upward exiting the beasts head followed by a right downward thrust that cut through its left shoulder and out of the right side of its belly, Then a right swing that sliced right threw it body severing it above the hip and finally a left swing ended the flurry as it decapitated the beasts head.

    The pieces of the beast body slid to the floor leaving below the waist still standing witch finally to fell to the floor as purple blood squirted ferociously from it.

    Jaraden had watched the remains of the beast as they started too disintegrated in the pool of purple blood surrounding them as if it was acid.

    Leaning down he looked closer at the object that remains’ after the body had disintegrated ,a memento of what had just transpired he thought to himself as he lent down and picked the strange crystal necklace from the floor which he placed around his neck.

    Jaraden’s back in the cave now his flash back now over noticed that he had his left hand clasped around the crystal of the necklace, letting go of it quickly he thought to himself “oh well easy come easy go it was not really my horse any way” shutting his heavy eyes lids he fell asleep.

    Rolling over he lost grasp of his blade witch gently slid from his hand, the tip coming to rest in a small puddle water on the cave floor, the dried purple blood on it now mixed with the water as hieroglyphic Symbols started to illuminate all over the cave walls witch pulsated in tune with the crystal around Jaraden’s neck.

    Jaraden’s dream vision was engulfed with by a bright blinding white light; he felt a warm sensation as light seemed to slowly fade.

    He could feel two worm things preset against his chest now and his eyes fought for clarity his body motionless almost as to be weighed down by a heavy armor as he tried to move

    The blinding bright light had faded out now and was replaced by a vision of a beautiful angel.

    I must be dead and in heaven Jaraden thought to himself but he could not recall dying…his thought lost now as he gazed in to the beautiful jade green eyes of the woman leaning over him

    as he gave a friendly smiled unsure of any certainty.

    The woman smiled as she stood up, her white dress sliding over her curves of her body like water as it fell into a heap to the floor. Jaraden was once more lost in thought “one of those dreams he liked, it had been a long time since he had had one of those ...never mind a woman..He was going to saver this moment” and by golly he did.

    The woman now dressing here self as she looked at Jaraden and smiled

    That was beautiful and to think I had come to this cave to end my life so I would not have to get married today! She said casually

    A lump formed in Jaraden’s thought

    “ this is not a dream? And I am not dreaming Jaraden queering his state of reality

    “Of course not silly” she replied mockingly

    The conversation interrupted by a commotion in the distance, the woman’s head now turning to the mouth of the cave.

    “I must go now!! She said as she hurried out the cave, a small dagger slipping from her side as she did so.

    “Wait!! Jaraden yelled out half heartily but she was gone…

    Just like my bladdy horse! He yelled out in disapproval of not even getting her name.

    In a faint voice he heard the woman “I heard that!!” she said.

    Jaraden shook his head as he knew she had got the wrong end of the stick but nothing could break his good mood as he whistled to himself as he got dressed.

    Searching around the cave now Jaraden could see no sign of his saddle or his sword just the beautifully curved dagger on the floor the woman had dropped earlier which he leant over to pick up and tucked threw into his belt as he made his way to the mouth of the cave.

    Walking out the cave Jaraden notices he was on the side of a cliff, looking round he could see a narrow path leading along the left side of cliff face that seemed to lead to a dense Forrest of the ground below.

    He was puzzled by his relocation and how had he got there, had the strange woman brought him there? He wondered to himself as he slowly edged himself along the narrow path his back hugging against the cliff face.

    Suddenly the bit of ledge he was on crumbled beneath his feet as he plummeted toward the Forrest floor below, with a thud Jaraden came to a standstill in the branches of a tree growing from a small ledge half way down the cliff face.

    He lay there dazed and in the silent he could hear the tree creaked under his wait for a moment before a loud crack as the tree gave way and his gurney to the forest floor bellow continued.

    His unconscious body thrashing threw the canopy of forest trees below before it came to an abrupt stop, blood seeped wildly threw his ripped clothing and gaping wounds.

    Some time had passed before Jaraden started to gain consciousness a strange taste filled his mouth before spasms of energy jolted threw his body which opened his eyes suddenly, “I see the elixir worked wonderfully young man ha ,ha.. You lucky I was picking mushrooms and found you” he heard a old woman’s voice say”.

    Looking round he could see a old lady with long gray hair dressed in a black dress looking at him with curious eyes, Jaraden unsure of her intention gave a friendly smile back..

    “Come with me I will get you some cloths yours look finished” the old lady said as she turned and started walking down the path.

    Examining his clothes Jaraden could see the riped blood stained clothes but he could not find any wounds from witch blood could have come from, “excuse me how is it I have no wounds I remember falling from the cliff? Jaraden asked surprised at his remarkable recovery.

    The old lady stopped for a moment without looking back “the elixir of life its magic it Heals all wounds, but you would not know this as you not from this world” she said then continued to walk down the path.

    “Thank you for saving me! And whatever do you mean not from this would” Jaraden exclaimed in disbelief

    “Come we will talk after you had a meal and have changed” the old lady said as she ushered Jaraden to follow her.

    They had not walked long threw the forest before he could see a small shack almost hidden in the undergrowth ,making their way to the door Jaraden followed the old lady into the shack

  3. Prolog to story I write


    In the beginning before story’s and lies became legend I witness the truth…

    Evil can’t touch me for there is one truth, I am the master sword..king of Hyrule

    I was meant to be the only survivor but all your eyes are blue.

    For im the one who wears all your faces when it was your turn to die.

    And so the naughty boy in the forest that would end your would

    Pul the moon down upon it ,the one that walked in the grass that moved all around him but there was no wind…you know my power for I am the one that will tell this story for I am the chosen

    Orical of time”and so he wanted to be just like me but the dragon had chosen his form.. a tree and so

    The dragon stood inside the boy and looked threw the angels eyes” ??? so how can u be the sole blade

    When you the devil that betrayed me!

    Master sword “I had a sole, but you had fiery and so u know I tell the truth"

    And I think I better write the story for I have grown up and so this time my swords will be of steal

    And so ill hold the swords of the sun and moon and twilight will full your world of lies!

    Craig George.

    tell me what u think please!?