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Posts posted by HeroFlame

  1. not that hard? I guess to alot of people it was easy, my brother did it just fine when he first played thru the game, but some people just don't see somethings.

  2. oh oh! Hes thinking "hm... why am I doing this again? screw this"

    and he turns around and goes to the milk bar! woho! :)

  3. *smacks mikel*

    look I just finsihed replying to everything, and here YOU are replying to my replys! ALL OVER THE FORUM XD

    you may have noticed this too, you relise now I must KILL you to end this so I may go to bed with the last word?! XD

  4. It seems more like a substitute for gamers until Twilight Princess comes out :P

    nah nah thats just the reason I played it

    now that I have gotton a ways into the game, it is DAMN good (sorry for da bad word XP)

    but I bet once TP comes out, I'm ganna forget totaly about Okami :D haha

  5. you guys ever notice you both have like the SAME avatar? you know how confusing that is!?

    anyway, yea, EVERY ONE hates thats temple

    I hate all water... drinking it, being near it, bathing in it, eaither way I just hate water

    and I even more so hate the one in MM, the temple isn't too bad, but the boss sucks

    its like you get up to the side, and BAM you just got eat but the darn FISHY OF DOOOM

    scares the CRAP outa me

    anywhooo, glad I helped

    I resently played the game again last week or something to see how fast I could beat it without a guild and play by memory sense its been so long sinse I have played it(failed), and when I got up to the water temple I got stuck, IN THE SAME SPOT, I NOTICED!

    it was in the middle room, where you raise the water up and theres a room under the platform that rises too

    I never noticed that.. >.> its sad how you repeat yourself..

    anyway I beat it in about.. 4 and a half days playing 3 hours a day maybe. XD thats.. kinda sad but.. its been so long sinse I had played it like I said.

  6. thats the spirit! stretch those minds! The whole point is to try and make an ineresting anser without having it related to what it OVEOUSLY is. THATS TRUE CREATIVITY!!!

    now common men! think, any anser will do, even something like True Gamer's "fashion show" anser XD

  7. I play it

    and it is EXACTLY like Zelda

    I still like Link better

    but.. from what I have learned from playing it.. you do basicly the same thing as link in Ocarina of time and etc.

    you even have a skill thats like a hockshot XD lol

    it is GOOD GAME, every one should play it,

    I mostly stared playing Okami because I got bored of waiting for TP <_<

    I could make a list of things that are the same as Legend of zelda, but I'm to lazy XD

  8. trust me, once you find that missing key, the rest of the temple is easy, and then you have the whole other half of the game to do! XD I personaly like the second half of the boss in the Spirit temple

    hope you enjoy it too lol :)

  9. *hugs* there now no more for awhile XD

    sheesh takin advantage of my hugs like that psh XP

    anyway that leaves the question of how Gerudo reproduce...

    oh oh, maybe the one male that is born every 100 years mates wit the rest of em

    then again you can only inbreed so many times.... >.>

    guess we'll never know XD

  10. woah this brings back memorys

    you know I was 6.. I got up to the water temple and and I just couldn't figure out where to go.. so I stoped playing for like 4 years

    last year I fianly just started playing again and I beat the game

    you may THINK you messed up, but you can't

    now what I did, I started the TEMPLE over

    I got a guild, and just followed it till I found a key and then I was un stuck

    here I'll copy and past the guild I used for you---

    hope this helps cha :D

    Water Temple


    After you enter the temple, reach the central area and go right, then use the

    Iron Boots to sink to the bottom floor. Follow the passageway until you meet

    Ruto again, then take off the boots and float up to the third floor. Play

    Zelda's Lullaby at the Triforce symbol to drain the water completely, then

    enter the nearby room. In the next room, defeat the spike enemies and open

    the chest to get the Map, then leave the room. Drop down the hole to the

    first floor and use Din's Fire to light the torches, which open the door.

    Defeat the clam enemies (target them, and use the Hookshot on their soft

    insides when the shell opens) in the next room to get a key. Follow the path

    back to the central area. Get to the far end of the room and push the block

    there until it drops. Follow the path until you reach the room with the

    rapidly moving water. There, put on your Iron Boots when you're above the

    pipe. Use the Hookshot to hit the switch in the statue's mouth, then use it

    again to reach the target on the wall nearby. Take off the Iron Boots and

    float up above the clams into another room and get a key. Then, go back to

    the main area and then enter the tower in the center of the room.

    Use the Hookshot to reach a higher platform and play Zelda's Lullaby there to

    raise the water halfway. Then, use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom of

    this room and follow the new passageway until you reach the switch. Hit the

    switch and defeat the various enemies to open the other gate in the ceiling.

    Float into the new opening and open the chest to get a key. Now, make your

    way back to the room where you changed the water level and enter the door

    above the water. In the main area, go right and use the Iron Boots to sink to

    the bottom, then follow the passage to where you met Ruto before. Then, float

    up to the second floor and bomb the cracked wall and get the key in the

    chest. Next, go back to the central area and float up to the second floor.

    From here, go to the far end of the room and use your key to open the door.

    Walk by the water and wait for the spider enemy to jump down, then defeat it

    with your sword and stand on the water. Use your Hookshot or arrows to shoot

    the nearby switch to be risen up to the next floor. Enter the next room and

    play Zelda's Lullaby by the Triforce symbol to raise the water completely.

    Then, go left and enter the room, and defeat the nearby bats in that room.

    After they're gone, drop down to the lowest platform and wait until it

    reaches its lowest point.

    Use the Hookshot to climb the platforms coming down the waterfall to reach

    the other side. Once there, continue to the next room. In the next room, get

    through by hitting the switch and using the Hookshot to reach the platforms,

    then eventually you'll reach the last platform. Stand on the statue-like head

    and hit the switch to go up to the door. Defeat the Like Like, then use the

    Hookshot to get over the spikes, and then enter the next room. Run across the

    room to the other door. Turn around and walk towards the tree to fight Dark

    Link. You can VERY easily defeat Dark Link by using your hammer because he

    can NOT copy it. You will just smash him, and he will even not defend himself

    nor attack you. After he's defeated, enter the next room. Open the chest to

    get the Longshot.

    Now, play the Song of Time behind the chest to make the block disappear. Drop

    into the hole and you'll be in an underground river. Drift down the river

    while avoiding the whirlpools and climb onto the ledge at the left wall near

    the end and shoot the eye switch with an arrow to open the nearby gate. Use

    the Longshot to reach the chest and get a key, then follow the path out to

    the rapid water room. Use the Longshot to cross the pool and then follow the

    path back to the central area. Back there, get to the far side of the room.

    Use the Iron Boots to reach the lowest room on that side, and follow that

    path to the room where you met Ruto and take off the boots to float upward.

    Once at the top, play Zelda's Lullaby to drain the water, then fall down the

    hole and make your way to the main area again.

    This time, enter the middle tower. Reach the upper ledge with the Longshot

    and play the lullaby again to raise the water level halfway. Leave the room

    and get to the back of the central area, and you'll see an eye switch. Shoot

    the switch with an arrow and use the Longshot on the target behind the gate

    before it shuts and follow the path until you reach a block. Push the block

    as far as it can go and go right and open the chest to get a key. Go straight

    out of the room and use the Longshot on the target in the ceiling, and you'll

    reach the main area again. Sink to the bottom of the room again and get to

    the right side, then go through that passage to the next room.

    Surface on the ledge in the room and use the Longshot to reach the other side

    by the door and use a key to open it. Get across the room while avoiding the

    spider enemies and the other obstacles and enter the next room. In the next

    room, defeat the Stinger enemies and drop down onto the ledge, then bomb the

    crack in the wall. In the new passage, pull the block as far as you can go,

    then get to the ledge across the water and bomb it, too. Then, enter that

    side of the passage and push the block as far as possible, then go back to

    the other side and pull the block some more. When you have enough room, get

    to the other side and push the block into the water so it pushes down the

    switch, which raises the water, giving you access to the door.

    Enter the next room and hit the switch with your sword, then quickly go

    across the rising water pillars to the other side. In the next room, put on

    your Iron Boots, then after the boulder passes you, go right and drop into

    the underwater passageway. Follow the passage to the end and take off your

    boots to float up to the surface and take the Boss Key from the chest in the

    following room. Now, make your way ALL the way back to the central area and

    float up to the surface of the water, and enter the room above you. Press the

    switch while you're standing on the water and go up to the top and play

    Zelda's Lullaby in the following ledge to completely raise the water level.

    Then, go left and stand on the platform across from the statue with the

    Longshot target. Aim your Longshot and go across the water and enter the next

    room. In the next room, run up the slope with the Blade Traps without getting

    hurt to reach the Boss's Room! (This may take a few times.) Jump onto one of

    the platforms in the water and the boss, Morpha will appear. Read the Bosses

    section of this guide to find out how to beat it. After you defeat Morpha,

    take the Heart Container and exit through the blue light.

    and heres the link for hole guild.


  11. Let's just hope, for the love of all that is mighty, you reproduce without having sex...

    lol I was discrusing this with my bf D

    I think the All Male race of Gorons

    and the All Female race of Gerudo

    either are like plants and make their own babys XD (that was my bf's idea)

    or they "mate" with each other, and its like boy/girl but with goron/gerudo XD

    they both start with G after all *nods*

  12. well who ever he or she is, I am sexier than AV XD

    and yes, my bf WILL kill you :)

    Only the most fine men are aloud to date me! *grins*

    *cough*... :embarrassed:

    anyway I am... *counts on her fingers* well mommy says I can't tell people my age XP

    nah, I'm 14 :D can't you tell by my birthday on my profile? (duh?)

  13. Oot XD really, its the first game I played..

    ah yes, I was6 or 7...I still remeber how much I feared the first boss in the deku tree and made my brother fight him for me... and I remeber getting stuck on water temple ... yes yes, an 8 year crush on link XD

    does zelda games count or are we listing other games? XD

  14. I don't hate any villains, seeing as there is no adventure without them. :D

    lol I agree

    Ganon is a kool dude that spent 7 years in Oot cleaning and taking care of his castle, ruling over many, and learning to play the organ. :D not to metion hes been sealed over and over, the poor guy, hes been thru so much <_< then again hes in a race that is of all hot girls... lucky &*^%

    And I mean GOSH, the only girl he wants and wishes to impress with his almighty-ness (zelda of course) likes LINK XD and man link doesn't even get a kiss from her. ganon goes thru alot... :P

    (who could love a man thats true form is a big pig?)

    while I'm on the topic, I will go off topic :D

    Link, risks his LIFE to save zelda, and all he ever gets is a "thank you." I personaly hate Zelda XD I dunno why, its just her blonde-ness, I first relised how much I hated her when I was running down the tower in OoT

    as I run, she pushes me out of the way and I almost fall, she "GASPS" and thats it, you think she could use some magic to make it so I won't fall, better yet, use your magic to just teleport us out of the tower or something :embarrassed: anyway, when I finaly get down the tower and fight da big-pig-man ( lol) and my sword is knocked away, she just GASPS and doesn't even offer to thru it back to me.

    and by the time I CAN get the sword she just stands there pointing at it and saying "link the sword!" and making me go all the way over and get it myself XD

    all she ever does is gasp when I get hit in the head with a falling boulder <_<

    and I, personaly, don't hate Ganondorf333 XD just thought I'd say

  15. now guys remeber you can almost say anything XD like "he makes it over the hole, but then runs right into a tree"

  16. hmm... for the first one "Minish Cap: Yer holdin it upside down, boy! | Link: ..."

    For the second one "*dramatic lights, Sounds, and Camera Angles* you got...AIR! on the Equipment Subscreen, you can equip it to a C button. Air is used for Breathing, Especially underwater!"


    D wins! :D

    lol, NEXT GAME YAY!

    now if you understand the question for this picture, this will seem easy to you <_<


    Whats going to happen next?

    (example anser: he doesn't make it over the hole, and falls down it." XP)

    good luck! :D