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Posts posted by Gin

  1. I always love to read discussions like these on the internet. And this is the first time I've ever offered any input. I am a Mennonite, not catholic, so I'm from a totally different denomination than Lionheart. And yet, I agree with him completely. I see no problem with choosing one denomination over another, it's totally yours to choose. And like he said before, We're all worshiping the same god, but in different ways. Anyways, the point is there is nothing wrong with giving yourself a label, as long as it's not someone else labeling you. The problem is not in fact the labels themselves, but the people who abuse them. You can't believe that everybody from one label is the same. That's Profiling. And You also can't truly criticize or label yourself anything until you know a decent amount about it, like people who walk around saying they're christian just because they went to church once or twice, or like the F*** (insert religion here) groups on facebook, who totally base their views of a religion on one or two single events(most of which involve cruel acts of violence or sexual assault). I don't see what your problem is Chameleon, Labels are both good and bad. There's really no point arguing about it. Sure they separate people, but they also bring so many people together. I really didn't mean to write this much, it just sorta happened, and I'm sorry if I made myself sound like a total hypocrite, I do that sometimes without even realizing it until someone points it out.

  2. Fantasy and Reality are like light and dark. You can't have one without the other. If we didn't have Reality, we'd have nothing to fantasize about. Controversially, Without Fantasy, It's hard to believe that life would be even worth living. I could never choose one over the other. Balance is key to living life to it's fullest.